Am I retarded for not liking this game and having serious issues solving lots of puzzles?

Am I retarded for not liking this game and having serious issues solving lots of puzzles?

Other urls found in this thread:

only if you paid $40 for it

you arent retarded, you are just average intelligence,e

This game isnt for people like you. It's made by a genius and made for genius s

did you not get the note? Sup Forums loves blow now

Why is this a thing
Why is every puzzle in this game just a screen
Why couldn't this be just a minigame in the local paper/any magazine
How do I solve it
And why would I want to

>Why couldn't this be just a minigame in the local paper
ah fuck you completely invalidated picross DS's existence with your post
better pack our bags and go home, it's over

if you dont know how to solve it then you havent found the tutorial area in the game, come back later

Maybe 1/3 of The Witness could just be a puzzle book, but there are plenty of puzzles that rely on the environment, environmental cues, or a level of meta puzzles that would be impossible to recreate in print.

Beyond that, the big thing about The Witness is that it doesn't tell you anything. It doesn't tell you the rules or what the symbols mean. It simply lets you know if you're correct or not, and you draw all of your conclusions from that. If there's a "Solutions" page or a codified explanation of the rules somewhere (as would be necessary in a book or a newspaper) then that completely defeats the purpose of the game.

The entire game is about discovery.

wow could you be any more pretentious?

could you be any more scared of big boy words that make you feel inadequate?

>Why is every puzzle in this game just a screen
Probably because they are so easy to create. Just draw any line pattern and fill in obstacles and challenges to go along with that pattern. Should take about 2 minutes for a difficult one.

You're not, I agree with you. The Talos Principle is the better game, can't believe The Witness got more praise for this "8 years in development panel puzzle simulator" crap.

Yes, you are.

>game is called "The Witness"
>nobody says "WITNESS ME!"

This, that guy should probably work on his insecurities. Getting mad that a game is too hard for him too. Sad.

The Talos Principle was not bad, but I was really frustrated with how long it took to "enter in" your solution, i.e., walking your lasers around to the right spots once you know the solution. And god forbid you miss a jump.

probably because the talos principle was an objectively worse game that Sup Forums only deludes themseves into liking because they have a hate boner for walking sims and actually difficult logic puzzles

I feel like map layout could be altered to make some of the tutorial areas not so far off track. You could start the game walking into the city, not even knowing that tutorials for all this shit exist somewehre.

i want to become a sonygger for this game

>the talos principle was an objectively worse game

lol no. It honestly wasn't, I've completed both 100%.

It's on PC though.

console gaming just works. haha i'm a mac user btw haha

The game more or less funnels you through the city early. I had this impression that the city was some ultra hard high level zone since I had no idea how to solve any of the puzzles (and trust me, I tried for hours). So I walked through. Then you start noticing the connections between some of the city puzzles and the other zones, and eventually, when you're passing through, you realize those puzzles aren't difficult at all -- you know exactly how to solve them. It's like leveling up in an RPG and being able to clear an area where everything used to kill you in a single hit.

Except you haven't leveled up -- you've built up enough knowledge to be able to piece together the solution to puzzles that seemed 100% completely impossible just a few hours prior.

The Witness is like (university level) mathematics. You're building up a framework as you go, and as you understand the basic foundational building blocks better, you'll begin to have less trouble solving problems. However, it still takes time. You don't just brute force your way to a proof, because there are so many possibilities.

Question, do I need to do all the black monolith puzzles (the ones you yo in the enviroment itself) to complete the game or are they optional? Because I found some of them by pure luck (like the shore one in the desert area) thinking "fuck, this is ridiculously difficult to find"

>university level
explains why so many people on this board are stumped by it

it's all fine till you get the blue tetris blocks
never did finish those puzzles in the mountain

The Witness looks like a very "humble monthly" game, if you know what I mean. So I think I'll wait just a bit more before playing it.

This game looks neat, but I always wondered, is it long enough to justify the huge price?

Also, how good does your PC have to be to run it? Mine's a little old, I don't think I can run AC Unity at recommended settings for example. (Haven't tried though.)

Totally optional. I loved the game, but only did like 40 of the 600+ environmental puzzles. Some of them were just the equivalent of pixel hunting which is not why I played The Witness.

Do you know what you unlock if you do them? A different ending or something?

it took me 30 hours to do most of it
left an few puzzles at the end and some environmental ones

It's a bit demanding, but not really a game that NEEDS a good framerate. I played it 30fps with dips and it was fine, not like any reflexes are needed.

