Was 1990s Los Angeles as cool as SA made it look?

Was 1990s Los Angeles as cool as SA made it look?
>there is no universe where Grove Families kept their home from the Ballas

>Impyling anyone on Sup Forums lived through the 90s

You mean as dreadful as SA made it look? Wasn't the early 90's the peak of the violent crack addicted shitfest of the Crips and Bloods?

i doubt anyone on Sup Forums even lived through the 2000's

You're probably not going to find many hoodrats from south central LA that are old enough to have an informed opinion on here busta.

The colour grading make shit feel comfy whilst hiding poor draw distance.
There's a reason we get so many
>Grove Street... Home...
Besides, GTA is hardly the same tone as Menace 2 Society and Boyz n the Hood.

It's romantic, family is important


I lived through the nineties.heres how I rank them.
Early 90s. 9.3
Mid 90s 8.6
Late 90s 7.9

>every white boy ever

Do you agree that 2007 is the pinnacle of Western culture?

early 90s was good because the 80s still had influence on society

I believe the peak was actually in the late 80's.

Why i had a GTA SA feeling watching Straight Outta Compton?

Goddamn that image is old

If you like crack cocaine & gang violence then sure, it was great.

at least white people can keep their niggery in the virtual world


Only saw one black movie once, it was on accident. Coach Carter.
is there a list of like, 5 safe for white guy movies about gangstas?

I wonder if this legit happened to some Mid Western redneck kid who browsed Sup Forums in the 2000s. That'd be cool, Sup Forums doesn't deserve so many racist Caucasian folk.

shut the fuck up you faggot

>Always dressed and groomed CJ with the classiest shit possible and listened to K-DST exclusively
How do niggers refer to blacks that become productive members of society? Uncle Toms or something like that? I always went that route.

yes we are all 7

>hey guys
>im le epic racist XD
>friend chiecken, wuts that? some kind of NIGGER sport XDDDD
>Im so le racist

Until you've actually interacted with blacks you won't understand.

it did actually get me into rap which I didn't listen before

Ah I remember the day's when Mr. Popo rolled with the Southside Dragons.

No, blacks are shit, it's the "safe for white guy movies" part

I doubt anyone on Sup Forums is actually alive.

No. An Uncle Tom is basically a super racist black person.

Black people just call proper black people "black people who act white."

It's the most ignorant shit I've heard / ever will hear, but that's basically it. If you don't act like a hood rat throwing ghetto ebonics and slang around, you're "white."

I doubt anyone on Sup Forums.

An 'Uncle Tom' is someone aware of their lower class statuys, but embraces the stereo types set upon them, basically being "the niggest" and acting out ignorantly and constantly.

Some tend to be pretty anti-white though, so you're not too far off.

dude, who the fuck cares, nobody likes niggers
you don't need to emphasize the fact you're a racist with every fucking sentence

it's become the new MLPshit

I doubt anyone on

>An Uncle Tom is basically a super racist black person.
Sorry bud, you're objectively wrong here.

Someone have the facebook picture? "Darius quit acting white nigga" because he's typing normal and not in ebonics

Why do whites get triggered so hard over everything? It's like you're taking offense on everybody's behalf.
You're free to leave Sup Forums if words affect you this hard

White here. I couldn't give a shit. I feel like it's mostly the middle americans from small towns and southern states whose interaction with black people has always been limited to daytime TV and news reports.

I live in South Florida (Ft.Lauderdale.) Sometimes I'M the fucking minority when I go places. I've grown up with black kids, spanish kids, middle eastern kids, everything. They're normal fucking people whose parents came over to give their children a better life. My first friend in Kindergarten was a black kid named Jamel. I shit you not.

I'll never understand prejudice over the color of someone's skin. I've even had a white friend whose dad was so tanned from working construction, that he very often got mistaken for a hispanic guy. Even got harassed by police who suddenly acted shocked when he sounded like a southern white dude.

Guilty as charged.
Though I've only started saying nigga in public after GTA V.

It's not skin colour that's getting triggered, it's leftist sensibilities.

Nah they call em coons. Uncle Tom's are basically snitches nowadays, aka people that talk to the police about anything at all ever.

>saying nigga in public

Black here. Big word there friendo. I've seen white kids get their shit smashed for saying less. Be careful there.

>I'm totally not racist. I totally have < insert race here > friends!
I know this is not how you meant it, but this is always how it sounds.

t. one of those other races

When I refer to them irl, I just use their name. I'm simply making a point in response to other user's post.

Nigga, it's a white country.
I see blacks maybe once a week on Sundays if there's free beer for them at the Angolan refugee center.
I can say whatever I want.

Nah, the way he's framing it is very different from some college girl who says she's not racist because she likes Drake and has a Puerto Rican girl in her class.
t. kebab

>Ever afraid of saying words that aren't directed to anyone but whomever you're speaking with
Nobody fucking cares.

fuck off. He wa saying he grew up in a diverse area in response to people saying "you'd understand if you actually interacted with blacks" and went on to talk about how shitty prejudism is.

