J-just finished P4!!

>not into a lot of RPGs
>finished FF VII and Grandia once
>hear all about this Persona 4 franchise
>"proper" weebshit? Hmm...
>see PS2 version in a shop
>okay. Lets see.
>get home, load up.
>catchy music for sure
>meet Yukiko and Chie
>"w-what r u sayin Chie!? B-BAKA!"
>pfft... I knew it...
>give it some more time
>days pass
>discover Chie and Yosuke are good bro's
>save yukiko
>start hanging out with Chie
>share lunch
>Chie thanks me for lunch gets a red face and fuck me eyes
>feel muh dick stir irl
>w-what is this??
>about a week in
>Chie phones
>"hey user, wanna hang out?"
>(but you didn't have enough "courage")

f-fucking damn all anons Atlus got me... What a fucking ride, i just finished this great game and will now never play Persona 4 for the first time again! Fuc this gay earth!

Im hurt anons. Arena is next and then ultima arena after... Persona 4 thread?

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf repost

now play real jrpg like smt

Glitch in the matrix user. You feeling alright?


Fuck off lonely fag

>Persona 4 thread?
You know it son

As i am cluless and Persona 4 was my first... How does this game tie into the shin megami tensei series as just "a spinoff"?

Also, will any ither Persona games give me the feels quite like 4 did? Its clear to me it has "FFVII status" in the persona series seeing as it gets all these cool spinoff games and anime.

t-thanks user! y-you too!

It's an alternative timeline, or spinoff, or same universe different story kind of thing.

Persona 5 will. Hopefully.

>PS2 version
tsk tsk tsk

Bet they don't have a tomboy though... P4 has TWO!

So would Persona 3 be a good next step for me? I have already ordered Arena for PS3 and just got the animation on blu-ray in the mail. I don't like weeb shit at all but i'll be a faggot for this series i think.

The game did make me feel like i should know who Inazami was in the grand acheme of things.

Hey it came with a nice OST at least. And why not? It was good enough at some point right? I love my PS2-kun and don't want a vita.

>he doesn't know who Izanami is
Boy, you'd better brush up on your mythology. Especially if you want to get into Shin Megami Tensei.

I kind of get it user, i mean they talked about the love story during class, so is persona the japanese mythology equvilent to say having a digimon called Thor and using it to defeat the final boss zues? Is that how this universe works?

>actually buying this shite when you can pirate it all

>actually pirating this shit when you can own it all

This is a hobbyist board user.

Yeah persona 3 is a good step. Or just wait for 5. Then you can branch into the superior mainline SMT games.
t. person that became a faggot for this series

It's not strictly required, but Golden adds a fair amount of content such as an additional month, two more social links, retweaked game mechanics, more music, more Persona evolutions, and adds more to the ending. There's more to it, but this is said without going into too much detail. If you're OP, it'd give you more new stuff to enjoy if you liked the game that much.

If you want it, get a PSTV for it since they're dirt cheap now. Otherwise, just get Persona 5.

Why are you stuttering? Faggot.

I am OP yeah...

Why do people keep saying Persona 5 over Persona 3? Is there something wrong with 3?

congrats you have autism

shin megami tensei is what you are supposed to play, persona gives you autism if you didn't have it already

Board culture innit. It's the "in" thing to pretend to be gay or a pathetic virgin on the internet, eapecially Sup Forums right?

So what do i do with it?

Purge it off by playing mainline

Got a PS2, PS3, PS4 and an N64 and a shitty toast machine of course. So i guess i have the right platforms? How reasonable are SMT priced?

Playing 3 (and later 4) over the summer is one of my fondest gaming memories. I played 3 before I went into my sophomore year too.

>not having a mod chipped console to pirate games

yeah, i don't think you belong on Sup Forums

nice blogpost faggot

Nothing is "wrong" with 3 so to speak, but it does have its problems, the main one being that the game mechanics are much more limiting in 3 than 4. You'll feel the restrictions for a bit until you get used to it. You don't necessarily get to control your NPC party members like you can in 4 during combat (Portable fixes this a bit at the cost of being able to walk around areas, so not worth it your first time around) and maxing out every social link by yourself is really difficult. On the plus side of it, I feel that the story in 3 is more interesting and I tend to like the characters from 3 more, one of the bigger reasons being that they don't worship you as the best person ever like the cast from 4 does. If you're interested in it still, it's worth a play. Go for P3: FES if you do since it adds an additional (though arguably questionable) campaign.

The main reason why people say Persona 5 over 3 is because Persona 5 is "supposed" to mix in the best of both worlds (story/characters from Persona 3 and game mechanics from Persona 4), but I don't know much about the game since I haven't played it yet. People want you to have the best time possible as quickly as you can.

marie a shit

PS2 version, so never met her.



Her hat looks like a duck!

quack, quack! ^_^

I don't care if it's bait, but at least this nigga has some good taste.


The hell was that?!

It's not bait my good man, i have a sexual atteaction to that animu teen tomboy in the polyester tracksuit.

I think i might be glad she was not in the original... She sounds like she is literally:


it doesn't matter now user
all that does is that you made the right choice

Of all the girls in the group she feels like the kind of girl who would just be "huh? What me?" When you ask her out.

