What's the ideal length for a video game?

What's the ideal length for a video game?

You know, if a game is too long they usually pad it out with boring shit and it waters down the experience completely. Also no working person has the time to finish a 60+ hours game these days. If you pay money for a product you should at least be able to see everything the game has to offer.

I'd say 8-12 hours are ideal. Too short and you'll feel ripped off but too long and you'll be bored before you've seen all the worthwile content.

Yeah I was about to say, 8 works, and if the game is actually good you should be able to extend it several times that just dicking around.

Depends on the type of game. A 10-hour RPG is too short and a 50-hour horror game is too long.

Don't care how long a game is,only how fun a game is.Most games nowadays brag how their games have 100 of hours of content,yet get boring after 10 hours.

10 hours with good replay value

Now we can get to posting Patchy

10-12 hours with high replayability.

30 minutes with infinite replayability

Patchy is shit.

So is the FAT bunny

Hey, don't call her fat.

Nazrin is a FAT and ugly RAT

Nah mate.

Yes, mate.

Bunnies are shit

Get out of my fucking thread, furries.


10 hours at least for AAA games.

Get fucked user, get absolutely fucked.

Any game over 5 minutes is worth $60

Worst newhou

>I like the smelly NEET booknerd

Who are you quoting?

10 hours of action
15 hours of adventure
25 hours of rpg


Why did you post a blank image?

Blank? I see a heap of garbage.

You mean flan?