This is Fie. She's a former mercenary and she's pretty damn cute too

This is Fie. She's a former mercenary and she's pretty damn cute too.

Other urls found in this thread:

She's not even main love interest.


Fie vs Shirley when?

Need more animu girls in Fie's clothes

That would be nice.




Why are you telling me this. I didn't ask.


Fuck off Laura

Reminder that CS3 is going to be localized by NISA.

Here's Fei in the upcoming US version!

They already localized 1 and 2 in Europe and didn't change Fies cloths though.

No they published it. It was still localized by XSeed.

Will she be playable in CS3?


more CSIII news when?

Hopefully soon.

She is a sleepy loli too.

Fie would get rekt though.



Only makes it harder when she steps on your dick.

She also has shit crafts.

>Her turn
>Another delay



>no faint craft
>Sara has a ranged counter anyway
>nearly everyone else has better delays
>shit strength

Reminder that if you create an extra save file so that you can go back and watch the finale bonding events with any other characters, then you're being unfaithful to your waifu and don't deserve her.

Reminder that the waifu choices in this game are shit anyway, so it doesn't matter.

But I don't have one.

>Thinking your waifu choice will matter in the long run if you aren't an Alisafag.


Can't wait for falcom to kill off these two shitty characters any sooner.

I hate how Towa doesn't really have a romantic end in the game. I feel cheated.


But my waifu is Renne and I went with Crow for the ending of CS1.

Not sure who I'll go with in CS2, I don't like anyone but Sara, Sharon, Toval, and Claire.


>Sara, Sharon, Toval, and Claire.

good news. You can get one of their endings in CS2.

She's a great tank.

Is there any good resolution uniform references for Sen 3? They look better than the original Thors uniform.

I'm not actually sure. Sorry user.

Altina is superior in every way.





It's pretty hard to hold back against that



I know you can get Sara's ending but it feels wrong doing that knowing Rean betrays her by siding with the guy who murdered her best friend.

I see.

Who should I date in CS2, Fie Laura or Alisa?
I don't like Sara a whole lot but if I can have the bonding event with Claire or Sharon from the supporting cast I'll take it.

the best you can do with Claire, Sharon, or Toval is to get their rank up to 3 before getting the Courageous and the person with the highest rank gives you something.

Claire - a critical up accessory
Toval - Spell cast time cut by 1/3 accessory
Sharon - all moves have a 90% chance of causing AT Delay

I got Sharon's already, so nothing beyond that?
Oh well.

"Crossbell Police"

nope becuase you no longer get a chance to have any events with her

there is a way to get more link points with her but that would be spoiler territory.

Thanks user.

I've been spoiled that Rean is the Chancellor's son and is forced to work with Altina against people from Crossbell and Calvard but I haven't verified it anywhere so I won't believe it's true until I see it. All things considering these threads are usually really safe and people are mindful of spoilers.

it's not that spoiler on how to get more link points with Shanon.

All I can say is that it concerns the final dungeon

>Dresses like that
>Former mercenary

i'm sure she saw a lot of """"action""""

When Dengeki Playstation #633 is leaked or released, whichever.

We could use a new protagonist in CS3, not that I dislike Rean, quite the contrary. Just think that this sort of story always benefits from fresh angles and considering how CS2 ended it could be used to make Rean a lot more interesting as a character since having to play as him puts a bunch of limitations in his possible story developments.


This should be the co-protagonist of CS3.

1,129 pictures in my Trails folder of all characters.


Isn't one of the screenshots of CS3 Sara spying on Lechter?

Not many actually. That plus my folder has Falcom art in general.


Reminder though:

"七耀暦1206 年―。内戦終結により、新たな時代の節目を迎えた巨大軍事国家・エレボニア帝国。《灰色の騎士》として国内で英雄視されるようになった青年、リィン・シュバルツァーを中心に、若き英雄たちの新たなる物語が幕を開ける――。"

Rean is the main character of Cold Steel 3.


Dad would be more pleased if Rean went with Sara.

But Rean is too young for Sara.

But his dad hates Sara and murdered her mentor????

Rean is an adult and is perfectly capable of taking Sara and making her a woman.


What? Are you confusing Sara with one of the ILF or something?

