10x more anime shit

>10x more anime shit
>new soundtrack
>active battle system
>most content cut from original
>kingdom hearts influence
>voice acting

What's the point?

another nostalgiafag,I see. What's the point of this thread?
Don't buy the game then.

How can you defend anything SE is doing with this game or has done in general over the last decade?

I'm just hoping they don't give Tifa unrealistic beauty standard honestly, it's 2017

kys nostaligiafag

He's not, he's saying don't play it

I like FFXIV.

id rather have a new fun game than a remake that's just the same shit but prettier. turn based RPGs dont really demand good graphics

>playing mmos

>What's the point?
Less glitches and the M. Def bug being fixed.

What's the point in remaking it if it's an exact copy?

Also, anything is an improvement on the originals combat. Or, well, lack thereof.

>cut content

It's meant to draw in new consumers who didn't/haven't played the original,esp. those who haven't played it due to its poor graphics (yes, it didn't age well).

Who's gonna buy products anything related to FF7 once you nostalgiafags die? Why are you guys so dense?

Don't buy it then

The three biggest fault of the original is the awful graphics, terrible combat and really shoddy writing.

While the latter is kinda cute, the other two needs to be improved.
I was really down on the game when they release some of the info on it, but let's face it. VII is a pretty flawed game.

The episodic part is total shit though.

>10x more anime shit

I keep seeing this fucking complaint.

FF7 was anime as fuck. Seriously. A lot of FFs are.

the only thing I'm upset about is the DLC and episode bullshit

>an anime series is anime


What's wrong with MMOs?

You are only allowed to play the genres I enjoy REEEEEEEEEE

>What's the point?
If you don't like it don't play it

He doesn't like it, so it's irredeemable shit of course. All of them.

C'mon user, get with the program.

It's gonna make square enix many din din and we'll be damned if someone says it looks like a mockery of the original! the PS4 needs it's 3rd game after nioh and Bloodborne and we can't have it any other way

>assuming my gender

Bigoted little shitter

>What's the point?
Complaining about it

>the PS4 needs it's 3rd game after nioh and Bloodborne and we can't have it any other way

It's not a PS4 exclusive though.

I hope this time we get to roam the entire city instead of just strolling in the slums with some weed dealer.

>I hope this time we get to roam the entire city
Due the episodic nature I don't think the first game will allow you to explore any further than the slums.

>10x more anime shit
>I was too young to realise what anime was at the time, and didn't have any real understanding of the anime scene in the 90's, so as a result I didn't recognize the fact that final fantasy 7 is literally steeped in the traditional trappings of anime from head to toe.

seriously anyone who thinks that final fantasy VII was "not that anime" just has no fucking clue what anime was.

Are you seriously proud of your anime knowledge bro?

>10x more anime
No, it's the opposite.
They're making a anime as fuck game with realistic graphics instead.
It's amazing how only 2 screenshots showed how much the art design of FF7 and realistic don't mix at all

Why would he be in Sup Forums if he wasn't?

Why are you here if you aren't proud of your anime knowledge?

Japan has been riding on the "realistic anime arthetics" for a while though, CGi movies for certain series has been happening for a good 10 years.

It's amazing how many threads 2 measly images could produce, shitposting or actual discussions, it doesn't matter which, FFVIIR has Sup Forums by the balls.

When they finally show Tifa Sup Forums will probably make Sup Forums crash as whole.

where do you read pride into that?
the statement is:

>if you think FF7 was not anime you are completely wrong on a fundamental level, and it's probably because you were too young and/or unacquainted with anime in general

that's all there is to it.

They buffed his arm a bit there so he doesn't look like an anemic junkie, at least in that pic.

Hope it stays like that and hope he doesn't actually look like a junkie. It'll be too weird to have everyone interacting with him and nobody commenting on how sick he looks even if its common fact that he is actually sick.

It kinda makes sense that he would look fucked up at the start

>a fucking wing

No, not really, Tifa and everyone would've noticed, anyone would've really based on that face shot he has in this remake, he looks like he should be in a hospital. Yet in FF7 they didn't even comment on it, not until Jenova mind fuckery.

Hell, Tifa doesn't even seem to worry so much for him in the beginning considering we later learn she had found him you know where. It all points to him looking fine on the outside.