I hate her

I hate her

RE thread

Oh nice a megaman thread

I love her. I don't care what that bastardization did in RE6.


Put that fat cock where I can see it!

I'm doing a resident evil playthrough right now. I'm on 3 atm. almost done, in the dead factory. what a great game.

I really love the old re games a lot.

I'm excited to play code veronica next as I've never played it before.

no point to this post. just wanted to say I am enjoying resident evil.

CVX is pretty bad honestly.

It's really disappointing compared to 3.

I'm playing through 2 and I'm out of ammo, I'm in the basement and there is dogs everywhere.

Yea I've heard it's not great but I'm still excited.

you must be really bad. I found 2 the easiest one. amazing game.

Kek, good luck

>TFW Daddy won't give you his tentacles


Have multiple saves, don't get attached to the shotgun, and Hunters are your pals.

>sherry says she can handler herself
>gets scared and sits down if you run more than 10 feet in front of her

What's the true RE thread for now? There's this other Leon thread along with this one

I just bought REmaster, is my cursor supposed to be over the game?

That's what I'd do in the RE universe.

I'd do her too.

it does that, you just have to push it to the edge of the screen, also you better be using a controller

Birkin a shit, everyone knows who Sherry's real dad was

also delet this

>implying tank controls don't work just fine with keyboard

Recently played through 1-2-3 on PC because i was too lazy to hook up my PS1 and search for discs and it's really not that bad. I used mouse buttons for aiming and shooting/action, shift to run/cancel, tab for inventory and m for map and it served me well.

Just finished re-playing Claire A on ps1 emulator and keyboard. Z for shoot/action, X for aiming, C to run, V for inventory, A to cancel, arrow keys to move. Controls didn't bother me

controller is better tho

>running out of ammo
Actually I can see how this happens if you're playing on normal. Just note if you restart that there's a shitton of ammo everything in the foreground and background hidden out of sight.

>playing easy