Who wants to see some Nintendo Switch internals?

Who wants to see some Nintendo Switch internals?

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>pascal confirmed

I thought it was Maxwell.

>Non-existent chip
Yes. It's confirmed.

>marketer confirmed

the newest sheild TV is pascal though

Delete this, don't make me ask again.

I wish they'd actually use a pair of calipers in these photos. End the shitposting once and for all.

What's the difference if the battery life is ass anyway?

>NVIDIA® Tegra® X1 processor with a 256-core GPU and 3 GB RAM

It is not.

More efficient chip would give better battery life

The battery is confirmed to be 2.5-6 hours

Nope. It's a Tegra X1. Maxwell.

The P1 is Pascal. Only thing that uses that is Nvidia Drive PX1/2

fuck you

Zelda's battery life is confirmed 3 hours. That's not bad at all compared to other handhelds.

>fan on a handheld
wtf switch confirmed for nvidia housefire?

It's the difference between knowing whether or not you could easily have had better battery life.

Electronics generate heat.

You either downclock the shit out of it and get shitty perf or add a small fan.

Vita slim gets like 5 hours during gameplay, 3 hours if you overclock it with taihen. I bet Switch doesnt have a save state feature either when the battery runs out like on PSP/Vita.

I'm sure the Switch could get 6 hours on a Vita game too, the problems come with more graphically intensive games.

then the answer is yes, theres many ways the switch could have better battery life

at 300 dollars, the switch isnt exactly the pinnacle of tech

I think we would have heard reports if the fan ever kicked on in portable mode. It's probably why the system can kick up the resolution in docked mode.

We are not supposed to look at this, Nintendo doesn't want us to.

>Vita slim gets like 5 hours during gameplay

Not on graphically demanding games. Same applies to every other handheld. For what the switch does 3 hours is pretty impressive. The resolutions is twice maybe 3 times that of the Vita

Maybe if it was the early 90s and it was competing against the Game Gear or Atari Lynx, but that's unacceptable these days.

Except that was the life of the Vita 1000 and is better than the life of the original 3DS

Plus those never had a hope of reaching 6 hours, no matter what you played on them.

The Vita is 3-5 and the 5 is for Video. Much less in gaming. The Switch is 3-6. The switch has also way more resolution and graphical capability than the Vita.

It's perfectly acceptable.

Yes it is. I have to charge my cellphone every single fucking day, back in 2002 I could use my shitty nokia for a week without charging.

How can you tell?

From I I understand (i.e., very little), IT's actually a good thing that it's Pascal instead of Maxwell, right?

I just watched a battery life test video for Vita 1000 model and it was able to get 4 hours during Uncharted. The slim adds an additional hour because it has a slightly bigger battery.

3 hours is pathetic for a modern handheld. Even phones with 4k screens playing those shitty 3D korean mobile games last longer.

Custom Tegra is the most powerful SoC & most power efficient SoC available to anyone with real GPU power

VITA garbage can't even compare, it can't even run Disgaea 5, the makers said they have to downgrade to run on VITA


>NIS received many requests to port it to Vita, but if this happened, it would have been necessary to downgrade the game

It's not pascal. Maxwell is basically 99% confirmed at this point. The only closer we can get to confirmation is Nintendo themselves saying it and that's never going to happen

Vita is 960x544, Switch is 1280x720. So far all the Switch games we've seen just look like upscaled Vita games.

>Maybe if it was the early 90s
No, it wasn't, in the early 90's A game boy could last several days without needing to switch the battery.

It's still an SoC

>The only closer we can get to confirmation is Nintendo themselves saying it
Or we wait for Digital Foundry.

You're just finding out about the fan now?

The Switch has vents on the top lol

Funny you should post that. That's a rushed port of the Vita version.

A lot of vita games don't actually run at the native resolution.

But you aren't playing a shitty korean 3d game on the switch. Nintendo is Japanese

The 3DS still launched with worse battery, and the fact that the Vita 1000 can get 4 hours with one game doesn't really tell you much about it's total range, now does it?

You mean iFixit. DF doesn't do physical internal breakdowns. They're more

Nintendo doesn't want to show you the OS or tell you anything about post-launch.

Fuck 'em.

More what?

Are you implying the Switch could handle the PS4 version? That's the whole point I think. People think Switch is going to get 8th gen game ports when it's clearly not powerful enough to handle them

Idk why I posted before finishing. They're more performance analysis. Chipworks and iFixit do teardowns. Which I like.

All three are good

and I assume Switch will be the same thing.
Dynamic resolution is a popular feature in games today. The resolution changes on the fly depending on what's going on the screen. Gravity Rush,Battlefield One, Final Fantasy XV, and more games make use of it.

>The slim adds an additional hour because it has a slightly bigger battery.

Actually Vita Slim has the exact same battery. It runs for longer because of the more power-efficient LCD display.

Ps4 and xbone also use a soc.

It's definitely more powerful than the Vita at least.

To the extent that it can run at 720p instead of 540p.

well at least nintendo has one fan left


What game is this? I don't recall having heard of this game on the Switch.

There are also no Vita games that look even close to as good as BotW, which the Switch can run at 900p

Looks the same. Top image is during the particle effects. Bottom image is after particle effects finished. Nice try Sonypony.

Uncharted 4 and Soul Sacrifice look better. Only thing BotW has going on is the whole open world on a handheld thing.

How long are they going to wait for the VC bomb of paying for everything again and drop feed?

Fuck the Switch, I'm keeping my WiiU.


botw looks like ass, especially in the foliage draw distance and texture quality.

