How good exactly is Tales of Berseria?

How good exactly is Tales of Berseria?
Haven't played a single Tales of game before, but it looks similar to generic schlock that Compile Heart shits out on regular basis, with a clusterfuck of a combat.
I'd be glad to be wrong though

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Tales games range from mediocre to terrible.

This one falls into the mediocre category.

>Haven't played a single Tales of game before
In that case, imagine a bargain bin JRPG. Now slap a $59.99 price tag on it, throw in $60 of DLC, and you have the Tales of series.

Magilou's armpits are kind of the main draw of the game.

It's one of the best Tales games, and the cast is unoronically great even outside of Tales games. Take that as you will.

Make sure you play with a controller, keyboard suck ass with this game.

Oh man.
It seems that JRPGs as a genre is in such a bad condition lately that people will eat up anything as long as it's not straight-up garbage.

I guess I'll pirate it and see for myself anyway

>falling for the "tales of series is bad" meme

Says enough about your intelligence that you would take those posts seriously. Tales isn't for you, try something simple like FF.

Personally I think people are a little too harsh on previous titles and no critical enough on recent titles as a long time fan of the series.

Games like Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia are pretty fucking great games that I would consider easily better than many of the final fantasies for example. However, games like Xillia, Zestiria, and even Berseria to some extent stuff I would consider absolutely mediocre in nearly every aspect.

If you've never played the series, know that one thing that is consistently good in all of them and that series does better than nearly every other JRPG is the character interactions and the skits. The only other JRPGs that even come close to making you enjoy the characters as much and involve every character in the party throughout the entire story and never leave them behind are the Persona games.

I would also tell you that the level design in previous games is nowhere near as bad as it is in Berseria or the recent games in general. The studio discovered they could use straight lines with Xillia and fans would still eat that shit up and have just kept going with it since.

I have only played Zestiria and while I enjoyed a bit of it, there were some parts that I despised (the shitty ending, the skills mechanic). How does this compares to it?

>if Sup Forums say it, it must be true!

It's definitely better than Compile Heart games, I can tell you that much.

>oh boy a Tales
>11 posts worth of garbage

Can anyone make a real Tales thread?

One thing I've noticed is that Tales fans are incredibly self depreciating in general for some reason. You wouldn't think a series this niche would have such a critical fanbase. They even made ">playing Tales for the story" a meme when the series averages better stories than most JRPGs.

No. Just make this one into a good one.

It's the exact same thing. Which is why so many people are parroting the rumors of a direct sequel that features characters from both games.

The overall lore is intact and Berseria basically sets up the tale of the first Shepard and Lord of Calamity.

There have been constant Berseria general since the game got released.

Lurk more.

Even though I'm a fan, I'm very willing to make my voice heard about the things I do not like about the games. And while I genuinely enjoyed Berseria, the dungeons, fields, and even the combat in my opinion were trash. Most of the time I took breaks playing was because I was so fucking sick of running through 5 screen transitions of empty field or straight line.

The series creator messed up on a huge scale. So huge, that the existing fanbase fell apart. The people that were left were willing to live with the flaws and continue playing.

It's one of the reasons why the sales of this game have been so far below the average. Tales of Xillia drew in new fans, but Zesteria sent them packing.

As as huge tales of fan, Berseria is a step in the right direction after the awful Xillia and Zestiria games.

It does some thing right but there is still room for improvement mainly for the dungeon/area which all look the fucking same but with different color scheme.

Im not even asking for puzzle but at least make it look kind of different like Vesperia did.

that's understandable, this is the JRPG equivalent of open world filler
why do people tolerate this, it's disrespectful

Tales of series games are cookie cutter jrpgs, but good jrpgs at that. They have a proven formula and stick pretty well to it. If you like one you'll like others. If you didnt like one (excluding zestiria) you probably wouldn't like any of the others.

There was time where you played this series for the characters, skits and battle system. Now its just the characters and skits.

>JRPGs as a genre is in such a bad condition lately
They are mostly the same as they always have been.
People just have nostalgia googles on for many older titles.
I would actually say that the genre is going stronger since there are more tiles released per year nowadays.
The big difference is that everyone played them in the past, but now mostly weebs play them.

Well zestiria is the worst tales of game. Berseria is better, but the universe that both games are set in is trash tier. The combat and characters are at least better in Berseria.

This is the most retarded meme on this website. Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Rebirth and Tales of Legendia - four mothership games in a row that were completely different from one another in a way Iuncommon to most JRPG series. Then you have Abyss with its VERY different and polarizing cast, Vesperia/Graces/Hearts which are entirely different from each other.

