Roughly 10 days left till the newest Harvest Moon game. Will it be good?

Roughly 10 days left till the newest Harvest Moon game. Will it be good?


They'll never be as good as Friends of Mineral Town. Probably will be another New Beginning

Yeah I think it will

>newer games have way more content, things to do, quality of life improvements
>old game continues to be best
Its almost like the new ones have too much shit going on

I have a feeling they didn't fix any of the first SoS's problems

There hasn't been a good one in 15 years.

>Its almost like we suffer from nostalgia goggles


What were the problems of the first SoS?

It's a proven fact that the newer games have less shit going on and worse gimmicky mechanics
*cough* last valley *cough*

problems with new harvest moon

>tutorials are too fucking long
>too easy to make money at the start. no sense of gradual progression
>too much fucking mining shit
>too many redundant crops and animals
>massive empty maps
>loose controls and shitty animations.

The old Harvest Moons were good because they did more with less. New HMs are shit because they give more but it's all grindy shit.

who /capybaraplush/ here?

My problems were
>couldn't use better materials in place of lesser materials, forcing you to carry multiples of animals
>it took forever to get said + materials
>Flax was the only thing worth growing
>they went overboard with timed shit. I don't like having to wait 3+ years to make certain clothes
>unlocking certain things were ridiculous, even using seed mode

uh I remember contests being somewhat hard or something but maybe I'm retarded and misremembering.

not exactly limited to SoS but
>npcs lack dialogue

the characters are more developed , there are more events also you dont have to wait to sell crops

what's the citizen kane of harvest moon?

The lag in the first SoS was pretty bad. Did it improve in this game?

how did I not hear anything about this game? I like SoS but it got boring fast.

This was my biggest problem. I know I shouldn't complain about having too much to do but a lot of it was just redundant. Less is more sometimes

what's the best entry point in the series? friends of mineral town?

Fuck SoS, new Shepard's crossing when?

that was definitely the peak of the series, it all went down hill after that one

Rune Factory games are better, don't fall for the meme, older games aged pretty bad and miss important features and content

A man chooses, a gnome obeys

>tfw you've got a tough case of oneitis for your first crush
God damn it Popuri, we were united by love for cocks

Happy at least some people are smart enough to identify SoS with HM.

there is a furry you can marry and fuck
so it depends if you think that is the make of a degenerate.

amen brother it's no coincidence that my interest in the series died when she stopped being a choice

She's the best.

I really do hope XSEED goes through with bringing over the DLC even if it is paid for us

>tfw you will never live a simple life and work up the courage to bring gifts to your pink waifu

>Kino no Tabi ED in the background
>Find this pic
it hurts brehs.


My first and best

It's not Harvest Moon anymore.

Also, could be good. Whether it is better than the others is a different question, though.

>newer games
>quality of life improvements
>One of the Story of Seasons releases had no shipping box, you could only sell things at the bazaar which was only open at certain days of the week and at certain times
>The town is 4 screens of walking away from your farm despite being the place you'll go to the most, there is nothing of any importance on those 3 screens on the way
>The bazaar is a further screen of walking on top of that

They're going fucking backwards. That's why the old games are better.

Reminder that literally 10% of the game was added post-release through free DLC and XSEED aren't going to release any of it.

They are still mulling over it.

They straight up said that it either won't happen or if they do release it it'll be as paid DLC.

>discover tumblr for the first time
>all those awful drawings and shitty cosplay
Eh, if people aren't ashamed to post that, maybe I should go ahead and try drawing more often.
It can't be worse than that after all

That's fucked up. Not sure if want now.

wtf I hate xseed now

Yes, paid DLC (how does that infer XSEED AREN'T GOING TO RELEASE ANY OF IT!!!!). But that's better than not at all.

>(how does that infer XSEED AREN'T GOING TO RELEASE ANY OF IT!!!!
Are you perhaps illiterate?
>But that's better than not at all.
Releasing it for free would be the even better option. You know, just like the actual devs did.