That's exactly what she does. I think it's when you max out her social link and ask her to be your girlfriend, she says something along the lines of "why did you choose me?", which is cute and only makes me love her more.

Well, Persona and SMT have different rules, but I will try to explain the Persona rules as best I can. Basically Personas themselves are manifestations of aspects of a person's personality. They are created by the Collective Unconscious, and the reason they look like gods and demons is because all humans have unconscious knowledge of gods and demons within their heart. All of the myths that have ever existed are mearly an expression of knowledge that already exsisted within the human heart. Shadows work in the exact same way, but they are not tamed like Personas are. As for beings like Izanami, they are also representations of the Collective Unconscious but they are a bit different from Shadows and Personas. Basically, they represent the collective will of humanity rather than individual will. I hope that explains things well enough.

Persona 3 is much better, but it sounds like you liked 4 got all the faggy reasons that 3 doesn't pander to.

>mfw when i did this to a tomboy in the last 3 months irl
>asked her out
>she said yes
>first date
>she is actually very pretty, just understated, she has a mop of short hair, does not wear make up, and wears flanel checkerd shirts
>very andro
>all going well
>so why DID you ask me out user
>tell her:
>you seemed pretty cool and you're beautiful, cmon!
>watched her pupils dialate
>we kissedthe rest of that night.

I also loved the fuck out of P4. I used to shitpost in those threads back then because the game looked like retarded waifu trash on the fucking PS2 when the PS3 was already out and there was no way it could have possibly be good, but one day I was really bored so I loaded it up on PCSX2 and man, what a game. Definitely in my top 3 JRPGs ever.

I hope P5 will be at least as good as this one (P3 wasn't).

Playing FES and Golden over the summer in my mostly empty apartment a few years back was one of my fondest gaming memories. I usually hate weeb games but FES looked neat and that's all it took

I've played P4 first, and while I do love all of the anime tropes on it, P3 is still better. The characters and story are a downgrade on P4, but they did improve the gameplay a bit.
Both are great games which I love, but the character development on P3 is a lot better, and that makes a huge difference for the game.

Everyone in P3 felt angsty and unlikeable to me, especially the females. Also I didn't really enjoy the grimdarkan that was going on with that game.

Are you kidding? 3 is complete faggot shit. P3's cast consists entirely of edgelords. A dog and a child join the party to make it feel even hokier than it already did.


So fucking original.

Yes, P3 was a good game outside of a few poor choices, but it is way cheesier than P4.

Oh yeah, and the whole retarded antagonist cast and the "LOL I LUV U" with the redhead chick was also completely stupid.

So much shit. The guy dying of cancer or whatever was also a shitty social link, really, all of the social links were pretty bad, but that one stood out.

The cheesiest thing in P4 is the trap detective which is obnoxious but forgivable.

>and while I do love all of the anime tropes on it

I haven't watched an anime since Evangelion, Inuyasha, GTO, and shit like that something like 15 years ago. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I enjoyed P4 so much. Can you recommend me an anime that feels like P4? Even better if it has no supernatural elements but just japanese high school shenanigans. But no moe shit please.

The themes are different, and that's certainly subjective. P4 is a lot more comfy. Still, I also didn't like the girls at first, but by the end, I like them a lot more than the P4 ones because of the much better character development. I'm not a big fan of the endless dick sucking and happens as soon as anyone meets the P4 protagonist.

>one of the bigger reasons being that they don't worship you as the best person ever like the cast from 4 does

Narukami is life and he prolly has a giant dick.

>but no moe shit
You'll fall for it, eventually

Holy shit user, you're living the dream. Good job.

Oh god, you played the 50hz pal version. I have that shit, it's so bloody slow that I got the NTSC copy and played that instead.

Can you give me some good entry level slice of life school animu? Give me one non moe and one moe.

Anyway, how's Hibike Euphonium? I saw some webm of it some time ago and it looked well drawn and interesting.

Got component cable at least.

Go read Azumanga Daioh first, then go watch its anime. It is genuinly very funy for a 4koma and it keeps on giving. The manga is the size of a phone book and good shit.

>Hibike Euphonium

It really doesn't appeal to me but the visuals look great. It's all about music and the main lead is kinda weak character wise from what I've seen. After P4 I actually recommend Barakamon since it's about a guy from the city being sent to the boonies and it has that comfortable-looking rural setting. The characters are all likable and it's funny. It's not a school-centered anime though.

Any chance of having a P5 team healer without the fucking cat? If not, then I'm gonna have to make Protag the bitch because Morgana is off the team asap


I enjoyed Yuyushiki and Kill me Baby,

Yea he would be worshipped girl. Guys wicked tall and really good with people

>chie anons in here
>no mention of va disaster

guess you guys didn't really care about it?

Not a fan of P3 myself. It's a lot "edgier" than P4, sometimes that works for it- it seems a lot more serious. Other times it doesn't- the cast barely felt like friends and it's not comfy in the least.

The supports are often a bit shallower and the mechanics/dungeon is a lot more tedious. Not controlling your party fucking sucks.

