Demon's Souls

When are they going to finally port this shit forward? They're done making souls content, this is literally their only job left. Like, why do they so desperately want their game to die?

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I haven't played a single Souls game.

Should I start with Demon's Souls?


Yes, just play all of them in release order and you'll have a good time. Dark Souls II isn't as bad as people around here make it seem




Don't listen to him, start with demons or dark souls

If you have a PS3, play them in order. DS > DS1 > DS2 > DS3 > Bloodborne.

If you just have PC, then play the Dark Souls trilogy in order.

>what is emulation

Don't listen to him, start with Demons, no exceptions.

I guess online will be dead forever then.


start with dark souls, its on sale on steam a lot. demons souls is, by comparison, a much more difficult, inconvenient game. dark souls will give you a better first impression of the series, demons souls will just wear you out

I should clarify, it doesn't really matter what order you play which games in, as long as you play the Dark Souls trilogy in order. Demon Souls has aged the worst, but it's still fun. Dark Souls 2 is a bit better than this board will tell you it is. It's still the low point though.

Better for it to die than let you get your greasy fingers on it

Demons souls isn't difficult

It isn't FROM's decision. Sony owns the IP; they just developed it.
What do you think the chances are of Sony porting its own products to a competitor platform? I'll give you a hint: it's close to the likelihood of Nintendo porting something to PlayStation.

Yeah its coming right after the bloodborne port

I've already played it, you dumb sonygger. It's barely alive.

Start with Dark souls

Dark Souls undeniably had the best pvp. it might not anymore though....sad

your play order should be : ds1, ds2/demons souls, ds3, and then bloodborne at any point you feel like

Let From rest senpai. They're going to turn into Onega Force at this rate

DeS -> DS1 -> Bloodborne -> Nioh

The only ones you need.

"Should I start with the first game in the series?"
what do you think retard?

Yes. Demon's Souls is the only game that truly captures the feeling of being a lone adventurer exploring dungeons. It makes you feel small and it's challenging because you have to work your way around things instead of charging through with your sword.

The story is out of order numerically.
des>das>das2>das3>bb is the normal order

when really it's more like this


>competitor platform

Op literally just asked for it to be ported forward to ps4. that's nothing too crazy, i think people who own ps4's and have supported the franchise deserve at least that

>most overpowered magic out of all games

fuck you

From doesn't wanna waste time on working on old games.

It'd be up to Sony and Atlus to find a team to work on any potential remaster.

Yeah Demon's/Dark Souls rerelease for PS4 would be a day one buy for me

I bet all the people in this thread saying to play demons souls first have literally never even played it. "durr hurr it's the first souls so play it first"

as an ACTUAL souls fan, demons souls is probably in second or third place behind bloodborne, just because it's first doesn't make it best

Bloodborne and DeS are the best in the series.

Dark souls is the best

Looks good doesn't it?

My PS3 broke 2 days after getting this and I never bothered fixing it.

>why are these people recommending that he play the first game in the souls series? what a bunch of bullshit!


i've seen people explain well why bloodborne is good

explain why demons souls is a better souls game, because consumable health items, the boss soul mechanic, and world tendency were all dumb as fuck

dark souls did a really good job with the humanity mechanic, the lore was provided in a much mroe digestable way, the bosses were WAYYY more interesting and actually relevant to the story, and the open world aspect was FAR superior to a nexus like hub, that every proceeding game tried and failed to emulate.

and the AREAS in dark sousl....really puts the environment in other souls games to shame. demons souls is boring as fuck, the entire game has the same boring castle aesthetic

Same. I'll probably do it this week or next week

My gamestop had one of those for like 20 bucks a few years ago and iirc that wasn't an uncommon thing. I wonder how many of those they made

who the fuck plays souls for the pvp

It's 1/10th the depth of a fighting game, with 3x the delay. Souls pvp was put in place to enhance the single player experience, and to stress out the players.

Remove DaS babies

Dark souls achieves the same thing though

World tendency was a nice idea. I still don't get how it works.

demons souls sucked though

>the fuck plays souls for the pvp

i invade the undead parish, right before gargoyles, with my onebro for fun. i've probably killed HUNDREDS of new players using only black flame, i am the biggest piece of shit

They're definitely not going to port it, but I hope they do a remaster for PS4 eventually.

Checking eBay the Demon's Souls limited editions are going for 60€ or so, both PAL and NTSC. Bloodborne LE is more expensive.

