Who is canonicly the strongest Fallout faction

who is canonicly the strongest Fallout faction
who would win in a straight up war between all

>Chaotic good

aliens from mothership zeta

>cant handle a wasteland savage, a cowboy and a samurai while having a truckload of laser weapons

Midwest Brotherhood of Steel

>implying Caesars legion wont wipe the floor with them

BoS or NCR

>chaotic good
How can you be this dumb

btw legion is lawful good

There is a good fucking reason why the Think Tank are prevented from leaving their dome

The Enclave only loses to protagonists with plot armor so I'll go with them

Midwest BoS have armored cars and shit. Humvees > gay dudes in baseball gear

dumb chart, all of the good are mixed up (kings are chaotic, ncr is lawful, followers are neutral)
enclave and ncr are probably the two strongest

Brotherhood is much better organized and have much better weapons.

It wouldn't even be a contest.

>Came here to post this
>My nigga got here first

>Bunch of guys with spears and football pads standing a chance against against ghouls, deathclaws, super mutants, power armored soldiers, armored vehicles, and a robotic army
If a legionary fuck was smart, they'd join the Brotherhood as soon as they realize they're getting their shit pushed in

Post your favorite hidden gem mods.

Nothing against stuff like Project Nevada, or New Vegas Bounties, but everyone knows about those ones.

Either the NCR or Brotherhood of Steel. I think the NCR would stand a fair chance due to sheer numbers.

>start a new vegas playtrough
>install a enb why not not
>shit is transparrent everywhere, try every fix with no success
>uninstall and continue like nothing happened
how do people deal with ENB's

Fucking TOP TIER multiplayer going on in that game

I remember having my (usually docile) friends screaming in terror when my tricked out dog came running at them from some unexpected corner

Change Enclave and NRC and it will be completely fine

The Institute is more powerful than any of those factions. They could wipe the floor with anyone easily.

best power armor hands down

The helmet looks kind of cool but the body shape is edgy 90s trash that has no place in Fallout.

>The Institute is strong!
>loses to the Railroad

I know you were only pretending to be retarded but still

The NCR have the brotherhood on their hind legs in new vegas. Plus Bethesda's mary sue brotherhood aren't really representative of the kind of fascist zealotry that fuels their ego and ultimately their demise.

I reckon the legion because of all the factions in the whole of the franchise they are *committed*, and it's not just madness it's a return to the greatest empire the pre-war world had ever seen with the kind of tactical approach to warfare that no other faction has the stomach for. They're amoral with a moral intention

Factions like enclave and NCR just wanna keep old world democracy alive, either by enforcing it straight off the bat or by rebuilding it, and those factions require the hearts and minds of the people to win. People need to want to back them, where Caesar divides and conquers and anyone who isn't left as an example is a new recruit

Legion is not completely against technology. They were trying to buy laser weapons from the Van Graffs. They use what is appropriate for the situation.

>chaotic good
>true neutral
It's like you just needed to fill all the alignments and didn't want two factions filling the same square.

Brotherhood and NCR are both lawful neutral. Three in one square and two squares empty. Deal with it.

nah m8
best will always be T51b
APA is a strong contender though

>The brotherhood is strong!
>Loses to the institute

Its almost like you can make any faction seem strong if you are going by gameplay mechanics!


But that's not where Toronto is...


Where the fuck was the uproar for this stupid fucking faction? Is it just because it's in a game no one cares about?
>Pristine underground laboratory
>Teleportation lmao
>Infinite water and food source
>Everyone is a super genius
>Invented nearly 1to1 artificial human beings

Everything in fallout 4 is stupid, so it doesn't stand out as much

I didn't think the Brotherhood was stupid in Fallout 4

>lawful good
>chaotic good

Legion would easily win.

The NCR is more lawful good except they're really bad at it.
Awful good if you will

The quote fom ncr is awfully lawful, baka

What am I looking at here, senpai?

The Mojave Brotherhood are downright evil, and the Legion isn't entirely evil. Their military branch is quite evil, but apparently Legion controlled to the east are quite nice.

fuck off carlos

Do you guys think the next fallout game will be set in the mid-west? Seems like the only logical progression to me

It's already confirmed to be New Orleans

dont lie

If only it wasn't broken. The winning tactic is always to outfit one supersoldier on all possible drugs with an automatic shotgun.

[Citation needed]

>In the decades following the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Big Empty remained a desolate stretch of wasteland, where few travelers dared venture.

>{Curious, this is odd...}In time, however, a strange blue field began to grow, slowly spreading across the Big Empty.

>Lightning-blue fields of force danced on the horizon, like electrical storms.

>People whispered of "floating spheres," flickering like a rainbow of torches in the desert like Old World wisps.

>{Cold, curiosity changes to doom}Then communities began to vanish.

>Goodsprings was crushed beneath bizarre hexcrete blocks that stacked to the sky. The inhabitants of Primm winked out, flesh-fried into X-ray silhouettes, their arms raised in surrender.

