How will Segafags ever recover from this??

How will Segafags ever recover from this??

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Sonic was always inferior,
What else is new?

>The game's fanbase grew up to be productive members of society

This really is something I've been noticing lately. All the 'Nintendo' kids I knew are super successful and happy. Sega and Playstation kids are single parents, do a lot of a drugs, have money problems, the list goes on and on.

I mean, compare Spoony's life to the AVGN's.

>can be resold

What the fuck is that 96 level bullshit there's only like 74 or something never understood that meme

Omg a midget with a mustache who rides a green dinosaur #so relatable x3

96 exits to the levels

SMB 3 > SMB > Lost Levels > power gap > sonic > SMW > SML 2 > Sonic 3 > SML > Sonic 2 > S&K

Too hard for me to give fair judgment
Sonic on game gear

They will not recover. You just killed all of the remaining sega faggots.

But first, while I believe the above statement is true in general, for the sake of objectivity for this post I am going to be referring to 2 specific games: Sonic 3&Knuckles vs Super Mario World. I concede that it's not really fair to compare Sonic to Mario as they are 2 separate games, but I contend that, hypothetically if one did want to compare them as much as possible, S3K and SMW are the most logical choices for this as they both represent the 3rd entry in each games' console history.

Greentext for points relating to Sonic, normaltext for Mario. Let's begin (in no particular order):

>3 fully developed playable characters with completely different sprite sheets (6 if you count super/hyper transformations, which you should)
Basically 1 playable character. "Luigi" is little more than a cheap palette swap with slightly different handling.

>Unique special abilities for each character in addition to abilities granted from items.
No true special abilities, gimmicky item mechanic implemented instead, causing both characters to not only look the same but play the same.

>Complex, multiple branching paths and routes through the levels, which are all highly detailed with tons of secrets and hidden stuff you didn't even know existed, even 20 years later. Very high replay value.
Relatively simple, linear levels with a few obvious "secrets" that once you inevitably stumble upon them that's all there is to know. Average replay value.

>3 types of mini-games in the form of bonus stages, plus 1 totally separate mode of play in the special stages that consists of 14 unique levels by itself.
Nothing. Unless you count "hidden stages" but that's not really fair because the gameplay in those areas is exactly the same as in the rest of the game.

Hope you're enjoy being BTFO'd, idiots, 'cause there's still (1) more where that came from.

>Superior multiplayer capability. Drop in, drop out simultaneous 2player mode by playing as Sonic and Tails. There is also splitscreen versus mode. 6+ save slots.
Dated, pedantic, boring "take turns playing" 2player mode that nobody likes and nothing more. Only 3 save slots.

>Better, more detailed graphics despite the Genesis being able to display far less colors than the SNES
Simple, bland graphics that look like they just hurried up to finish production on time

>Features an original, in-depth storyline told through cinematic cutscenes which was way ahead of its time
Save the princess. Wow. How creative (and sexist). Also no cutscenes.

>Truly outstanding music soundtrack with many catchy, technically impressive tunes obviously created by professionals who have studied music extensively, including Micheal Jackson.
A few catchy tunes here and there, nothing really noteworthy.

>Cutting edge game designed specifically to take full advantage of the then state of the art Genesis hardware.
Essentially just a rehash of a game from the previous generation, which was originally based on arcade games from even more generations ago.

>Even after 20 years there is still nothing else quite like /vr/ Sonic. Few games have even attempted, and none have succeeded.
Countless Mario clones shitting up the video game market for decades.

There's probably other stuff I'm forgetting.

Basically Sonic is better than Mario in virtually every way. Try again drones, your killer argument is in another (nonexistent) castle. Lol.

>Challenging, the player's skills and reflexes are tested to prove a satisfying experience

>The game's fanbase grew up to be productive members of society
I know this is a bait image but Mario's fanbase is just as autistic as Sonic's haha

>comparing the 4th game in a series to the 1st game in a series
Epic. Simply epic.

Is it because you know World can't compete with the real top dog?

>mario fanbase
>grew up to be productive members of society

Literally the gayest thing I've seen all week. That's so gay - literal gay porn is straight compared to that - and in fact I think I'll go watch some now to become straight again.

>Not for resale

my sides fampai

Streets of Rage 2 can't be resold.
Clearly this means that games with that label are of high quality.

Depends on what you mean by fanbase. The people who played the first few Mario games aren't TTYD autists and such. By the time those games came out, the sonic furfags needed something new to latch onto. Normal, well adjusted adults played mario in their youth, and probably enjoy it every now and again with their wife and children on the nintendo Wii U, so long as it doesn't interfere with Sunday night HBO, leisure reading and NPR listening.

bu-but nintendon't


tell me user, which franchise has more quality porn?

wtf i hate sonic now
wtf i hate mario now

>playing any of those games when you can just fly up and win xD



>limited flight vs unlimited flight
fat Italian men can just fly better I guess

>using your leisure time that badly

Can someone hook me up with some catchy mario beats?

SMB3 has more levels, more power ups, and is more difficult than SMW. Better overworld too.

Mario was designed as a home console game because Nintendo was trying to break new ground with the new improved hardware.

Sonic was designed as an arcade game because that's Sega was known for and was good at. Even the Genesis was advertised as a "home-arcade" system.

Both have their place in history.

>Nintendo was trying to break new ground with the new improved hardware
They weren't trying hard enough it seems

>Nintendo owns the game
>pirate fags do not

What a hard concept to follow.

It's interesting that you should point out that particular example as it's a very telling example of the alpha / beta dichotomy

Is getting retards to subsidize his life via Patreon by faking depression, tricky trickster living the ultimate NEET life while only getting off his ass to fuck his gf

Cuckold, married to a disgusting slag like a fucking moron, has to raise a literally retarded child and balance fatherhood with making videos in which he plays a character he hates in a desperate bid to save his failing youtube channel

Redpill me on smb 0-1 level.

Whats the lore behind it? How to beat it?

Normally these OCs are shit and/or blatantly bias but this one was well done and made sense.

Really made me think in an unironic way and I salute you OP.

t. Mariofag

>makes sense
it says there's no power ups, when there are power ups

s... shut up

I never played Sonic because I'm not a furfag so I wouldn't know.


>Sonic can't die as long as he has one ring
Somebody never played the games. Ever heard of drowning?

> >can

Doesn't SPM have the invincible spin attack and the zone that gives you free lives and powerups? Also, Yoshi makes you very invincible.