What's up with the Playstation One being an audiophile level CD player?

What's up with the Playstation One being an audiophile level CD player?

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That's a PSX, user. Also, Saturn > PSX

No, that's a PlayStation.

>No, that's a PlayStation.

>it's not a car!!1!
>it's a car!

That's exactly what I've said.

apparently if you mod it, and keep it on a pillow, and leave it running all night, and use high quality cables, then it sounds pretty good

Don't be a cunt. It's a Playstation. Nobody cares what it was called in a magazine.

If I remember correctly, the DAC and circuitry inside was really high end when it comes to CD Audio, and the first model has direct RCA out for audio.

Playstations are curated pieces of history. People hold on their systems and avoid getting rid of them for nostalgia. In addition to that they were built to last long play sessions so they have robust hardware. This makes them extremely prevalent.

In addition to this Sony is also a multimedia super power that hold the rights to countless musical copyrights and CD-ROM patents. The Playstation (Much like the PS3 for Blue-Rays) is a high quality multimedia device intended to put new technology (In this case, Sony CD-ROMs) into people's houses.

Apparently early PS1's had a ridiculous sound chip in it or something.

Audiophiles are fucking nutters anyway. Hey lets spend $200 taping bags of crystals to the cables to pretend to make it sound better.


Isn't it bedtime already, son?


I had a playstation one back in the day and that's what everyone called it. Playstation, Playstation 1, or PS1. Nobody I knew ever referred to it as psx.

this is a psx you negrolord

same as PS3 still being the best bluray player ever

It's more along the lines of
>It's not a truck, is a car

That's like saying the XBone was the very first XBox because it has One in its name. kek

>Young Thug on vinyl

I always wanted one of these, but they're expensive as fuck.

are audiophiles most autistic people?

>this is real
>people actually legit do this
>this is not some meme
>people actually tape pebbles to their audio cables and make claims that it increases sound quality
>i'm not actually dreaming right now
>this is not a 10/10 troll attempt
I might legit neck myself tonight. I won't be able to look at humanity the same.

All my playstation magazines at the time called it a PSX. I never understood why at the time.
Go ahead and bitch about symantics, but that was the standard nomenclature when referring to the typical consumer model. Its was just what it was called.

It's a PSX whether you like it or not.

There is probably someone who believes the rotational velocidensity MP3 pasta so yeah.

All of it is even funnier when you think of how shit human hearing is to begin with.

They're mostly old white men with an upper middle class budget and a very gullible mind for technobabble they barely understand and pretend to know 100%.

See the market for MONSTER cables.

Reading about this shit is pretty entertaining.


Say what you want buddy but the audio is crystal clear on my end.

Sorry it didn't end up with that name on release kiddo.

Exactly, the console in OP's pic is a PSX. I agree.

Nope. The thing you were shitposting toward is a PSX.
History was written by Sony not your box of magazines.

That Waltz For Debby album is legit one of the best jazz albums ever

Just drop it already. OP came here to discuss the sound capabilities of the PSX. Stay on topic and stop shitposting.

>he realized that electromagnetic interference from his neighbors’ appliances was propagating through their shared power lines, reducing the quality of the sound he was getting.
I'm fuckin' done.

that guy was just kidding around
he was exaggerating for comedic effect

Open this page and read it, you fucking fagmo.


Like you didn't come here to do shitposting because OP used the term Playstation One, lmao.

psx is the internal developer codename for PS1

the consumer and marketed name is PS1 or Playstation

False. It's widely accepted to be PSX. Stop pulling shit from your ass.

The Playstation One has a weaker sound chip, user. I just corrected OP's mistake. He obvuously was talking about the original PSX.

It isn't, it's a fucking meme that audiocucks fell for.

Why would you call it PS1? It's not labeled that on the box, which I happen to have in my bedroom closet.

It should be called Playstation or PSX.

See me after class

referring to original playstation as psx is a surefire way to bring out the autists

OP posted a picture of the Playstation One and directly named the Playstation One in the text. You can make your own PSX thread though.

I'm just stating the facts of my own experience. Myself and friends just called it a Playstation, and (unofficial) magazines generally called it a PSX in their copy.

I'm not even arguing about whether that was correct, because its not, but thats what media referred to it as, some kind of odd holdover from its pre-release.

OP here. You're gay and your parents hate you.

Bill Evans is the homie

I love a good jazz trio

Okay so beside putting up a lot of text to make it look like you had something important to say, it's a PSX.


Whoever calls the Playstation 'PSX', reply to this post. I want to bully you.


Nobody ever used PSX back in the day, at least not in Germany.

>reading the comments

Shitposting exists everywhere.

>refering to a PSX as "Playstation" in casual conversation

No wonder you and your friends couldn't get laid back then.

What you call a Playstation One, in error, is known as a PSX by most of the gaming world. Grow up.

