Sup Forums tells me what to play

Sup Forums tells me what to play

Horizon 3, BF4 and Infinite Warfare (single-player) are the only good games in that stack


>has oculus rift. prefers to play on monitor lul

Yakuza 0

The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild

How far are you in Diablo 3? It sucks how consoles were cheated out of seasons.

Scalebound...Oh wait...



DOOM is the only one without the Xbox logo on the side so play that.

Go pick this up

>Still using disc
For what purpose?

Already have Rare Replay + bunch of free shit MS gave away for Gold membership

>buying digital only
It's like you don't want to own your own games

Feels better to own physically so I can trade them in and etc... With digital, I don't really actually own the game since I can't do let others borrow it, sell it, trade it, etc...

>Keeping FUCKING GAMESTOP in business
Fuck that. Also with gamesharing, digital is the best way to go. Buy a game once and get two or even three copies

What's the point of the Xbox One being "current" gen if all it plays is last gen shit?

Rare Replay is probably the most fun I've had in years. So many weird games I've never tried.

Not all of them great, but it made me feel like a kid again and I was renting unknown games and finding some shit and some hidden gems.


Nice library OP

Nice to see someone other than me has played sunset.

How do you mean?

You can sell games at pawn shops.

He means and can't throw the disc away if he ever wanted to. He "owns" it but doesn't really. Since you have to be online / on your account or home xbox to play it. It's got its ups and downs. I like being able to game share with my brother.

You can still be offline on an xbox and play whatever you have digitally.

I can confirm when i played Ori and Saints Row for almost a month when I moved. One I got for free and one I had purchased.