3x3 thread motherfuckers

3x3 thread motherfuckers

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these threads are always such worthless shit





samefag bumper

6/6 great taste user

9/9 just came here to tell you that you got some A+ god tier taste

-Fallout New Vegas, Fallout

post yours faggot

+Assassin's Creed 2
-Witcher 3, Dark Souls

-FTL, CSGO, Morrowind
Get better taste please.






le epic bait post

Not bait, those are games I genuinely like. At least I'm not desperately trying to fit in here like the rest of you.

Whoops wrong 3x3

+SS2, VC

+DBZ, Sanic, AC2, MGS2. Metal Slug
Not that big on Souls games

+KOTOR, Wario Ware

+USF4, THOTD, Smash TV


I was an Unreal Tournament Kid, never played Quake to be shamefully honest.4/8

I have a feeling Assassin's Creed 2 is largely responsible for what Ubisoft has become these days but I still have very fond memories of it. Probably never going to play it again tho.


Never got into Railgun Shooters



I recently played the queake series for the first time, after being a UT fan all my life, I have to say quake 3 gameplay is amazing but it lacks a ton of SP content UT had, still recommend it.

And about AC2 it was ubisoft's fault not the game, it had an amazing atmosphere and story, onyl downside is its difficulty, imo it was the last good AC, Black Flag is a good game on it's own but a terrible AC.



2.5/3 for Payne and Shodan, DXHR was so-so.
1/3, AC2 is shit, MGS2 and DaS are meh.
1/1, FF1 is fun.
1.5/2 for DX, HL:OF didn't age well.




5/6 - witcher
8/8 good tasted
3/4 - zelda wind waker
2/3 - zelda OOT
2/3 - mirror's edge
6/7 - super metroid
2/3 - dark souls 3



Does this mean I'm a cool guy?

Dropping your mosaic without commenting on other ones makes you a faggot.

Well I'm not the kind of person that comments on others stuff, I just think everyone's favorites are pretty cool in their own way.

if you have the following games on your 3x3 you have to give me a free (You):
Fallout New Vegas
Fallout 2
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Deus Ex
Blood Money
Diablo II
System Shock 2
Vice City

One you for New Vegas

I'm hoping you didn't actually play Bioshock on your phone

i'm OP so (You)

What are 3x3 threads? Are these just your top 9 games or something?

I've ignored these threads for so long but now I'm curious


+ Bloodlines, New Vegas, System Shock 2
+ AC2, Dark Souls
+ GTA V, MW2
- Skyrim, Halo 3, Bioshock Infinite
Mario, GTA, Persona 3
- Halo 3
+ Bloodborne
+ FFIX, Bloodborne, Ocarina of Time
+ Half Life 2, ALTTP,
- Bioshock
+Dark Souls 3, 99
New Vegas, Gravity Rush, DeS
+ New Vegas

What does this mean though 1/1?
I don't understand this rating system.



games you enjoyed/games you played

Ah, I get it now.

yep, your favorite 9 video games of all time

yakuza and 999

haha nice bait

It's obviously a joke you numbskull

well gee what a funny joke

What's bottom right?

2/7 + Yakuza0, STALKER

5/7 + BF4, AC5, FNV, AoM, Freelancer

2/7 +Warband, RE

1/8 +Bioshock

3/6 +System Shock, cIV, Mirror's Edge

2/8 +Sonic CD, RE

2/9 +Witcher, MGS

6/9 +VTMB, Fallout, FNV, GTAVC, Riddick

They can be what-the-fuck-ever, but generally people pick either their current favorites or "all-time" favorites or sometimes just shit they're currently playing.

Only non-plebs ITT:
Battlefield 4 is dogshit, but your other picks are excellent
FF7 is dogshit, but your other picks are excellent

BF4 best "modern" shooter in years and also best BF game to be quite frank.
The old ones are too slow, sluggish and aged, the ones that came after 4 are just bad. 4 perfected the formula, pacing and gunplay.