Underage detected.
Coincidentally, I'm from Germany too and everybody called it PSX here. Maybe some loner faggots didn't. I wouldn't know, lol.

Only if I can bully you back

>What you call a Playstation One, in error, is known as a PSX by most of the gaming world.

Where are you from?

I said gaming world, obviously there's no borders there. The point is anyone that's familiar with the Playstation brand KNOWS that the first was called the PSX, see and consider a bullet.

what the fuck is a PSX? never heard the ps1 getting called that, why is even the x in there?

Magazines from the 90s don't count, retard.

I thought Playstation One was the smaller, uglier, rounder version?

It is. The PS One was basically the "PSX S".

Actually this is a PSOne.

also, isn't that just a nickname?
it was marketed and sold by the name playstation 1, or ps1, never psx.

>sony had no idea if the playstation would even be a success
>people claiming they called it the ps1 during its release
stop lying. no one called the neo geo the neo geo 1, or the ouya the ouya 1. I even owned the philips CD-i, and again, no one called it the philips CD-i 1.

>gaming world
So you're 12 and and from some nowhere state in middle America?
>gaming mags are considered bibles
Please. Those journalists would've made GamerGate crusaders shit themselves hourly.

Did he die?

Everybody called it the PSX until TGS one year where Sony showed off a tall white Playstation I was never allowed to buy.

And here's an underaged
They absolutely do. That is your picture to the world then and the world knew what a PSX was.
That was it's name in development and the name is widely used to this day.
Oh wow I'm btfo, oh wait, the PSX still exists. The original "Playstation" is a PSX. If anything you reinforced my point, that's a PSOne, not a PSX.
I'm 32. Nice try.

>by the name playstation 1, or ps1

How underage are you? Just like the first XBOX was marketed as the XBOX ONE rght?

What does the X stand for

>Oh wow I'm btfo, oh wait, the PSX still exists
You're right.


If you call the original Xbox the Xbox One, you're a dumb cunt. If you call the original Playstation a PSX, you're a dumb cunt. The PSX is an actual thing that exists with the name PSX. The Playstation isn't that.

at least, most of us have stopped sacrificing humans to secure good harvest

>confirmed for never living in the 90s.

Get out, underage.

Actually. As someone who bought games back when they had these foil stickers on top of them all my PS1 games I bought had the name of the game and PSX next to it.

>I'm 32. Nice try.

Actually, that IS a PSX you moron.
PS1 is the smaller white version.

but it was never used by sony in marketing, at least not untill the launch, when the name was taken out.

No really, what does the X mean in PSX

idk it was just its codename while in development
kind of like how with Nintendo the NX was revealed to be the Switch

>if I keep posting the wikipedia link he'll have to concede!
not how this works

What? You said the PSX still exists and I posted prove of that. What doesn't work about that?

>Sony's North American division, known as Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), originally planned to market the new console under the alternative branding "PSX" following the negative feedback regarding "PlayStation" in focus group studies. Early advertising prior to the console's launch in North America referenced PSX, but the term was scrapped before launch.

>the term was scrapped before launch.

>listening to death grips for the first time

His grammar is perfect man, he might be sniffing his own farts a bit but it checks out

is this the best way to derail a thread before it starts?
Besides of course by calling your playable character by the proper title of, toon

>ITT: Retards who do not get that some random people who were not Sony started to abberviate Playstation to PSX for no fucking reason what so ever, which caught on, outside japan, and then Sony computer entertainment in Japan made actual PSX because now the X has reason to be in the system's name - being first system to corporate the XcrossMediaBar (XMB) so the X was added to the system's name for this new UI.
>Autistic retards being stubborn about being wrong.
Sup Forums never fucking changes.

Yes when Sennheiser Orpheus put out a pair of limited $50000 headphones then said fuck it and made it commercial, but kept the price tag.

It's not that, I wanna know where people called it the PSX.

>it was marketed and sold by the name playstation 1, or ps1

Yes exactly, Sony marketed the original Playstation as "PS1" and later released the "PS1 One". I also still remember the "NES1" and the "Master System One" and the "Master System One 2".

Fucking retard.

mostly audiophile snake oil. The early models had the same DAC chip sony used in their high end audio stuff at the time. It's not like its particularly amazing nowadays, or even was a few years after it was released.

thats a shame was about to dig mine out and play some cds to see what OP was talking about.

this is so weird, no one can be on the wrong here.

>Apparently early PS1's had a ridiculous sound chip in it or something.
It's the DAC(digital-to-analog converter) that's so precious in the first production line of the psx.

as already pointed out in this thread, psx was its development name and magazines and websites got used to calling it that in abbreviation and stuck with it even after launch

people still hang onto it to identify the original Playstation over it's successors
if someone says PSX reffering to the original playstation nobody is confused and think they mean the failed japan only ps2 dvr thing
only people who want to nitpick and be pedantic point it out

>have the first production line ps

can i sell this on ebay to audioautists and make some nice bux?