Mine is a toaster and I can run it on minimun just fine, and I don´t hink you´ll enjoy it less by playing it like this, so give it a go

No, the monoliths just light up. There's an alternate ending, but you don't unlock it by doing all the environmental puzzles.

Thanks for the answers, I'll check it out. 30 hours does sound pretty damn substantial.

Sound puzzles are such bullshit.

I knew this game wasn't Myst but I was still disappointed. I think it was pretty clever but I just didn't like how the input mechanism was the same for every puzzle and I also didn't like how in order to learn a new mechanic you had to solve 20 puzzles of increasing difficulty. It was well-designed but just not appealing.

The sound puzzles were literally the easiest portion of the whole island.

The Witness' biggest weakness is not having a soundtrack. A simple, good soundtrack would have elevated this game from being a boring collectathon to an amazing puzzle adventure. Blow even advertised the game with a fucking awesome medieval-style song, but then the game has no music at all? Fucking lazy.

51 hours to 100% it with no help...
About 20 hours of that is just running around looking for some hidden shit, though.

but there is music

in fact, the lack of music makes the one instance where there is music pay off so much more

To me the easiest is the color island. Sounds weren't too bad, but it took a while for me to understand how the game wanted me to draw the waves.

Actually to this day I have no idea if the way I solve the elevator puzzle in the colors room is even correct. My solution merges together the patterns of the first 3 floors and then directly skips on top

It's a piece of pretentious indie shit.
Just play Talos Principle instead.

But there's no SOUNDTRACK. There's barely even any ambiance. It's a very hollow experience, from an auditory perspective, which is really weird because even Braid had a simple, yet pleasant soundtrack.

You'd think with his mountains of money Blow could've at least given the player something enjoyable to listen to as they roamed the island.

Please, explain to me how it's pretentious.

The entire point of the game is playing with the fact that your perspective changes how things look and this is expressed marvellously. The only things I found a bit out of place were the lessons in the cinema room (which in the end talk about point of views regardless).

The elevator puzzle is pretty simple... If two dots are different color on one floor it means they are really different color on other floors as well. You just have to separate all of the different colors by going to all the floors and seeing which are different

Talos Principle is just as pretentious with the shitty conversations with a computer and the audio logs. It's literally the same fucking thing as The Witness. It also has one type of puzzle. All you do is open gates to get puzzle pieces.

>You just have to separate all of the different colors by going to all the floors and seeing which are different
Oh ok, so my solution is correct. The way the elevator skips one of the floors always made me think I did it wrongly.

Go on, explain to me the story. And you'll know the ending. On and that piss video ending is the cringiest thing ever. Blow needs to be hanged for that alone.
Yes, OP. There's an ending in the game where Blow walks with a piss bottle in a black and white video, through his studio or home.

>pirated the witness last year shortly after it came out
>after several hours it started crashing/not saving progress
>stopped playing it
>got it again in the humble bundle
>it loaded my save from the pirated version
>I've solved half the island but I don't remember what anything means
>keep finding puzzles I'm not sure if I solved yet
>don't want to start again because I don't want to have to redo all the shit i already did

what do

>Go on, explain to me the story
There is none. You are playing for the game itself, the island is built as a giant playfield that has no reason to be other than entertain you.

You are also the game developer, trying the game. As he walks out, he starts finding shapes everywhere in the environment around him since playing the game has changed his point of view. There's nothing special about it, but I don't see how it's pretentious.

>Talos Principle is just as pretentious with the shitty conversations
I don't think you understand what pretentious means. It doesn't mean "shitty conversations" and it doesn't mean half assed criticism of a game people outside Witness shill threads very rarely criticize.

do you actually think the lack of music was a matter of cost and not an intentional design choice? because if there's something this game didn't skimp on, it's sound design.

there are literally thousands of individual sounds for footsteps for different materials, and the lack of wind breezes or chirping birds or bugs help selling the island's artificial image.

They aren't pretentious because they're shitty, they're shitty because they're pretentious, you idiot.

You are the one that brought Talos Principle in the thread in the first place. Nobody was talking about it.

I get it. For you, pretentious means when something tries to be deep but you don't really get what it means. Yes, Witness did that, partially, but it stays true to the point for the entire experience.
And even if some of the audio logs are a bit "obscure", who cares, really? The puzzles are nice.