Story is probably better, but it's zero fun completely serious the whole time.

What disaster? The original dub, right? Because they've fixed that on P4G.

I liked her original voice actor just fine. Sounds like a real person. I am watching the animation atm and ahe is ok in that too i guess.

>the cast barely felt like friends
That's the main point, really. They're not friends, they just have a common goal and have to work together in order to achieve it, but by the end of the story they do become friends, and that's why the character development is much better on it. On P4 it feels like they're already friends as soon as they meet.

It's not really surprising how they treat you though

>Play as a tall, handsome and confident badass.

>Play as a wierd, silent autist who runs with his hands in his pockets and has his eyes trained to the ground.

Minato is a badass too, just as much as Yu, but goddamn, y'know?

Plenty good games on PS2 yeah. And you can emulate the older games.
I wouldn't know about pricing, I emulated them all

Yeah, in P4 they felt like school kids having fun, hanging out and saving the world. It was awesome and happy nostalgia to those days of your youth, hanging out with your mates after school, goofing around, all the fun stuff.

P3 didn't capture that at all, it never intended to, that wasn't the aim. And while that works for the mood, I never felt the whole "team" aspect of the cast.

Chie is the best wifu.

im tired of the junpeis and yosukes.

cant we get some better friends? i'm always going to the afterschool clubs for better male broship.

What about Chie? She was bro as fuck.

Personally, I'm tired of Teddies, but even be was okay.

>That scene where Teddie and Yosuke try interrupt because the think I'm fucking Naoto


>Play as a tall, handsome and confident badass

He does that walk with hand in one pocket thing. At first i couldn't be sure if it was cool or edgy as fuck.

i think the way Kanji wears his coat around his shoulders is cool as fuck.

>>That scene where Teddie and Yosuke try interrupt because the think I'm fucking Naoto


the vita port.

>no kanji or teddie
But why?

In Golden you go on a ski trip, and during it get stranded in a cottage with (one of) your waifu(s).

While bumbling around the cottage some suggestive dialogue happens, I don't remember the details but I think it sounds like Yu's bending Naoto over and taking her from behind (petty sure the Rise one implies anal, but I may be remembering wrong)

Turns out, you weren't as far from civilization as you thought and so Yosuke and Teddie burst in to interrupt (partially justified for Rise, not at all for anyone else) and it turns out you're not doing anything sexual at all.

IIRC Rise gets mad, says they're stupid and that she can fuck you anytime she wants. She's pretty based.

Makoto is a healer too

>Dissing Morgana

Does she actually say that? In the PS2 version its always just implied. On christmas eve Chie stays overnight with Yu. But it's never actually said that these guys fuck or are actually are sexually active at all. Like would we assume Yu and his chosen waifu Chie are virgins or what?

congratulations, you just became a weeb

sounds like a chav weeb too.

>chav weeb

Jesus do i? Why?

I wonder what that would look like?

It's not outright stated, she says that she can do it anytime she wants, that she doesn't need their approval/permission, but it's not stated that they did.

Yu definitely isn't a virgin of you've done the Devil Arcana though, unless you turned Sayoko down for some reason I guess.

>Tfw you never get to bang Eri from the Temperance Arcana

What a waste.

Also, personal opinion, of Chie is your girl, I don't recommend Golden. All the additional scenes are a bit meh, but Chie suffers from it the most. Her character arc is so complete they didn't have anything to add onto it, so her extra scenes are just her talking herself down and being shocked someone like you wants to date someone like her.

Sucks because I loved how spunky and confident she was.

>play Persona game for the first time

Like fucking clockwork. Truly baby's first waifu.

smt, especially nocturne, is much more about gameplay than story
You care about the characters and shit, so Persona is for you. SMT probably isn't for you.
Every single thread without fail a SMTfag will show up and shitpost Persona without recognising that both "series" try completely different things and aren't really comparable.

kind of like a black weeb homie.

AY YOO that CHAI E is my bitch homie.

So whatever chav/bong dialect you pick.

>People like fun, friendly well designed character

Stop the fucking presses.

>so Persona is for you. SMT probably isn't for you.
That's not true i like Persona and SMT both, i don't think it's a matter of picking a side

Yeah, I guess I'm used to characters like Yukiko and Yukari being the dedicated life support, with skills that heal injuries, recover from status effects, and revive. I guess I'll have to spread the duties this time, with Makoto on healing, Haru on ailment recovery and probably Protag on revive, because there's no way in hell I'm letting Morgana on the team. Just like Teddie and Koromaru before, no animals allowed.

Is P5 good?
Like I've heard surprisingly little about it.
besides some spoilers right after it came out

There are people who like both styles of course. But if you go into SMT expecting S.Links and japanese high school waifus you're going to have a real bad time.

>In Golden you go on a ski trip, and during it get stranded in a cottage with (one of) your waifu(s)

>Implying the best option isn't to go with the boys

>that pic
>i-is she wearing Yu's jacket?!

Is there any better feel when you start fucking a chic and they immeadiatly start wearing your cloths n shit? Its like its the sign you have fucked, a rite of passage.

Only the moon aliens know.