Fie is romanceable so it's practically a guarantee

Osborne is the one who helped wipe out the Bracer guilds which is when the guy she loved was killed???? did you play the games

>tfw Trails is kill
>falcom keeps shitting on its corpse


becky x hugo otp

You should play the games since
1) That was during her jaeger days and not her bracer days. She was a jaeger until six years ago

2) Ouroboros was the ones who killed off the bracers, and Sara blames them and only them in Cold Steel 1. She's mad at Osborne for shutting down their branches and never thinks that he helped kill the bracers.

This was in Sky 3rd too you know.

You're retarded, she knows he helped wipe out the branches like everyone with a brain does since the Imperial Army didn't do diddly when the attacks happened and she knows Osborne was working with Ouroboros.

So Rean joined the evil side to get a loli harem? Why do that?

Remember Emma is the best girl.

Vita died for this.

>Imperial Army cannot catch Bleublanc or Sharon oh no that means that they are not doing their best

You can enjoy watching the official Intelligence Division Report about how they collaborated with Cassius to take down Jester after the bombings in Sky 3rd.

That meme of yours will go into the trash can, where it belongs with all the unfounded rumors in Trails.

Why is she so smug?

RIP Vita.

Man, you are a fucking retard. They watched him help take it down, and offered minimal support just because they didn't want the guild to have any presence in Erebonia. They were hoping Cassius would fall so they wouldn't need to worry about him getting in the way the next time they tried to invade Liberl, hence raising his threat level after the incident.

You really are retarded if you can't understand that scene.

She knows she is the main heroine and no princess or imouto will ever steal her man.

Because she's going to win the Reanbowl.

Thanks for ignoring how Jester was closing in on killing Cassius if Cassius hadn't requested the ID's help in ambushing them.

And now you're going to backtrack and say some more specious bullshit, but don't bother.

Lel, no. You realize that entire scene is an imperial report, right? They were watching the whole thing and did as little as was necessary to make it look like they weren't trying to get the guild out of Erebonia. They thought Jester was closing in on killing Cassius, but he was luring them into a trap. Hence them raising Cassius' threat level afterward; they thought there was no possible way he could win.

You really think Osborne gave a shit about helping the guild? He wants them all gone and he doesn't care how, this was the perfect opportunity for him to do it without officially forcing them to leave. They get in his way, especially Cassius who stopped Erebonia from taking over Liberl which they now can't do without getting into a war with Calvard and Liberl at the same time. You can just ignore how the series repeatedly has shown that Osborne is a sociopath with no care for anything but his own goals who just happens to be very good at hiding it though.


She gained two levels of titty monster.


>I don't care what 3rd says

So everyone in Grancel pointing out that taking over Liberl was never Osborne's objective never happened according to you.

And in your flash of brilliance, everyone with a brain knows that Osborne and his faction works with Ouroboros and yet the ID somehow will convince people that they aren't trying to help Ouroboros by doing as little as possible.

And Cassius asked for their help anyways. How intelligent of him!

I have no need for your head canon. Cassius asked for their help in making a trap to stop Jester from killing more bracers and his strategies got him a threat level increase.

If you don't like it then complain to Falcom that they aren't writing according to your vision.

>So everyone in Grancel pointing out that taking over Liberl was never Osborne's objective never happened according to you.
Yeah sure, he built an otherwise worthless army of tanks just because he wanted some intel. He knew Olivier and Cassius would foil the invasion, but you're an idiot if you think he wouldn't have taken advantage of the situation had they not.
>And in your flash of brilliance, everyone with a brain knows that Osborne and his faction works with Ouroboros
Well yes, everyone with a brain does, unless they didn't play SC. I guess you skipped it.
> yet the ID somehow will convince people that they aren't trying to help Ouroboros by doing as little as possible.
You don't need much of a brain for this one. They did as little as possible to make it look like they weren't letting the Bracer guilds get attacked, and nothing to actually help at all, until Cassius asked them for help, putting them in a position where not helping would make it obvious they weren't trying to help. Hence their raising his threat level.
>I have no need for your head canon.
Not being retarded is headcanon now? Headcanon is you Cold Steel newfags believing Osborne is jesus and a great guy in spite of him being a megalomaniacal sociopath who wants to conquer the world like he blatantly is.
>If you don't like it then complain to Falcom that they aren't writing according to your vision.
But they're writing everything to make Osborne look like a world-conqueror with no regard for anything but his own goals????

She? Looks like a sissy boy to me.

Head pats.

I see, taking over the school will give him unlimited girls to give head pats forever. Truly that's evil.