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Hi Alice.

Ayy lmao

im currently playing alice madness returns and i enjoyed it however im not really getting the plot. i learned im playing a sequel. im in chapter 3. should i stop and play the original?
i also never read alice in wonderland



yes but only if you feel like it

What a waste of massive potential
A shame honestly


Post the art book poopy head

when you gonna get a new game ?

She's looking better in western style rather than in anime.

The story of the first game, such as it is, isn't required to understand what goes on in Madness Returns.

I'd suggest you to download this

new game when?

dumping pics because why not


capatcha just getting more and more complicated every day









whatever happened to his Wizard of Oz game?


Are there any webms of hair physics?

not enough funding

He was making a Wizard of Oz game? I could see that being pretty cool


His sister got kidnapped, raped, and murdered

I dont have any, unfortunately. The hair physics are pretty great in game, although alice's hair in cutscenes kinda spazzes out at 60fps


Only now hearing the details. Oh well. The project was kickstarted way before these events.


God this game had some good scenery



It was really well done, imo it helped sell the idea that she's mentally broken and trying to stabilize her sanity. I loved the premise that the whole game's struggle is just so she could be a normal, sane being.
I didnt really like the ending for that reason


last one in my non-porn folder

you can spoiler porn

My ex loved to cosplay as her, did all of the different versions. This threads always remind me of her, and make me feel empty inside.

>ever having alice porn

not for sexual m80

would rather not get banned

although a ban might be nice

crazy alice makes my dick diamonds

you are in luck, it seems I lost my folder when my last hard drive crashed

>porn folder with Alice


No mate. I seriously don't have any Mc'Gee Alice porn. Autist or not I definitely can't bring myself to like it.

For those that are interested though.


Don't let my autism stop you though.