I got this in the Humble Freedom Bundle. I'm enjoying it so far, but goddam some of the shit seems arbitrary as fuck. I can't seem to get the third sound puzzle. The shadow puzzles in the forest would be cool, except for the ones that are partially covered up so you have to look at it at just the right angle to even have an idea of how to do it.

Some of the shape puzzles practically require you to break out the graph paper and fuck around till you solve it, unless you're just godly at mental imaging.

I get WHY the boat moves slowly, but the fact that there's some things you can ONLY get to by boat, and the island is pretty large, means it takes forever to get to some places. There needs to be a better fast travel method, even if just to the docks.

I'm still enjoying it overall, but it does have some really annoying flaws. I love the environmental puzzles, but some of them are pretty finicky to get right.

The witness is the first genuine art game - It's the first game where I feel like I can make an argument from beginning to end about how it's art. I'm not one for puzzles but I appreciate how well put together and thought through the setup is that I play it anyway.

The game also runs brilliantly on weak hardware. (HD4000)

It is a little irksome that the game includes almost no music, but it's not about that at all. It's not even about the puzzles really. Well it is, but the puzzles are the content as opposed to the meaning/message.

>do you actually think the lack of music was a matter of cost and not an intentional design choice?
Considering he blew all of his money on finishing the game, I think it's absolutely possible he considered a soundtrack unimportant to the point where there was no budget left over for it.

No, you are just not used to and/or don't enjoy solving logic puzzles.

The game is for people who enjoy solving problems for the sake of solving them. The process.

The game is "for" people who collect rubiks cubes or by riddle books.

>I don't think you understand what pretentious means
pot calling kettle black etc etc

but keep virtue signaling on an anonymous forum with your talos principle praise. throw in some "cuck" and "nu" while you're at it, why won't you? because what could be more dangerous than doing what you think Sup Forums doesn't want you to do?

>explain to me the story
>There is none
Simply epic my friendo!

The story is so fucking pretentious they made you go into rooms just so you can spend an hour watching shitty thrown together videos about irrelevant philosophers and post modern shittery.

Witness is about brooding over your terrible cancer ridden exsistence in virtual worlds (when you irl live in a great mansion and have it all obviously) and how terrible it is to not have friends.

If only Blow meant it as this. He meant is as an exploration of some kind of angst as there's nobody to Witness (tm) your great accomplishments in virtual worlds. (while throwing in deep things like a piss bottle in your irl life what does it mean???)
A fucking joke.

How is Talos Principle pretentious?

can you imagine being this scared of not understanding something


>the one that brought Talos Principle
I'm not, it's other anons who mentioned it first.

The Witness is about perspective. What are you on about?


Just means puzzles don't excite you that much.

>Talos Principle is just as pretentious
Nigger what. Talos Principle has an actual story and has puzzles that go beyond "drag mouse from point a to point b in a certain style". Talos is a far superior game.

It's not. He's shilling for The Witness (buy it now!), which means belittling better games in the genre.

How is The Witness pretentious? He said "just as", meaning that most things you could say The Witness is pretentious about can be reflected right back at Talos Principle

>Simply epic my friendo!
I don't understand user. I am not defending the game, nor do I think it needs to be argued over. The story, in the game, is completely irrelevant. The game exists for the puzzles and the puzzles only, if you are playing it for the story there is something wrong going on.

> they made you go into rooms just so you can spend an hour watching shitty thrown together videos
The lessons are rewards for optional puzzles. They are completely optional, you are free not to watch them, exactly like you are free not to listen to the audio logs. They are also not part of the "story"
>Witness is about brooding over your terrible cancer ridden exsistence in virtual worlds (when you irl live in a great mansion and have it all obviously) and how terrible it is to not have friends.
No, the Witness is about "Perspective". If you listened to the audiologs you'd realize they are all telling about similar things from different point of views.
>He meant is as an exploration of some kind of angst as there's nobody to Witness (tm) your great accomplishments in virtual worlds.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

Why are you so mad at it? It's a fun little game with nice clever puzzles and some really neat perspective tricks.

so dragging a mouse = pretentious now?

Did you even play the game? All the game does is constantly talk about philosophy and consciousness. Unlike The Witness where all of this is optional, Talos Principle makes all the consoles beep until you read their pretentious bullshit.

No, you aren't.

As a long time puzzle game/myst clone fanboy, The Witness rates among the lowest of all the puzzle games I've experienced.

