Cant play knights without being grouped in with DEUS VULT MUH JERUSALEM EL OH EL POL

>cant play knights without being grouped in with DEUS VULT MUH JERUSALEM EL OH EL POL
faggots that do this disgrace knights

Other urls found in this thread:

>we wuz knights n sheit

I reached Rep 3 with Warden.

>Blade 1 has stats: Highest Defense, High Attack, Lowest Stamina Cost Reduction
>Blade 2 has: Highest Stamina Cost Reduction, High Attack, Lowest Defense

Should I wait for a Highest attack, high stamina cost reduction and low defense blade?

knights are reddit fedoras
samurai are weeb fedoras
vikings are the only choice left

All 3 factions have retarded fanbases, we wuz vikings so screw christianity and shit, honorabru weaaboo skublovers etc, you're better off with knights.

go all out highest attack for best results or else youre a fucking bitch boy

>he chose bbc loving cuckolds



Pick you your poison because most likely people pick Knights because their ideas are more reasonable from degeneracy like the Vickings or the Edgy "Nuthing Personal kiddo" Weeabo Samurai

Are you sure? Should I try to get Highest Attack, High stamina cost reduction and lowest defense? Or is defense important and I should get Highest Attack, High defense and low stamina cost reduction?

Knights are great to play because you're fighting for God. Its a very humbling and quiet reminder of His Glory. Any games that popularize Christianity to a younger audience is a good thing in my book.

>he chose MUH ANIME

But vikings have only one good character.




I started playing Warden because rule of cool, now everyone is giving me grief, is it OP or something?

>thinking knights aren't religious zealot

you played too many jrpg knight my son

>Weeaboo Samurai
That's an oxymoron.

what does the Vikangz even say

>Le knights are disgraced by real men
How can you be this cucked?

No it's not.

>Conquerors are literal criminal scum

B-but muh HONOR!


Butchered Old Norse that makes no real sense.

t. neo Sup Forums

>descendants became cuckold degenerates

>descendants became impotent neets

>descendants became the rulers of the free world

>B-but muh HONOR!
Always fun when people whine and call you dishonourable in 2v2s.

Press F to pay respects.

Change character, use one that isn't ezmode.

>I know nothing about historic demographics the post

They weren't even that. Knights were just a bunch of shitty, stinky, probably inbred peasants in armor. Most weren't even trained.

I'm just here for the bucket helm.

aren't knights western european? also became cuckold degenerates then





In the end, every faction have their own autist. Hell, even knights have an actual autist as a character.

Post Lawbringers


I meant to say HAIL ODIN.

>muh ice giants.

>not embracing the cringe and going full unironic *teleports behind you* *slices you in half with one draw* "pssh nothing personnel kiddo" weeb

>Even the knights have an actual autist


>people on Sup Forums are so buttblasted about Sup Forums that they can't enjoy memes

vikangs is literally re.ddit where have you been.


>not playing a Varangian by being a Warlord in the Knights faction

It's like you fuckers don't want to be good Christians that get paid to do the pillaging you were already doing.

It's hip to be leftist, their twitchstreaming overlords told them so.

Then leave, we don't want you.

Meet your friend, the Conqueror

>cant enjoy memes
youre the fucking fag here
memes fucking suck and stupid forced memes suck even more
i dont give a fuck about pol but youre just shitting in your diaper and getting mad other people dont want to jump around in your pair of shitpants

>he fell for the knights are honorable meme

Why is everyone in this game so goddamn salty?

That's too cute.

>hating memes
>on Sup Forums
You're welcome to leave at any time

Because they are shit at the game and their manchild psyche does not allow them to grasp this so they yell and scream at everyone else about everything.

>it's a forced meme if I don't like it
>stop liking what I don't like
>I'm literally shaking because you're having fun

>Knock opponent off the bridge 2 seconds into the fight

>>Knock opponent off the bridge 2 seconds into the fight

Truly the best feeling, their butthurt is palpable.

Y u so mad op? Perhaps you should bitch less and practice more.

Real knights don't care what people think. They care only for their duty.

You know literally nothing about history or geography

Vikangs are the normies choice due to the show "Vikings"

When Game of Thrones will start again, expect a rise of the Knights

How do I counter Warden's shoulder tackle vortex?

Lawbringer is just so much fun

Samurai or Knights?

>Go out of my way not to knock opponents off for easy kills
>They try to either grab me first or lure me into a hazardous spot
>1-up them and fling their sorry asses into their own trap
>They ragequit just because I did to them what they were gonna do to me


>when you conqueror bodycheck 2 people off the same cliff at the same time and they ragequit at the start of the next round.

Woe to the betas who would call that fat

You might want to wait for the Zulu warrior DLC.

>guy has cool armor and is a head taller than all the other heroes
>gets cucked by Cross and has five minutes of screentime
Also I want his helmet wings, the ones you can get don't look as cool

Vikings remind me of those people that grow their beards and hair out long and think they're modern day vikings because they drink and listen to amon amarth

She's fat, but I'd spunk that lardass nevertheless.

>Sup Forums

>muh jerusalem

Bashing into a wall is a guranteed side heavy.

Why is he using side light?

Wait, you can't get that helmut as a warden?
I feel gypped.

>vikings remind me of viking wannabes
And samurai remind me of fat weebs and otakus

Some guy from my mothers side of lineage was apparently knighted due to doing something with the king (cant remember exactly what but I think it had something to do with war)

on an offnote, youre a retarded faggot if youre playing let alone paid for that shitty game

dont talk shit about Yasuke

Nobunaga getting a slave and giving him respect and the title of samurai is badass

more like Imgonna barf right lol

You can get the helmet you just can't get the wings

Yasuke lived in the 17th century I don't think they had photography back then

you can get the wings

for 3k steel

>all the fraeakazoid 6'5 "female" models

>female raider
>female warden
>female any class that's ripped as fuck

Ye it's freaking hot isn't it.

>female raider literally just male raider with a bra
Lazy is what it is

I have an amazon snu snu fetish.

Hahah yeah Knights remind me of LARP faggots because they wear armors just like knights once did rofl

You can say you don't like it and wish she had a wasp waist in a platemail bikini, but you're a fucking moron if you think it's lazy.

Just think of all the foot soilders( both friendly and enemy) the female raider Snu snu's after and even during battle

Haven't played yet, is there a character that has a lance/spear for a main weapon?

there are three such characters
one for every team
one halberd
one spear
one naginata ( that's the name for the jap slashing spear right)

Thanks, man.

would you like to know the other classes?

that is the correct way to play knights. play a different faction if you don't like it.

Oh, that's fine, thanks. I just wanted to know if there were lance/spear users.

fuck off OP go back to your shitskin hut DEUS VULT


My critic on the game so far:

>no mmr system for 1on1
>no leaver punishment
>parry window way too huge
>guard break tech window way too huge
>defense in general way too strong

>>no leaver punishment
Can't confirm but I watched a stream earlier where people claimed it was coming.

lol mad

>not playing as black woman to trigger autismos

>descendants of knights
fucking mutts, you're probably at least 1% african
next you'll say that white is a race

At least something.

But if you actually practiced it a bit you can have an almost impenetrable defense.

Since you can literally parry and counter guard break on reaction you could in theory just defend forever.

>those unblockable Warden charges

How the fuck do I counter this shit

I wonder if the people who say desu vult realize that it's always been a reddit thing.

There really is no difference between the sites anymore, I guess.