My biggest problem is that I can't have a fuck huge farm with slaves watering it for me like I did in FoMT. Only Rune Factory came close to it.

They're a business. The amount of content in the DLC is so huge that it would cost an exorbitant amount to localize, according to them anyway. Maybe Marvelous was able to afford releasing it for free. XSEED is a very small company. Who knows.

Well it solves the crippling frame rate issues the series has had for ten years or so but no idea if it'll be decent beyond that

The whole charging for what was a free update thing makes it highly unlikely I will buy the game though

>They're a business.
So is Marvelous.
>The amount of content in the DLC is so huge that it would cost an exorbitant amount to localize, according to them anyway.
Certainly not as much as it cost Marvelous to produce in the first place.
>Maybe Marvelous was able to afford releasing it for free.
There's no "maybe" about it, because that's what they did. But of course, the reason they did was likely on the faith that by providing that extra content for free they would be enticing more sales of the game and building good faith with their consumers.
>XSEED is a very small company.
Not too small to do the game itself though, of which the DLC is, as stated, only 10% of in terms of content size.

XSEED are simply not as generous.

IF SOMEBODY WERE TO MAKE ANOTHER HM THEMSELVES, HOW WOULD YOU WANT IT DONE? (let's pretend stardew valley doesn't exist)

Throw me any idea you desperately want in a harvest moon game. Working on a thing I guess.

>will it be good

>She hasn't been back in forever.

It hurts.

The last several harvest moons have been so bad, though.

Rune Factory was basically Harvest Moon done right again, but Harvest Moon went to shit.

I would love to see the AWL girls appear again in some form. HMDS was kind of a mess...

Really hoping the "certain game for certain hardware" the Rune Factory producer talked about being announced this year is RF5.

NA is getting the same base game that JP did. It's not as if they're cutting anything out of the localized version to put back in as DLC. Hell, Marvelous didn't even put the free DLC out until 6+ months after the game came out.

I'm still not sure if I'll pick it up, although I'm more likely to just grab the base game.

Time management, like the original Harvest Moon games.

Character stories/relationships, something like the newer Rune Factory games did. Sure, making the girl as a standard stereotype works well enough, but it is a lot more interesting if the character has a personality that you eventually work towards finding out. It makes them more interesting.

Present potential upgrades or new methods of revenue at points when the work becomes easy. The biggest problem with Story of Seasons was that everything was difficult, until you started bringing in the money, then everything was easy. Don't include such a large stepping stone that doing one thing simplifies everything, and include new things that the player can accomplish with, say, a new source of stamina or free time.

Have an eventual goal to work towards. The SNES HM had a three year time limit, with the goal to accomplish as much as you could. Games which just have a bland end goal (reliably earn good money, for example) tend to get very boring once you begin hitting that goal.

Tile-based movement. Reasonable travel times between destinations, particularly your farm and the town's stores (Stardew Valley failed completely at this). No crop rotation or natural disaster bullshit. Actually decent fishing.

The issue is the DLC was free in Japan as updates and if it comes here at all it won't be free.

>NA is getting the same base game that JP did. It's not as if they're cutting anything out of the localized version to put back in as DLC.
Of course, the problem is that they're not planning to provide the same post-release support.
> Hell, Marvelous didn't even put the free DLC out until 6+ months after the game came out.
That's not quite right, it was released gradually over a six month period with the last DLC coming out 6 months after the game's release.

I think you meant to say Wonderful Life

>It's not Harvest Moon anymore.

Natsume please...

Your last two points are non-existent I played the JP version and I've won every contest so far.

As for dialogue, there's a shit ton of it. The DLC has more lines than the fulll game (I think it's 600k and 660k or something).

