This is Leo...

This is Leo. This senran is in fact a young man who mastered the shinobi transformation and partially but permanently transformed himself into a 'female'. This essentially marks him as the first transexual senran.

Say something nice about him.

Other urls found in this thread:!cV5yxKJb!gO0wM2DD5xhlezX82efwzQ

Harem Jutsu!

Is this your head canon

Sure, why not.

>Here's your drink, "madam".
>Thanks. Have a nice day.
>You, too.
Something similar happened in real life. God, I am so awkward. How should I have responded instead?

What's the difference between gender bender and a tranny?

an actual vagina

this is autism in its purest form

No feminine penis? Who cares.

>partially [...] transformed himself into a 'female'.
So he isn't fully female then?
>everything except his groin is visibly female
It's a futa then.

I want to fuck that man and her bulge

grab boob

She sounds like a fucking man
At least Miyabi is a cute hunk with a feminine voice

>It's a futa then
About that...

Ever heard of tucking?
Apparently she's known for that masculine voice.

>that voice belongs to this

>looks like a man irl
>dresses like a man
>sounds like a man
Are we sure that isn't a man?

She looks hot

Why the fuck you lying OP?

>say something nice about x
i hate this shit
i hate you
fuck you

See It just hasn't been revealed yet.


>this is his VA

Bad meme from a bad general about a bad series

Naruto would be proud.




I would fuck him/her.

oh it's the laserwhip lesbian from DtB S2

I wish this wasn't bullshit.
I love gender bender in video games.

I want to be smothered by Ryoubi's giant tits!


>liking he/shes
Fuck off and quit trying to ruin women. Bet you like futa too.

>Same birthday as me

I've never played a SK game but now I got a SK waifu

Except that isn't true? gtfo faggot

lol what a fag

>someone died the day I was born
wow i'm reincarnated allen fucking Ginsberg

whoever died the day you were born was obvs fucking stupid

>oh gee same birthday as me
literally meaningless

user your mom just told me to remind you to take your autism medicine

Futa is alright I guess, but gender bender just does stuff for me user, especially if they end up liking the transformation by the end.

That's official art from their website, her transform tits have gotten even larger


At yet she's flatter than Mirai in regular form.

What a gay

>especially if they end up liking the transformation by the end.

Genuinely enjoy it or just mindbroken "Sex as a girl feels so good I don't want to go back"?

why not both

First one can bear children

I do not like futa, at all. Only reason if I ever would fap to a doujin is because the titties is good, but Futa is just weird as fuck.

But Gender Bender is something that I just like a fuckload. Only thing I find weird is JP's calling it TS for TransSexual - but whatevs.

Very rarely explored in more serious media too but I dunno, I like Kämpfer, Ore no twintails, that blazblue manga etc.

There is just something for that "if I was a girl" fantasy I guess.

...Which senran is Leo in?

This is daidoji. A young Japanese girl that mastered the shinobi transformation to turn her hair from brown to black.

One is legit, the other is a fake with a penis, aka a dude.



She only appeared in a mobile game until now, she'll be appearing in Peach beach Splash when it comes out in March.

>america does a transgender character
>alt-right loses their shit
>japan does a transgender character
>suddenly best character ever

Weeaboos are huge hypocrites, more news at eleven. Up next: Water is wet.


Because they look good. America forgot how to make good looking females and their Transgenders just look terrifying.

Thank japan for being last bastion of making Trans acceptable

Because japan does it right.

You gotta wait for it to come out on PC...2 years from now.

For one they basically have guys and girls look completely identical for the most part.

Best of both worlds

Can't find Snek version.

Is it possible to learn this power?

>This meme is actually spreading.

I am disappointing in all of you.

none, they are both gay shit
>cant impregnate a boi
>b-but if he becomes a grill he now can xd



Can we just appreciate Miyabi and her femininity?

sorry to be late, but she looks so cute in this pic man. she should braid them more.

Genuinely enjoy it.
I don't like mindbreak very much because to me it seems lazy and honestly boring.
I look for cute happy stories instead of purely lust.

That got me.
Miyabi is best girl anyway.

>Maifags in SK threads
Fuck everything

This is my fetish. I must meme it into being canon.


Good Sk threads are cancer in general.

I swear I'm not him.
Mai was just a good example of what I was talking about.

This is partially a TG thread.

Maifags are commonly associated as being a gestalt platform made up of multiple personalities that all talk like robots.
Just wait til they get the "I want to be Mai so much" programs booted up

please do not ruin the Senran thread with NUArcsys


Too lewd

It's her default hairstyle for the new game

>inverted nipples


This is a Cat, the actual best senran. Say something nice to her or else....


Do you happen to have Souji and Yuyaki in these?

why Ryoubi? she is best girl for sure but only because she is flat but not loli. all the other girls have big tiddies

Nope. These are the only chibi vectors that have been done so far!cV5yxKJb!gO0wM2DD5xhlezX82efwzQ

neat thnx

Still appreciated. Thanks

>Hikage and Daidouji not being kissable when the patch first hit EV.
Good times.

>gorgeous long hair (+ braids)
>perfect flat chest (+breast envy)
>big fat ass
>sometimes totally hourglass
>actually a murderer
Ryoubi is absoultely best girl.

>muh alt-right boogeyman
>forgetting where you are
weeb hivemind will always maintain the opinion that
"japan just does it better", and most of the time they're right

Wot? People are turning on this character extremely quickly.

XX and XY

My wife Miyabi is way too cute

Because some trannies are sexier than others. If America had sexy transsexuals, then we'd want to suck the femwood too

I'd rather turn into her


Trannies look like dudes, but insist on being treated as 100% female. Genderbent guys look like women, but don't mind people finding out that they still have the mind of a perverted old man.


Jesus Christ, she's old enough to be my mother

Got a link to the image?

I really do wonder what the thought process was behind giving her such a deep voice though? I mean with Miyabi, having a somewhat deeper voice makes sense, since being a tomboy is a big part of her character. However even her voice still has enough femininity to it that you can identify it as female.

I can't really hear an ounce of femininity in Leo's voice. It is entirely masculine, to an almost unnatural degree. And worse, it completely contradicts her appearance. She is not 'boyish' looking like Miyabi. The way she carries herself along with the very long hair and the rose theme seems decisively feminine.

So for what purpose could they have chosen that voice for her? I just don't understand it.