The biggest reason being how incredibly vague the game is. There is frequently no explanation for the puzzles you encounter, you don't know what they are there for, and most of the time is difficult to tell what solving them will actually do. The closest you can come to is following the wires around, but unless its connected to something obvious like a closed gate, its never clear what the actual objective is.

Furthermore, the puzzles themselves are extremely restrictive. MANY times while playing I found solutions to them which satisfied all the requirements to the puzzle (when I could find what the requirements were - the game doesn't tell you and you are left to intuit it), yet it would not be counted as correct because it did not follow the prescribed developer path.

The Witness sucks. The various Myst and Riven games are far better.

It wants to explore themes, but never gives satisfying context and is full of cancerous logs and that alternative ending.

>Witness is about "Perspective". If you listened to the audiologs you'd realize they are all telling about similar things from different point of views
Things like this are vague bullshit and the game doesn't go nearly as far as it needs to actually convey meaning. It's a post-modern experiment in minimalism and it actively hates it players and wants not to be understood. And understanding anything about it is basically gasping at straws.

Ironic considering Talos faggots have nothing to do but bring up their completely overshadowed game in every single Witness or 3D adventure/puzzle game thread that appears.

Ignoring that no intelligent post on this board has ever contained the word "shill"

As someone who has actually played both games, I disagree.

>for not liking the game
Nope, you can dislike it for a number of reasons, from its nonsensical existential mess of a "plot," to its overuse of oversaturated color. That doesn't make you reta-
>having serious issues solving lots of puzzles
Sorry brah, you're retarded.

So anything that you can't/don't want to try to understand is pretentious? Anything that doesn't have a clear cut ending or a clearly spelled out sole interpretation is pretentious? Because that's the point you are arguing right now.

stfu shill

Riven did it better.

It's easy to bring in Talos into this to show it done right. Talos is open ended and allows player to form their own mind. It never gives definite answers to its themes. Yet, throughout the game it points out problems, various solutions and viewpoints on its themes so you can form an opinion of your own.
Just shows how much better it did its job.

>Things like this are vague bullshit
Ok, since you are being retarded I'll argument.

Everything you do in the Witness. Every single thing. Everything is about Perspective.

The audiologs shows different perspective over the world. The videos do too.
The puzzles force you to look at the puzzles from the right angle. Some are completely nonsensical, until you understand what they mean. Something literally require you to look at the panel in a certain way. Some require to look at the environment in different way.

The island is filled with optical illusions, figures that appear out of nowhere. Two statues touching each other, a praying woman reflected into a lake. There are hundreds of puzzles, exactly like the maze-like puzzles you solve on the screens and they are everywhere on the island. They are usually invisible, because they are asking you to look at things from a different point of view.

That's it. There's nothign else. You argue it's made "not to be understood", but only because you refuse to accept what other people are telling you. You are free to do that, but in the process you do nothing else than making yourself look like a fool only for the sake of feeling "right" about a stupid video game you are projecting some bizarre anger against.

I will repeat it once more: the audio logs are not exploring themes in the game. You listen to them while doing the puzzles and in the meanwhile you get some insights various people, teachers and scientists had during their lives. There's nothing else to be said.

I have also played both games. The Witness is fun for a couple of hours but has nothing to keep you going. Talos has proper gating and a reward system and is an actual game.

I dont think The Witness is suppose to convey a meaning, rather it emphasizes the process/experience of solving a puzzle island.

Sure the audio logs offer some sort of dense babble, but nothing else.

The implication of a hidden meaning in completing the island may be pretentious in it of itself. I do not think this was a goal Blow had in mind though.

On a higher note, I wish the witness was narrated more like talos though. Would have negated the whole "pretentious" feeling of the game

But do you need a reward? Isn't knowing there's stuff to do in the game enough? Isn't solving the puzzle the reard in itself?

I mean, do you need the game to tell you "You are awesome!" after a puzzle to feel satisfied?

>needing the game to give you pretend rewards and a fake sense of progression to keep you interested

Why do you even play games?

But the exact fucking thing can be said about the Witness. Depending on how you look at it and what parts you look at, it could, among other things, be:
- a statement on enjoying the journey and playing games because you like playing them and not because of some propective ending
- a story about an atheist/anti-theist brain washing scheme (there are post-game audio logs that hint at this)
- a message about meditation and living in the "now" (there are lots of zen and buddhist imagery throughout the game)

>Why don't you walk down an empty hallway for five hours?
>Why would anybody want something to happen in their games?