Don't make me post the comparison footage showing the Switch, Vita, and PS4 versions of DQH 2.

That disparity is still present, at HALF the framerate.

I've played Killzone on Vita, it looks good when you're standing still, and then becomes a muddy, low-framerate mess as soon as you start moving.

imo, 2D games look way better than 3D. Switch will never get a Vanillaware game like Dragon's Crown or Odin Sphere.

That game looks like someone put a green filter of Twin Snakes dude

Why not? Muramasa was a Wii game, right? Plus the bugger, higher resolution screen would be great for their art

Get taihen and the amphetimine plugin and watch your framerate soar

My Vita is already on 3.63 :(

i think he is more implying that there are some games on ps4 that dont use the ps4 whole potential yet publishers didnt mind releasing it anyway.
me i dont think it gets many ps4 games ported, but obviously there are some japanese ps4 games that would not suffer much from the lower specs of the switch.


Muramasa looked ugly as shit on Wii because of 480p and most people owned composite cables instead of component cables. The game also sold like shit because hardly anyone buys third party games on Nintendo unless it's published by Nintendo or paid by them ala Bayonetta 2.

Muramasa looked and played so much better on Vita at 60FPS with a OLED screen. Switch is most likely using a shitty TN LCD.

Switch doesn't use pascal, it uses Maxwell hence the X designation when someone open it up rather the P designation

Sorry, I wasn't saying it looked better on the Wii than on the Vita, I'm saying we might get Vanillaware stuff in the future on the Switch because of their past relationship, and the better resolution would greatly benefit the art, especially compared to the Vita 2000

It looks a lot better when you're playing on the actual handheld because you know OLED is better than your shitty monitor and the resolution isn't upscaled to hell.

>A 2015 tablet chip needs a fucking fan
>Shit tier heat pipe config

This is how normal engineers layout their heat pipes

>(128 KB, 960x544)

Vanillaware never had any good relationship with Nintendo. They only released 1 DS and Wii game, that's it. Their latest project is PS4/Vita exclusive.

>viewing a 960x544 screenshot on a 1920x1080 TN LCD

>PS4 Level 20
>Switch Level 40

Sony rekt

muramasa looked great on my wii attached to a plasma with component...
and with the switch you can have it on oled tv as well...

But the Vita is reaching the end of its lifecycle and I doubt Sony's about to announce a successor anytime soon given how they've been pretending it doesn't exist for the past 3 years.

Are you saying they're going to become a PS4 exclusive company or will be releasing Vita games 5 years down the line?

Do you think I looked at that full screen? Do you not understand how images work when you open them in a browser?

>viewing pictures in full screen

Vita still is doing well in Japan despite Sony ignoring it in the west. They're still releasing new games, new model colors, and updates. It's going the last as long as the PSP where it was released in 2004 but still getting games up until 2015.

Vita may be dead in America/Europe, but PS4 isn't. That's where the west support comes from. It's not often to find that Vita/PS4 combo games get released in Japan while the west only gets the PS4 version localized.

There's nothing wrong with the Switch from an engineering standpoint
They've utilized every cubic cm of space. It's really quite elegant

It's a shame about the X1 though

and it looked even better on Vita/PSTV.

>owning a OLED TV

Oh I have a Vita and have been enjoying the steady stream of weeb games to be sure, I'm just surprised you think developers will stick with it once there's a more powerful handheld on the market with at least as big of a userbase

Now if the Switch doesn't break the Vita's 20 mil or whatever it's at these days, they'll have much bigger problems, but I'm guessing it'll hit that fairly easily as soon as Pokemon and Animal Crossing come out

>>owning a OLED TV

Yeah such a dumbass for having a TV with infinite contrast

kys yourself

they use a custom chip.
P1 is not even available yet...

No one knows how well the Switch will sell. For all we know it could end up being another launch 3DS disaster where they had to drop by $100 after 6 months and do massive damage control by announcing pokemon and giving everyone free VC games.

>playing games on a plasma

But even with that the 3DS sold 60 mil, and the Switch looks to be a much better piece of hardware with an infinitely better launch window (BotW, MK8 portable, Spla2n vs absolutely nothing), so I think at least 20 mil is a safe bet.

enjoy your burn in and when it breaks (all organic OLEDs break down) you wasted $1000 on it.

It's a stock X1 with binned off A57 cores and a reduced IGP clock. We've known this for months and the recent teardown confirms that the packaging configuration is identical to the stock X1


>burn in
Not a thing on modern OLEDs

There has been nothing shown so far on the Switch which is remotely graphically intensive.
You Nintendo fanboys are fucking braindead.

it has the same scaling problems wii had on pstv, dont know about the frame rate, but the colors look great on a big screen.
btw i recently got the pstv version as well to play the dlc which was only released on vita.

unfortunatly my plasma died and i played it on an ips screen. i felt the colors werent as good as on the plasma but too much time passed to really tell the difference

also available on Wii U which anyone can pirate for free directly from nintendo's eshop servers because titlekey exploits
>MK8 portable
another Wii U port
>Splatoon 2
shooter with a subscription fee (thank you paid online) and they dripfeed you content like a themepark MMO
>1 2 Switch
Tech demos to test the joycon features, similar to Wii Sports testing the Wii remote except 1 2 Switch costs 50 american dollars
not much is known other than it's a more whacky punch-out

Switch has a very awkward launch window

>at least
Not by enough to make it reasonable. The Vita is what, 5 odd years old now?

>nothing has been shown so far that's more graphically intensive than a 544p vita game
>Sonyggers are actually this delusional about their failed handheld

BoTW looks completely fucking atrocious.