No other game in the BF franchise has anything as fun as Locker 32 players Conquest Large. And Tank in BF4 are the most fun to play in the series.
It also has the best overall balance.

At least you have concrete reasons for liking the game, instead of trying to be a special snowflake who has one modern FPS game in his 3x3 to not look like he has generic taste or something.

I don't think any of the other games in my list qualify as Generic other than perhaps Quake 3 Arena and New Vegas.

New Vegas and Quake 3 for sure, and arguably Age of Mythology, Dawn of War and Tetris, they aren't really 3x3core, but they are famous games and kind of generic choices. That doesn't mean a thing though, they're great games.

I'd honestly feel tempted to switch out New Vegas and Dawn of War because of how generic and cliched they are, but they're still my favorites and good games are good games.

I also knew I would get flak for BF4, but it's honestly my favorite shooter of the last 8 years perhaps, so I don't see why I wouldn't put it there. It certainly has it's reasons to be in there, as I said it's in my opinion the most balanced and fun BF game to date. It hits the sweet spot in basically every aspect of the game.

>I'd honestly feel tempted
I feel you, sometimes I doubt my own favorites, because I'm not sure if I am true to myself. I know that I don't want to pander to anyone, but how can I be sure my picks are genuine? What if I put some game because it's a safe choice, or the opposite - because it's not that well-known?
>I also knew I would get flak for BF4
It ultimately doesn't matter, this thread should be a kind of a rec thread, where people see new games that they get interested in and add them to their backlog.




Exactly, of those games I know I put over 1.7k hours into BF4 and over 1k in FNV. So not putting them there would be dishonest. I just expect that if someone sees my list and they notice good games they'll maybe be inclined to try the "not so well recieved" games like Battlefield 4 in them.
I also avoided putting Dota 2 in it, even though I have over 3.5k hours into the game.

how can you not like 3 of the games in OP???

Hours aren't important, it's about how much you loved the game. I could have 200 hours in one game, but enjoy it less than a short game that I've beaten in 4 hours.


Well I have and do enjoy Dota 2 a lot.
It's one of my favorite games, but I still don't think it quite qualifies for some reason.

It's a MOBA. Also, games that completely rely on the multiplayer aren't worthy of 3x3s, in my opinion. A well-crafted singleplayer campaign is worth much more than any kind of fun multiplayer.

surely quake 3 is an exception

Maybe certain kinds of multiplayer are, like arena shooters, but stuff like MOBA are definitely not worthy of 3x3s. Honestly, I think I never saw a serious 3x3 with a MOBA in it, it was always some kind of bait image. Not even the biggest plebs put MOBA stuff.

i don't think even moba players consider mobas real games

Nah, sadly there's a lot of people which treat MOBA really seriously.


>implying quake 3 isn't a Multiplayer Online Battle ARENA shooter


then you have something in common


why is this vampire game on so many 3x3s
you guys watch twilight too??>


Fuck I should really play Divinity 2, already seen it on 3 or 4 of these mosaics, and I also loved Divine Divinity. Also how is KOTOR (and star wars games in general) for someone who watched only the star wars movies? Can the games be enjoyed with only that basic knowledge?


1/3 +Catherine -Black, SA

3/4 +SH2, Fallout, I Have no Mouth - Rule of Rose

6/7 +999, Metroid, Shovel Knight,FE, Castlevania, PM -Xenoblade

3/3 +999, RE4, Stalker

but most of those are great games

What's the bottom right and middle right?

how does this work? are there any particular rules to how you're supposed to place your games?

bottom right is Sweet Home, middle right is Valkyrie Profile

whats bbottom right


>Can the games be enjoyed with only that basic knowledge?
Yup, I'm not a big fan of this space opera either, but games were goat.

>Fuck I should really play Divinity 2
Be sure to pick "The Dragon Knight Saga"