Dead Space is the sequel Resident Evil 4 deserved

>Dead Space is the sequel Resident Evil 4 deserved


>things we've know for a decade, now written by a slowpoke game "journalist"

Keep sucking less dicks OP, your brain is rotting.

Yes but where's the sequel Dead Space deserves?

Fucking this, dead space 2 was good even with its own issues. But the third game may as well be a spin-off.

You might be an actual retard if you think dead space 1 is better than 2

the first one is clunky as shit, barely has enemy variety, animations look like shit, ishimura looks the exact same all the way through with simply slight color alterations which becomes insufferable and predictable after a few hours, the story is badly handled and boring, the "boss"fights suck and all other weapons except the ripper and plasma cutter are boring dogshit. The only positive thing I can say in comparison to 2 is that its graphics holding up as well as they do is more impressive than in 2

2 has better enemy and area design both visually and gameplay wise, better weapons (javelin gun, detonator) the suits are actually different designs, the graphics were fucking good, animations were good, Isaac has a 10/10 VA and the game has much more effective scares and characters like the eye machine and Stross

Dead Space was RE4 with no enemy or level variety. Not a worthy successor at all.

yeah because RE4 has such good enemy "variety"

>ganado with X tool
>shitty bugs that you shotgun (appear in like two areas)
>slightly bigger ganado with armor

then theres 2 minibosses like dr.salvador and the garradors +tip

oh no and cant forget the shitty dogs that appear in two spots during the game too

2 is garbage

giving Isaac voice ruined the immersion, giving him new mandatory love interest killed the story, removing all the fucking boss fights killed the fun, turning the semi survival horror/TPS into full blown third person action shooter killed the atmosphere

>ganados come in many forms from villagers with pitchforks to solders with machine guns and are combined with 3 types of parasites
>lots of unique bosses

>oh no and cant forget the shitty dogs that appear in two spots during the game too

That's the point. RE4 was constantly mixing up the enemy encounters. There are some that are literally only in a single room which makes it refreshing when you encounter them. Even when you're just fighting ganados, there are a lot of unique scenarios. The cabin fight is a completely different experience from the water room, or the mine carts, etc. The regenerator section feels like a completely different game.

Compared to Dead Space which is just the same fucking encounter repeated for 10 hours.

>>Dead Space is the sequel Resident Evil 4 deserved
That is correct. Also

it's not really a love interest in the second one though

d3 is where it became a full blown tps and it's shit

>turning the semi survival horror/

hahaha what the fuck am I reading try actually replaying the game without being 7 years old retard

>we will never get a first person Dead Space VR game with DS1 Isaac who barely talks
feels bad man



Necromorph Regenerator vs RE Regenerador

Also despite DS3 being crap, the lore of the Marker and what they actually do is interesting.


nah DS3 is better than RE6
re6 is like tps with no ammo
a bnch of really shitty QTE sequences

DS3 has weapons upgrade and personalisation
and you have all the ammo you will ever need

1 was better than 2. Isaac talks way too much in 2.

I'm sorry you can't immerse yourself properly

great "argument" retard, resident evil 6 must be the scariest game ever made then too because you can self insert into the characters in the middle of a bioterror attack

Holy shit, I've seen everything on Sup Forums now. Someone who actually thinks RE4 has shit enemy variety.

>X enemy sprints at you
>X starts slowwalking at 2 meter distance so you can conveniently snipe whichever joint/ the skull if you prefer

literally described every enemy in the game apart from the minibosses

the only thing it has is encounter variety and those are very hit and miss, practically 80% of RE4 is "that" part

this, silent protags are always the best
small tiny lines are acceptable

Who force gun guy here?

Force gun was a blast, friendo.

>using anything but the cutter

it's like you want the game to be harder

>make the game easier for me, please

Only the human enemies. And even then, variety with them is great enough so that it never really feels like you're fighting the same enemy over and over and over again.

>the only thing it has is encounter variety and those are very hit and miss, practically 80% of RE4 is "that" part
RE4 only really has a few parts that are "that" part, namely the Water Room, and the minecart sequence.

Good taste my man.

Cutter can't compete with this baby.

The environments in Dead Space were really cool but it got really old after the fourth monster jumping out of a vent screaming at you or learning that any time you see one laying on the ground it is playing dead instead of mixing it up to keep you on your toes.


I agree, user

Everyone knows that plasma cutter-only run is canon


I played and beat DeadSpace 1 three times.

Now, I'm not a trophy/achievement guy, but in my first playthrough I never looked at the list nor cared, but I told myself "I bet I could beat this game with just the pistol."


Then bam, it rewarded me with some shit trophy.

The second playthrough...

Now THAT was fun. All the scares were out of the system. Now it was LOOK NEW SHIT.

Felt awesome.

>turning the semi survival horror/TPS into full blown third person action shooter killed the atmosphere

Love this meme, both games are straight up third person shooter murder mayhem fests where you blast space zombies into chunks with futuristic powertools

The first game is inferior in terms of variety, pacing, controls (on PC at least), and horror

How to run in 4K?