>A satellite fell on Jacobstown, beaming a kaleidoscope of bright blue equations into the deranged Nightkin minds, driving some berserk, paralyzing others.

>Black Mountain Radio began broadcasting a strange staccato static as hordes of giant man-eating battle Brahmin began to swarm from its peak.

>Camp Searchlight became a garden of giant carnivorous plants, and the Colorado river... "shrugged" one day, drowning several communities as its contours adjusted themselves.

>The Gomorrah became home to a particularly virulent vegetation-based STD that grew like a fungus within victim's genitalia until their bodies burst open like pods.

>The Legion East were systematically brain-scrubbed and rebuilt so that all the inhabitants believed they were in ancient Rome... on the moon.

>...and the human cattle of NCR were re-educated into believing they existed in perpetuity in a nation-wide version of someplace called "Tranquility Lane."

>In the end, no one was sure who had cracked the Dome of the Big Empty, although it was clear someone had been playing with forces they did not understand.

>Throughout all this, the Think Tank was industrious, confident these experiments were all for the best, the results of the data they obtained - incredible.

>They marveled that {emph}all of this had been waiting for them to come along and experiment since the war.

>{Knowingly}Humanity certainly was persistent, no matter what experiments, nuclear holocaust or otherwise, it inflicted on itself.

Slide of a cut ending if the Think Tank ever got out

Bethesda filed a trademark on Fallout New Orleans, you do the math

whoever the player character decides to help

The Legion is a cult of personality and this is spelled out in game. They follow ceaser not ceaser's ideals. When he diesthe Legion dies. Short term policies become long term policies.

On top of all of that the Legion bluntly misses the point of actual irl rome. They collected gods, weapons, armor, and tactics like candy. They took cultures and forced them to submit, those cultures, ALL of those cultures became roman. Their gods became roman gods, their soldiers roman soldiers. They didn't just conquer they integrated.

The legion are just LARPers engaging in pointless brutalirmty until the power struggles set in.

The cultures of the tribes conquered are too garbled and different, and Caesar's Legion didn't have as much time actual Rome did, so they just destroyed the tribal cultures completely. The assumption is that the approach would be less drastic in case of conquering something like New Vegas (and Legion ending slides kind of confirm that).

Those are all blunt excuses Ceaser tells. Frankly the man overestimayed his capabilities and surrounding himself with a cult that worshipped him as a god only makes that problem worse. He understands little if any of the technology he loots and could've easily built his Rome back east.

Instead of doing the safe thing and grooming an heir who will see his reforms properly implemented he tries to conquer a rome.

If Kimball weren't so obsessed with old world toys he'd have built a fleet of hueys and wiped the legion from the face of the world. Instead he does his best to stamp out Tandy's legacy with half assed military victories.

Ceaser sees this and thinks he can conquer the NCR completely failing to take the industrial difference into account. What good atmre his precious legions when a better run NCR uses shermans and hueys to wipe out his Legions?

His entire faction only works if he somehow doesn't drop dead before someone can fix his shoddily built house of cards before they become a big enough problem for a more technologically faction to stop bullshitting and genocide them.

The Legion is literally a group of tribals pretending to be romans (poorly) nothing more and once Ceaser is gone all his Legiondms will be too busy arguing over which of his policies to continue and why to get anything done.

The presence of men like Lanius, who exist solely to murder without restraint at Ceaser's orders underscores how little he's planned beyond his death as the slides where ceaser dies and lanius survives prove.

Technology? He's a historian, not a scientist.
>could've easily built his Rome back east
What are you basing this on? From what I remember, Arizona is a wasteland, which explains Legion being initially poorly equipped.

Where are you basing the wild speculations on NCR capabilities? They are pretty advanced, but they aren't that advanced, nor were they in Fallout 2. They didn't make those vertibirds, you know. They looted them. What Shermans are you talking about? The Tactics ones? NCR doesn't have that. They can make firearms, sure. They can't even figure out how a powered armour works.

F2 Enclave, then NCR

The other factions could the lone courier.

So, the Aliens were technically fighting more.

>tfw Joshua won't overthrow Caesar and become the Constantine of the Legion

>tfw Caesar won't wake the fuck up and realize Vulpes Inculta is the future of the legion

>tfw Graham and Vulpes wont have gay sex using only their voices

You really shouldn't comment on things you really have no Idea about.

It's football gear.

Baseball, football, the other football, who gives a shit

Just fund some ""moderate"" ""rebel"" in legion territory then moved in. There is no way their tribal mentality has disappeared completely yet.
Problem solved.

Chaotic and Lawful Good are switched. Should be obvious just from the quotes.

>Followers take pity on the half dead Khans, despite it being their own fault
>teach them how to make medicine, which the Khans apparently neglected to learn in the last 40 or so years
>they start making enough drugs to supply a huge raider army outside Vegas
>not one peep out of the Followers on the subject of how badly they fucked up in their quest to be as naively altruistic as possible

The same people who like the Legion are the same people that like Trump


>The Mojave Brotherhood are downright evil
But that's not true, senpai.