Rate my collection Sup Forums

Rate my collection Sup Forums

I genuinly hope you regret buying pokemon sun
rest is bretty good famicom

All handheld games are trash.

Show us your PS4 collection instead.

>Triforce Heroes


Pilotwings is the only fun one of that entire collection.

Pathetic manchild.

>buying ds/3ds games when r4/freeshop exist
waste of money

>he bought lego dimensions

>No black hand

>he doesn't have friends
lmao'ing @ your life

I'm white.

Not bad, disturbing lack of 3DS games though.

Why do you have two copies of Moon?

And Y.

Game duplicates are my wife's copies.


>no SMT IV Apocalypse
I hope you fix that real soon nigga.

Huge backlog is huge and Atlus games generally start to go on sale after a few months. I also have digital games on my system.

Are the multiple copies for your girlfriend (male)?

see And no, not (male).

>no Kirby

Have both of them digitally.


>No feminine white penis