Why didn't Tidus fall for Rikku?

Why didn't Tidus fall for Rikku?

cause she has a roastie while yuna has an innie


FFX has a linear story and the Tidus/Yuna romance is an important part of it no matter if you think it sucks. This is coming from someone that, for whatever reason, likes Tidus/Lulu as a crackship.

She's a gypsy

FFX was before the era where your character was a beta self insert.

Spiral-eyed nip.

He was suppose to be able to date any of the three girls, but you know, Square.

Her eyes creep me out.

>tfw you always end up with lulu on the speedster for some reason

Tidus felt like he could have ended up with either Rikku or Lulu, but I guess to convey the story of the impossible couple, Yuna and Tidus made more sense.

At best the biggest choice would lead to whoever you rode the snowmobile with.

that started at ff8 actually.

That was a leftover mechanic from FFVII but unlike FFVII, it's pointless because the story makes it redundant. At least in VII you had the excuse that Cloud isn't canonically in love with either Tifa or Aerith aside from fan interputations. That's why you can also date Yuffie or Barret because romance in that game isn't a big deal. In FFX it's the opposite.

Because the writers made it that way. They are animated game characters that never had a choice and you should probably kill yourself for making this pathetic thread.

>ywn be chased by a fiend
>ywn be rescued by Kimahri
>ywn be in his arms as he tells you it's alright

why live

Ur a gay faggot

Fucking Al Bhed sympathizers, get off my board

Why didn't Noctis marry Iris instead?

Why don't you get a life?

Wise words from Wakka "If the eye is spiral, the solution is final"Captain of the Besaid Aurochs.


You first, you disgusting sand-blasted grease monkey.

>likes Tidus/Lulu as a crackship.

It's the power of a Ara~ Witch.

She's not that old but I guess in anime land, early 20s is like late 40s.

He's a prince, Iris was a commoner. Such an action would be controversial.


Rikku is a SLUT,