They only started becoming samey post-Xillia.

This pretty much sums up what I feel the issue with the series is right now.

Tales used to be good until both Team Symphonia and Team Destiny merged into one development team.

Vesperia was the last Team Symphonia game, Graces F was the last Team Destiny. Xillia is the first combined Tales studio game and that team has been making all the newer games since then.

>anime bullshit that carries its cheesy story with crappy graphics and non-gameplay

what do you think ?
jRPGs are just a bit less of a mistake than VNs

Is there any way to get the exorcist helmet for Eleanor to wear? Tired of looking at her face.

Should have done your research, this isn't turn based. 1/10

alright I'm convinced
downloading now

Best imouto and best oni-chan.

Velvet dies at the end. Arturia did nothing wrong.


It really isnt a meme, they progressed slowly, but there was no reinventing the universe with any game. And it seems fairly set in stone that moving forward the series will continue in monotony. The original games had more variety, but they were all pushing the form into this current model.

>Kid gets stabbed by a magic sword spell instead of an actual sword
WTF how did they think they could get away with this? I used to be a Tales fan but now it's just hilarious watching them crash and burn. But lets be real here, we can't let them get their hands on a PC release.
I am actually physically, literally, shaking at this very moment in the current year.

>It really isnt a meme
It really is and examples was provided, unless you want to argue that those games are similar in which case you are legitimately stupid.

Wait until a good Tales of game gets released.

Let's see... ugly graphics, repetitive mediocre soundtrack, button mash gameplay, loading screens everywhere when the levels are just hallways and rooms, $50 price tag + $50 of DLC

And yet Sup Forums is determined to give it a free pass because it'sa niche japanese series

Berseria lacks detail and some of the dungeons are pretty half assed, but overall Berserias variety in things to see, and key aesthetic moments make Berseria a game that comes off more visually pleasing to me than games like FFXV overall.

If you button mashed the problem is that you suck, not the gameplay's fault.

Stop playing Velvet or Rokurou and you won't mash.

Button mashing is the only way to play this game without making it incredibly tedious. The targeting system, along with the facts that your actions are limited, you go against several enemies at a time, your personal power and influence, and enjoyment is significantly lowered due to the fact that it's party combat, and how you need to constantly rearrange your skills to whoever you're going against every single battle.

The combat is clunky and tedious and the story is FFXIII tier. This is coming from a JRPG and action game fan.

>constructively critical thread overtaken by overdefensive fans of the series
every time

I've been enjoying the hell out of it so far. It's easy even on harder difficulties, but it's fun. Cast is top-notch and story is pretty tolerable.

I want to protect Dyle's smile.

Every games in the series is button mashing if you want. Its up to you how you wanna play them.

Sup Forums is not you safe space.

>how you need to constantly rearrange your skills to whoever you're going against every single battle
well you definitely don't have to do that

combat isn't the game's strong point so no need to voluntarily go out of your way to make it intolerable

>The targeting system, along with the facts that your actions are limited, you go against several enemies at a time, your personal power and influence
Nothing wrong with any of these.
>enjoyment is significantly lowered due to the fact that it's party combat, and how you need to constantly rearrange your skills to whoever you're going against every single battle
Only if you're an idiot that can't properly spread your artes to have elements and types handily ready.

Also this game still has the arte skip mechanic introduced in Zesteria. Your argument has no logic and you're basically saying you're too lazy/unskilled to set up and utilize a wide coverage arte spread.

Exactly, which is why overdefensive fans should learn how to take criticism.

So who is the best character to control in Berseria?

And by the best I mean "your favorite".

>ITT: people mad cause we shilled so hard they got tricked into buying the game

Link to one example of "constructive criticism" in the thread.

i have like 15 hours in the game and i didn't seen ONE loading screen... the fuck are you talking about? Even when i load my save file there is no loading screen.


Tales of Shit Tasteia

I just played until you escape from the prison.

To be completely honest, am I seriously supposed to cheer against this guy? From what we know he did what was right and Velvet is an awful character, seriously she's literally worse than Sasuke her lines are SO FUCKING CRINGE.

I don't know if I can play the game if she's like this all the time, it's just so bad. The Zestiria anime is the same too, people basically beg for Velvet not to appear in it because it ruins the fun every single time

To the dude having audio problems.
Make sure it's set to stereo in the settings.


Punching shit?
Sister complex?
Brother of the only good thing about Zestiria?

Thats my nigga right there.

No earth loli, lame.

He's a good boy he dindu nothin

2 second black screen is consider loading screen ;^)

Baby first tales of? Most villain in the series are ''literally did nothing wrong'' tier. Its just the method that they use are wrong.

