Convince me to buy the Switch

Convince me to buy the Switch.

I won't because you aren't planning to buy it.



It's too expensive


Don't bother, wait at least a year after its released. By then it might actually be worth the money. Maybe.

Convince yourself like a good little drone. Ask anyone with a ps4 how to do it and they'll be able to tell you.

Wait 3 years after it's released.


2 words

If you are so inclined, wait a year. Then see how you feel about it.

It doesnt have ANYTHING until a year after launch.

Do whatever you want m8, I think it looks good. I'm not going to convince you and neither is anyone else here.

that's nintendo's job.

I'd say it's worth it just for pikmin 4 but we don't know if it's gonna be a) any good or b) even on the Switch, even though it probably will be

You can play it on the job like I plan to


That's three words, or one acronym and one word.

but zelda

If you really love Zelda and don't own a pc a Switch is a good investment for you. In all other cases just wait.

Face it OP you're a drone that wants to, but logic and reason is telling you no.

So the question here is do you go with your heart, or head?

Muh penniss weenis of course haha

Zeruda Bress ofu za Wirudo

It's the best current videogame platform.

If you have one, girls will start talking to you.

Do what I do.

Tell myself I'll buy the next Nintendo system and then ultimately get turned off when its revealed.

Rinse and repeat, It works every time.

wat, no, just don't be gay.


Why? I don't give a shit what you do. You probably couldn't even get one at this point if you wanted.

you couldn't even if you wanted since they're all sold out.

>What are scalpers?

Because paying double the retail price is a sensible option for someone who's on the fence.

just 6 words
Zelda is not a SJW game
enough to make every Horizon "fan" buy Switch with Zelda

Underrated post

ribbon grill