Fucking kill yourself

I doubt.

>Nigger is a big word
No bigger than asshole in my eyes.

I once visited a family friend's house out in the middle of the mountains in northern california. These guys were the whitest, most secluded family I'd ever seen, and when the kid's weren't doing outdoors shit, they would play GTA SA all day long. Really fired my neurons that day

Go outside

Americucks care

But I already do. Quadruple nigger has to be my most common insult among my friends.

I know it's NorCal but Cali is hardly some bumfuck nowhere state where everyone see blacks as second class citizens.

When was this, though? It's weird to be secluded during the digital age so I'm guessing closer to 2004 when SA was released.

>Cali is hardly some bumfuck nowhere state where everyone see blacks as second class citizens.
yet systematic wacism is still commonplace, really gets one thinking

California has some pretty red areas, I've seen lots of places where there's almost no blacks, it's not like it's impossible to be a redneck in cali
and yes, it was around 2004ish, maybe 2006 at most


Systematic racism is hardly limited to middle America and Cali.
>it's not like it's impossible to be a redneck in cali
LA has some outright Neo Nazis in some places, I believe. Not some American History X shit though.

>a group of white guys in another country made the most accurate nig portrayal ever
makes you think


is Sup Forums this underage that they dont remember the '92 la riots? baka

If you were taught as a child to get offended by sounds people make with thier mouths, then you had shit for parents. Kill yourself Nigger.

is that Ice Cube in the corner there?

I was only three years old during the LA riots, granddad.

More importantly, why are you still on Sup Forums?

OP is underage and can't extrapolate that crime isn't actually meant to be cool from the GTA games.

Systematic racism isn't real

I'll be damned, the guy who doesn't even bother with capital letters listens to rap music. What a shocker.

but it is cool

Not really. Isn't the plot of SA that you return to notLA because your mum got shot to death in a driveby?

Corrupt cops do exist though. Read something recently where models, who were white, in NY serve rich dudes weed. Meanwhile, some black guy would get arrested for possession.
>grammar Nazis
>on my Sup Forums
Fuck off, reddit.

They call them Sambos because sambo was the snitch house nigger in the fucking book, moron.

>Corrupt cops do exist though. Read something recently where models, who were white, in NY serve rich dudes weed. Meanwhile, some black guy would get arrested for possession

damn, black people are so oppressed ;_;


>caring about capital letters on an anonymous animu imageboard

literally fedoracore tier

How is that not a form of oppression when you can get arrested for something another group can do freely?

You do know that rich black dudes also get away with weed possession all the time right?

Snoop recently was in my country and stunk out an entire hotel and didn't even have to talk to any authorities.

Rich people get away with everything you daft cunt

because it's a status thing, not a race thing you stupid fuck

Minorities also have other advantages. Basically instead of a horizontal graph we have an ugly ziz-zaggy piece of shit that ends of being pretty much equal to the rest.

Positive discrimination is just as bad as negative.

It's called money. Welcome to the real world faggot.

Not my fault that typing like a nigger makes you sound like a nigger.
Ever see a facebook post where dey type lyk dis and think "What an idiot.". That's what people with a high school education think if they see a post where you don't even bother capitalising letters. This isn't Sup Forums, kids.

You're fucking retarded. You remind me of those idiots claiming Trump was a hardcore sexist because of his comment about grabbing women by the pussy: instead of seeing further beyond you boil it down to man and woman, white and black.

Status is hell of a thing.

Rip Reginald Denny
well actually he lived

what the fuck did you think was gonna happen, white boys from 21 Jump Street?

You just said this had something to do with corrupt cops.

>Ever see a facebook post


I ain't gonna deny affirmative action being dumb.
Snoop is medically allowed for migraines.
Black people are also more likely to get stop searched, even when they live or are in good neighborhoods.

>Black people are also more likely to get stop searched, even when they live or are in good neighborhoods.
huh, I wonder why.

>talks about capitalizing letters
>doesn't capitalize properly himself

>SA's date of release is now closer to the time it was set than the current day

>Snoop is medically allowed for migraines.

Not in my country you daft cunt.

>Minority is shown to commit more crime
>They're treated differently
How is this a problem? This isn't even racism, it's cold logic. You don't want police to act via that? Also positive discrimination also exist, so for every little example you can give there's another retort you can offer.

>Snoop is medically allowed for migraines.
Ah yes, so he should be able to smoke weed in any country he goes to because he has a medical card in Cali.

Totally not a status thing.

It's Snoop Doggy Dogg, he can do whatever he wants

Snoop dogg is a faggot

That's the best you've got though. You know I'm right. You know you look stupid.

Yeah he can because he's rich and has status.

>You know you look stupid
to whom?

But 90s LA wasn't meant to be cool? It was meant to be a city hungover from its 80s success, shown by drugs, crime, protests, corruption and rundownness.

Fair enough.
More men commit crimes but we shouldn't start singling out men.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums in general, is actually an AI experimenting on human society.