What are some games that I can show off my high end PC on? I want to convince my console friends

What are some games that I can show off my high end PC on? I want to convince my console friends.

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You can't.
Consoles have the best looking games ever created.

No they don't, stop lying to yourself.


>80% shovelware
>19% shit
>1% Knack 2
Im really missing out!

This is really oudated

Berserk, Nier, Ni-no-Kuni, Ace Combat, Shenmue and probably some others I missed are announced for PC.

Deep down is also canceled.

Oh I guess I missed the """""""Console""""""" exclusive part have to be really desperate when you have to start listing multiplats with PC as exclusives. AC7 is on the xbone though.

Why does the fedora fit the 'never EVER' face so well?


I can't tell if you are a sonygger of a PC gamer.


How's your PS4 running this?

Graphics fags are cancer and there is nothing more cancerous than PCMR cucks brainwashed into being graphics fags.

Show your friends some Kerbal Space Program and some Euro Truck Simulator. Show them a Civilization game too. Video games are about games, show your friends some good games to convince them to invest into a $700 PC.

>PCMR cucks brainwashed into being graphics fags.
PC gamers don't even care that much about graphics anymore, sonyggers on the other hand...

>posts picture of real life

come on now

Nope, just modded skyrim :^)

your friends are fags

Your friends are brainlets and you cant do anything about it

SWBF at 4k

It's not.

>rock on top right is too flat
>flatness of the rock textures are visible on the edge
>brown grass on the upper left is lumpy and angular
>grass appears to be floating above the water

Artificial Academy 2

Why don't you just show them the pc versions of games they already have on console? Shouldn't that be enough?

What mods?

Also handy list of adult mods please I'm building my PC by early next month. Must include attractive feet

Ryse still looks fantastic, even though the game is a bit boring



The graphics look good, I'll admit that as a console pleb but there is no artstyle which also make it look strangely last-gen, almost like modded oblivion. Is the game any fun?

if you like nature and hunting it is

kinda need a controller though atm because keyboard is either all-or-nothing when it comes to pressure, so you can't walk slowly unless you use an analog stick

unless you tap w over and over