There is are no 4 set ups that will cover all the monsters you'll fight in a zone because you have to account for their creature type, elemental weakness, and resistance.

The game does literally nothing to teach you how to build a good set up, it literally tells you to just press buttons and try combos. After reading their 20 combat tutorials I still had to go online to know that using a hidden arte first is important.

>using a hidden art first is important
wait, I thought you're supposed to use them later in the combo to reduce the SG cost?

played it for four hours. so far, its alright. sure as shit more enjoyable than zestiria (not saying much).

>I still had to go online to know that using a hidden arte first is important.

They literally say that on the first boss fight, what the fuck.

Sounds like you haven't got arte ball, or learned how to hold a button down yet. Anything you "need" to cover, you can do so without going into the menu.

That's what I thought too, but if you use a hidden arte of their weakness first, the rest of your combo will deal extra damage. For how much they put into this combat system they did a horrible job of explaining how to utilize it well.


The thing is that I don't care about Velvet while I cared about previous protagonists, I clearly stated it in my post.

Eizen is the coolest, but I can't deny I love playing as Velvet and annihilating twenty blokes in a row with her broken break soul.

Eleanor is also pretty fun mixed fighter with cool spells to use as enders.

A lot of areas have a ton of overlap, and a lot of areas only have like 4 different monsters, so yeah, its not hard at all to cover everything for most areas.

how do i git gud with eizen and eleanor?

How do I get through Davahl forest? There's red poison in the way.

Eat the fruit from the red tree. Duh.

There's different color fruit in the dungeon that lets you cross the area.

Where is the tree?


>let me just ignore those people recommending it
Nope, not a falseflagger at all.

Nevermind I found it.

Every Tales Antagonist is the definition of "goes a million miles too far and misses the point". Preserving humanity by destroying everything that makes a human being human is retarded.

literally click triangle two times then r2

Anyone got creamapi working. Everything but the fashion stuff show up

Vesperia on PC





>being a greedy piece of shit that causes untold horror and death is what makes us human
Tip top LEL

>Fight first Dire Enemy
>It's accompanied by 2 invulnerable snakes that have permanent super armor

It's like this game is trying as hard as it can to be as unfun as possible

Having the free will to decide to do something, good or evil is what makes us human.

I didn't encounter I dire enemy until like 45 hours into the game because fuck grinding enemies. It ended up showing up after I killed one enemy in an area as well.

what fucking books did bienfu read to get along with magilou, borderline porn stuff lmao she totally raped him

The very idea of what constitutes as "human" is retarded.

By your logic we should kill retards, autists, and kids under a certain age because they lack the mental capacity to achieve this "Free will" you speak of.

Humanity is a species nothing more, if removing emotions stops humanity from creating demons and putting the whole species under the threat of mass extinction I have to say its a small sacrifice.

Eleanor. She's a great battle mage.

Starting Berseria just now.
I think the combat system was pretty good, they sure make it better than what they done to Zestiria.
More importantly, controlable camera.
PC port is surprisingly good too.

I really wish more games would adopt Souls games philosophies. Skill-based action games should rarely have you fighting multiple enemies and when they do the pace needs to be slow enough that you have intervals to attack and defend.

A few hours into this game and I have literally 6 monsters beating on me and the only thing I can do is guard and slowly wait to die while praying my team of fucking AIs can figure out what to do.

Gaming needs to move the fuck away from the boring MMO combat and philosophies, the genre is dead for a reason.

Eleanor's character s the only thing I actually disliked about Berseria she is not consistent at all.

I don't see how you end up crying about how artorious is a bad guy cuz he killed one kid and decide to join Velvet who's a psychopathic maniac who is emotionally destroyed.

what I don't get is how the game is censored even on PC, I mean we play porn games all day, who are they trying to fool here lol

Hopefully fucking sometime soon. Literally the only reason I still have my 360.

you can play only using velvet, she is OP enough to solo the whole game

>can't into crowd control
You have more than enough tools to deal with having multiple enemies around you. Velvet even has a Break Soul that gives her super armor. Rokurou has a counter that functions in 360 degrees so you can just press R2 whenever something is going to hit you. Laphicet shouldn't be surrounded in the first place but if you are he has Dark Quarter (extremely fast AoE attack), and pretty much every move of Eleanor's has AoE.

Good job believing the retard when it's pretty much the exact opposite of what he said, regarding pretty much everything. Just a few steps left and you'll be part of the "animuh is bad only WRPG are good enough for manly smart men like me nowadays", don't give up!