That hour of vidya before heading off to work

>that hour of vidya before heading off to work

Thats the worst time to play desu, always stressing and looking at the clock

>he doesn't have all his free time before work and sleep immediately after getting home
It's like every day is a mini Saturday. You should try it.

I really should. Every night I stay up way too late thinking that I can handle the next day with as little sleep as I get.

>working on sundays
Literally who the fucks does this unironically ?

>tfw you dread going to work so much that you just stay in bed all day


>tfw crying on the way to work

How do I job hunt

>Tfw you have a job you actually enjoy and don't consider it as "work"

This is why you stay in fucking school or jump on opportunities when they're hot.

That doesn't sound healthy at all

>tfw you had a job like that but it was only a temporary contract
>tfw current job feels like actual work but pays well and has more career prospects
>tfw there's a possibility of my old job that I loved becoming available in the future as a permanent role but I can't decide which route I should take
>either a job I love that barely covers costs and is a dead end or one that I tolerate with really good pay and opportunities for advancement

That's a meme my dude, you will eventually hate it.

>that hour of a fighting game before heading off to work

The only things I enjoy are drawing and playing vidya
Neither of those will get you a decent job

>used to work construction
>5am to 7pm Monday-Saturday
>savings are growing faster than you can spend
>can afford any vidya I want
>life is walk into home at 7:30 eat quickly shower and sleep
>Sunday is catch up on chores and groceries day
>pretty much quit playing vidya

It's all so tiresome.jpg

Why would I wake up at 3am that sounds like a horrible idea

>that hour of contemplating suicude on the train platform on your commute to work

How much do you get paid per hour? How hard would it be to get that job?

cucktheists and shitestants

This sounds like good advice. What job lets me do nothing but exactly what I want all day?

It was 12 an hour base, and 20 past 40 hours. Usually about 65-70 hours a week minimum.

It was for my uncles company.

>I would make such a mess
>it is really just one small step, just do it m8

What the fuck? I read about those destructive impules, but they always send a chill down my spine.

>work 8 hours a day
>1-2 hour lunch break depending on if I have something to do or not
>never tired/exhausted, doesnt matter if I sleep 4 or 8 hours
>play 3-4 hours of vidya every day after "work"
>get paid 17€/hour

im okay with this

>dropped out in middle school because mental issues
>used to work construction
>then Spain and Italy collapsed and Romania and Hungary entered the UE
>now all construction is done by off the books mediteraneans and gypsies who work illegally here and hop the border back to home because one day of working here gives them as much money as working 10 years in their shithole

>spending an hour playing vidya before work

No fucking thank you.

>that 30 minutes of staring up at your ceiling in misery before mustering enough willpower to get out of bed and get ready for work

Stream on Twitch :^)

>before heading off to work

enjoy work taking FOREVER cause all you want to do is make it back home to play vidya

>working some sundays for double pay

Wasting life making dolla is better than wasting it playing vidya.

>tfw 2 hour commute every day
>tfw waiting on the weekend to play vidya because too tired during the week

i clean a kitchen at night and i do not know this feel

what sort of job do you have that is this horrifying?

Is it though?

>That shift based job which is sporadic but leaves you with regular days off and the rota changes

3 day weekend coming up boys. Gonna be good.

Why am I even still alive to be honest lads.
It's not fun anymore. I have no reason to stay in this existence.

>love my job can't get enough of it
>5 years later
>fucking hate it and its such a drag


Does "advancement" mean less time for yourself and people/things you love?

Do you have a plan to accumulate money for when you retire and enjoy your shit after 30-40 years?

Join the thieves guild

>tfw teaching assistant at state college while finishing up my bachelors in CS
>professor I work for is an ara~ who offered me the job after I worked under her a few semesters back
>don't even have to attend her class, just grade papers and sometimes offer my thoughts on how she designed the exams
>get paid minimum wage but only work 4-5 hours a week whenever I want
is nice, gonna miss when I leave for graduate school in the fall

>that 365 days of video game playing before the next year

every year

You may miss it but 4-5 hours a week at minimum is not something to live off of when you're on your own.

>those 24 hours of vidya every day because you weren't stupid enough to become a wagecuck

I know this feel all too well my dude


I have to go hold onto the railing sometimes when I get those intrusive thoughts and the train speeds pasts shaking the entire platform. Gives me cold sweats for an instant.

I really really like this Pepe

>Just got off Meat Department work 2 hours early today
>have 3 hours until I go rehearse jazz and orchestra at the downtown performing arts building
>that sweet feeling of relaxing back and rubbing one out and playing vidya for 2 hours
>gonna go out shooting with the guys tomorrow morning and shoot the shit again at work in the afternoon til close


>what if i would just swerve into oncoming traffic
>turns up radio to drown out voice

it's nice to come home, have an apple and play some rocket league instead at least

Enjoy your heart attack fatty

>>never tired/exhausted, doesnt matter if I sleep 4 or 8 hours
Fuck you

>implying I don't have time to work out every day

I guarantee I'm in better shape than 90% of wagecuck cubicle monkeys.

>only have headset, no speakers
>can't game before work cause it will mess up my hair
>wake up 45min before work
>shower for 15-20
>eat food and piss around the internet for rest of time
>get dressed 30 sec before i gotta leave
>leave a min or two late cause im a asshole
>be vital employee so manager can't really bitch about 1 min late every day

>feel feverish in the evening
>thinking about the sweet relief if you wake up with a fever so you can call in sick
>wake up and feel completely normal

every time

lol this thread is so funny. Real talk: most of you guys are smart enough to do some work that out-performs illegals or high school drop-outs. You trade stability for freedom -- this neet approves.

NEET-bux won't last forever.

when they slash funding, what will you do?

Are you me?