>Using magic

>When are they going to finally port this shit forward?
>what is emulation

just posting this in the thread

begging for des on PS4 is useless because from what ive gathered its about confusing ownership bullshit, otherwise they would probably do it and fast since the souls train has became a mainstream thing now

I advise you play bloodborne last, don't be like me and play bloodborne right before dark souls 3 and drop ds3 because of how shit and clunky it felt, save the best for last my guy

>confusing ownership bullshit
>either owned by Sony or by From
doesn't sound so confusing

>Implying anyone over 12 doesn't have a 360 or ps3
Never ever only works for current gen

not him but personally I simply like the more historical european horror theme of demons souls, the atmosphere and OST is more eerie, the level selection mechanic and the more interesting lore

There are really no objective ways to put one over the other, dark souls would probably win if it didnt turn to shit after the halfway point

bloodborne is the uncontested winner

How do souls games feel clunky?

atlus, sony, from and someone else im forgetting, the ownership shit has more to do with the publishing rights rather than who developed it

you really shouldn't need to ask clarification. don't be a pedant sperg

Fucking retard.

The second half isn't that bad. I'd consider dark souls the best though
Fuck off

I want a remaster so bad along with the cut archstone.
I wouldn't want them to change combat and physics though.

I'm guessing it's because bloodborne encourages relentless aggression, and the average build is physically faster than the average DS3 build.

strive for more intelligent discussion and axe yourself idiot

>ps3 emulation

Literally never, or not for 20 years, the cell is retarded. Look at Sega Saturn emulation. That system wasn't even salvageable physically for piracy until this past year.

If you want to play demons souls your only option is to buy a cheap ps3 and put cfw on it

dork souls is shit compared to bb, what don't you understand?

>dark souls would probably win if it didnt turn to shit after the halfway point
painted world and the DLC make up for that though. Otherwise I'd say Bloodborne is easily the best. Can't speak for Demon's because ive never owned a ps3

>One game is fast so the rest are clunky
That doesn't make any sense
No u

most games will be playable within a few years

its not surprising you're struggling to understand

Struggling to understand what, exactly?

>tfw bought wii and 360
Chad Warden was right.

go play your games kid

>bought the Limited Edition
>played maybe five hours and never touched it again

I don't understand why everyone's so hype for BB. It's pretty average in the base game and becomes a lot better after the dlc.

try and empathize, people just like it more than you and maybe disagree with your views.

Save Bloodborne for last, you won't want to go back.

You might want to play Dark Souls 1 first, it can be weird playing it right after the speedier controls of DeS if you marathon them.

>That doesn't make any sense
The context is that it was the first one he played, therefore the others felt clunky when he got to them.

I know, I'm just saying I don't get it

Forget porting it forward, port it to the PC.
Sick of being out of the loop when it's discussed and I can only draw on my familiarity with Dark Souls, there are knowledge gaps.

>port forward = put it on PC
What the fuck am I reading.

Just play nioh, because it's the best souls game.

it's the only one you should play

get a console ya dongus

>babby can't handle the FOMO
Maybe you shouldn't have been such an underage little faggot when it first came out.

>Dark Souls II isn't as bad as people around here make it seem

yes it is and it deserves every piece of shit thrown at it

Do them in the order they came out
Dark souls 2 you'll still like it's twice the length of das1 but a lot of the bosses aren't great and the world design is shitty, although there are some good areas

nah. Hell, it has the best PvP yet.

We got the cut archstone though.

It's called crown of the ivory king

The world design is the best in the series

Every Souls game is the fucking same. And has been since DeS. Quit lying to yourself.

don't be absurd.

yea i cant wait to enjoy all this pvp in a shit dead beatemup game no one plays

I'm not, I'm right

>although there are some good areas
like what

the one area that isnt a castle in a vast expanse of water

Too bad you'd have to actually play dark souls II to get to the pvp.

you are being ABSURD. DS2 is great but it has flaws!

This...kind of...

Don't even bother playing normal DS2, just play the SoTFS edition, its the same game but vastly improved, even though they are technically different games with different servers.

I was talking about dark souls 1

It's hard to say how they've aged. I did go back to DaS1 with a buddy recently and I was surprised how poopy it looked in comparison. This might be one of those play them in release order if you ever want to play them all situations. If you're having a hard time getting into DeS just skip to DaS3 though.

I agree. It's the worst in the series but it's still a good, if very flawed, game. My no armor dual wield poison spotted whip run was the most fun I've had in a souls game.

oh then you're just ignorant of BB.

But ds3 was like bloodborne. The other games are clunky as fuck though.

>You're just ignorant
This isn't facebook nigger