>>tutorials are too fucking long
The tutorial in SoS2 is really short iirc.
>>too easy to make money at the start. no sense of gradual progression
No longer a thing, I think. I've done pretty well and am in the 2nd or 3rd month, and I've never had a shit ton of money.
>>too much fucking mining shit
That's still a thing. Be ready to save scum.
>>massive empty maps
Not a thing in SoS2
>>loose controls and shitty animations.
Controls are fine, but the animations are still eh (though I don't know why you would care that much about animations that aren't 100% dog trash)

Not sure what you mean by the redundant crops and animals.
Practically non-existent. Don't think I've seen it once yet.
I'm honestly mixed on this. Part of me is mad, part of me understands because it has more dialogue than the main game, part of me doesn't give a shit because I'm pirating the DLC anyways.

Really depends on the pricing of it.

Already played it. The game IS good.
Will be picking up an English copy anyways.

>crop rotation or natural disaster bullshit

What games even do this?

Also isn't the store pretty close to your farm in SV?

>part of me understands because it has more dialogue than the main game
I don't know where you heard that but that's completely wrong.

I tried the last SoS and couldn't make it out of the tutorial. That shit just takes so long and you can't skip any of the retarded dialogue.

Will this game run at 2fps like a new beginning?

iirc XSeed said that.

I absolutely despised ANB. That shit wasn't even a farming game, more like a picking up and hoarding trash game.

Redundant animals sucked in SoS, 3 types of chicken, 3 types of cows, sheep/alpaca/lama/camel/goat, there's just 3 types of animal, the only difference between each counterpart is the time when they unlock and their price/the price of their product, we don't need 3 types of milk/eggs/wool and every single product made of them cluttering out inventory

that sounds like a switch game

Who are you going to be marrying Sup Forums?

that delicious brown dude

>better waifus than Rune Factory
Why is this allowed?

Ah. In that case, I'm not entirely sure. I never bothered to get the other cows since I was too busy upgrading my farm and making sure my crops were top notch.
I'm going to do more than just touching the fluffy tail, if you catch my drift.

>no fritz


>What games even do this?
Loads of HM games have typhoons, I'm pretty sure even the first one did. I'm not sure when crop rotation got added to HM but it's been in RF since at least 3.
>Also isn't the store pretty close to your farm in SV?
No, the stores are at the far end of town from your farm. And the movement speed in SV is utterly abysmal which makes walking from your front door to the town's stores take several real minutes and several game hours at the same time.

You don't remember correctly, because XSEED said that the DLC contains roughly 200,000 characters of text compared to the main game's roughly 2 million.

Either Kitsune or Meena/Maya.

Ah, my bad. idk where my numbers come from, then.

Either way, I'm pirating the DLC so I don't really care much. Practically everyone can just pirate it at this point.

I bet you like traps you faggot

This. More gimmicks only reduce the fun. Can't they just make a comfy SoL games without forcing me with targets here and there.


This got an EU release date yet?

Why isn't this game on PC? I know Stardew Valley and classic Harvest Moon aren't one to one clones like Story of Seasons and Nu-Harvest Moon are but still seeing the leader of these type of games just give a whole market away is sad.


Cause it's a japanese game

Give it a few years and maybe the company will start doing ports, since it's the trend that we're getting lately

What's wrong with New Beginning?

I would consider looking at sameface valley if they all didn't have the same face

I still haven't played too much of the first one.
Only until my first birthday, when my waifu made dinner for me. I played to that part while I was having problems with my relationship and I didn't feel like playing through that at the time.

Man I hate the new art style.

I miss sprites

3D was a mistake. Every time a game transitions from 2D to 3D, it becomes slow as fuck because it turns a two frame sprite animation to a 3-second one.

can wait to get my doberbro

Not feeling that German shepherd

Is Story of Seasons better than Natsume Harvest Moon?

>Not getting the beagle

Story of Seasons is the actual Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon that you know and love. Natsume's new HM is copycat garbage.

Dachshund is best hund.

The Russel terrier (third row, third from the left) is the firs dog everyone can get.
At least that's how it was in my save game. Don't know if it's randomized.

>Not liking Nami

This bad taste is amazing

I know, but sometimes the copycat can surpass the original. Like Street Fighter and King of Fighters.

Unfortunately not in this case. They seem to be slowly learning and improving through feedback, but their games are still pretty bad.