>Why don't you walk down an empty hallway for five hours?
You are solving puzzles, you fool. If you walked for five hours around the island while doing absolutely nothing it's not my fault.

Every time you solve a puzzle, something happens: you unlock more puzzles, usually harder ones. And when you have solved all the puzzles, the game is over.


Why ever learn programming, playing music, drawing, languages, anything? Why do anything if you don't enjoy the act of doing it?

nice intellectual dishonesty with your nice false analogy btw

>not going into the rooms in the hallway to explore
>running to the end of the hallway because that's where the progress is

You sound like a faggot.

I spent 40 hours playing through the Hexcells game. I could have just clicked through all of them in 30 minutes since it doesn't penalize you for failing, but I didn't.

Why? Because I actually enjoyed figuring them out. It must suck to not be able to enjoy things unless the game rewards you.

Jesus fucking Christ the fact that I share a board with pretentious smartasses like you cucks is embarrassing. Take your Gone Home tier trash and shove it up your asses


It's nice but a superficial puzzler. It has nothing really to do with myst despite the backdrop. I'd probably like it more if there were less puzzles.

Real men play zachtronic games

If that's what the game were all about the game should have just been a linear stretch of puzzles. Having to walk from puzzle to puzzle in an environment populated by things that could be something but are instead nothing is Jon Blow's pretentious way of admitting he had no idea how to actually make the puzzles part of the game outside of hiding bigger puzzles in the landscape. You could make the same game, cut out all the environments, and have the same rewards and challenges. The game pretends to be about more, and makes you think there's more as motivation for solving puzzles that ultimately have no purpose other than to unlock more puzzles. It's a fucking mobile game and charging 40 dollars for it is preposterous. Just because you put a mobile game on screens on a 3D island doesn't change the fact that you're still playing a fucking 40$ mobile game.

>pretentious smartasses
>gone home too blended in the mix
>shove it up your asses
How does it feel, user, to be so butthurt you have to resort to this only to feel better?

Did it hurt, user? Are you being bullied by this thread for liking something you don't like? It's ok, just close the tab. Everything is going to be alright!

>Everything you do in the Witness. Every single thing. Everything is about Perspective.
This. Sounds. Like. Tumblr. Ugh. I. Can't. Even.

>everything is about perspective
Not the ending video which we talked about earlier, yet you conveniently ignore because it doesn't gel with "huurrrr perspective"

Your post goes completely against what another user defending the game said in response to my post:
>I dont think The Witness is suppose to convey a meaning

And a third user is trying to extrapolate three different meanings in the game which have nothing with what either of you two said:
>Depending on how you look at it and what parts you look at, it could, among other things, be...

This is what makes Witness pretentious. It showers you with concepts and pretends to be profound (omg no music or tutorial!) during gameplay for a punchline that never comes and jerks itself over logs that may or may not have meaning depending on who you ask.

I could go on into details, but I'd have three anons who don't agree among themselves to wrestle with. This is because Blow is an ass who made a bunch of newspaper puzzles and sold them to reddit as an elitism simulator. Other anons are just content to say it's shit and nothing more. Maybe they're smarter than I am. Either case, Reddit is the best place to discuss this video game.

Yes, you are absolutely right, we could totally strip out those panels using glares or shadows or perspective or color blending or sound and put them in the crossword section of a newspaper, you are truly a brilliant individual to come to this conclusion.
>walking is pretentious
what the fuck am i reading

>Why ever learn programming, playing music, drawing, languages, anything?
Learning something that can benefit you is not the same as playing pick up sticks for fourteen hours, genius.

>Why do anything if you don't enjoy the act of doing it?
Why make a game where there is no point to playing the game other than setting an arbitrary boolean to "true"? Might as well just play Cookie Clicker.

Honestly if you'd remove all puzzles and make the game only about exploration and environmental cues it'd still be decent.

The puzzle are pretty lame but it does feel good when you figure it out and the only place when they are redundant is in the house in the tree.

Most of the things in the mountain were pretty lame too, not harder but just tedious, however some stuff were really clever like solving five puzzles at the same time, or using the puzzle to create a pathway.

The game's not amazing or revolutionary by any means but I do gotta get credit to Blow for it because it is filled with good ideas.

I stumbled upon the secret ending after restarting a save and I had no idea what was going on though.