Protagonist is a straight, white male

>Protagonist is a straight, white male




>gta san andreas
>protagonist is black
i'm fine with this.

>mafia 3
>protagonist is black

>game has resolution scaling that makes the game look like the ugliest piece of shit on current gen consoles whenever your PS4pleb can't take the heat.


>Protagonist is a gay, white male

Name one game

I'll take 10 copies!

Character is a blatant rip off of geralt.


>Protagonist is a human


You have to be 18 to post here kiddo

Final Fantasy 8

>Thread is bait


Did you just assume xer's sexual orientation, race and gender?
Check your privilege.

dragon age games



mafia 3 was shit
gta 4 the ballad of gay tony

>protagonist is straight
>peotagonist has a girlfriend/wife who plays a large role in the game

I usually drop these games.
I don't care about straight relationships desu.
It ruins the mood.

He's actually gay.

>cute ninja girl tries several times to jump on his dick
>he would rather chase a bald guy around who never gets anything done even if left alone
>even follows him back home to sodomize his clones

>Game requires neural activity of the cerebellum & prefrontal cortex.
