European smash tourney with Armada, Leffen, Ice, Moon, DruggedFox, etc etc. SFAT fails to make top 8 lul.

stream @ twitch / GeekyGoonSquad

DruggedFox vs. Slox right now in loser's top 8

Other urls found in this thread:

Next person to post is a Mangofag

HOw good is Zorc?

Just beat it

It sucks that Shroomed didn't get into Summit.
He's the only top 10 MIOM player that didn't get auto-invited isn't he?

Best in Norway, maybe top 15 in EU

yes because muh pewfat

Pretty much. They wanted PewPewU in because of the teams shit and because they can promote Teem Beer merchandise.

Money match my ICs. If you win i'll pull out of Summit.



No one wants to see another Sheik.


I'll take Sheik over a wobbler any day of the week and twice on weekends.

Summit uses 20XX, him and Chu should mm sopo dittos.

What's the best secondary for a Falco main?

Marth because that's what PPMD did.

>another sheik

there's 0.5 sheiks there, m2k is the only one. Fuck off.

Young Link



Why would you need a secondary if you're playing Falco?

>Wanting to see Kevin "solo marth main" Toy
Shroomed at least has a personality beyond memes, unlike PPU, and is the better player.
PPU was a certain slot to the voting anyway, if doubles is really that popular. Might as well have invited android, who makes a way better team with armada than ppu makes with sfat.

true, i forgot. but he'll use fox and samus too most likely. shroomed is solo sheik with a marth for ICs

Is he a top 5 fox main?

For fun, and for Peach/Puff


Brudder vs Brothah.

sheik dittos are yew keeding me

none. It's too hard, just put all your attention into falco

His tech skill is top 5 fox main tier and his mentality is pool fodder player tier

You know Falco beats Peach and Puff, right? Falco literally has no truly losing matchups, don't waste time on secondaries and just learn how to play him properly.

Not even top 5 fox main in norwalk

*proceeds to lose set*

>sheik dittos

brb 15min smoking a bowl and practicing ledge dashes

Anyone else really bored? Should I just fap or what?? Wrong Amsa

Alex19 isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with fox? Alex puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. mang0 breaks records. Armada breaks records. Alex19 breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.

>His tech skill is top 5 fox main tier
Now that's an absolutely top lel

was this while she was broken up with zero?

He would be if he didn't lose to randoms all the fucking time

Tech skill wise. Yes.

Have you seen his shines out of shield?

Depends what you're fapping to.

He looks like a fudge packer

Fox so you don't have to learn how to play floaty matchups

>Professor Pro
Prove me wrong.

Damn, what a slut



Plup said at some Norcal tournament that he won't be using Fox any more, and he only uses the Samus vs Icies or on FD (granted there are two icies there so he might end up pulling it out)

Fuck Android. He's a shit tier player who mains a boring ass character, the motherfucker can't even speak fucking english, and armada is CONSTANTLY shilling his bland worthless ass even though he brings virtually nothing to the table and gets completely carried when they team.

Mainly though fuck him for ruining the m2k/armada dream team.

Even Mango says his tech skill is top tier and better than his. Alex has a very technical fox, he's just weak at pretty much everything else.


he literally doesnt

nah he went off in double at genesis

m2k is all about himself in doubles

>no Mango or Leffen

I mean, they (obviously) aren't as stupid and inconsistent with their play as those guys, but their tech skill is clean as fuck

Will m2k ever team with leffen? Leffen has called m2k the best doubles player in the world.

>Mango dickriders suck his noob buttbuddy19 off
LMAO cucked


what did this stream-monster mean by this?

Team UGS is the most hype team in Melee doubles suck my dick buddy

Well mango is right that his tech is better than his. Not top 5 though. Hax is more technical, west's fox is more technical, even leffen is more technical. Alex has a memey shine-fox, his movement is total dogshit.

but alex is daddy

Alex19's not so great?

shitpost on facebook

I get the feeling HMW doesn't feel comfortable commentating with Fauster.

Sheik dittos were a mistake. We need to ban every character but fox falco falcon and marth.

HMW needs someone who can carry the color commentator, he's better as hypeman/co-host

i can see how commentating opposite Fauster could be a bit intimidating

>banning samus
But why?

>Hax is more technical
We'll see how technical he is with the meme box.

>Wanting to ban samus, doc, luigi, or pikachu


There's this trap doujin on Sup Forums but I vant find English scans of it.

Go get 3stocked by Ganondorf some more. noob

I feel like they are both good but don't compliment eachother very well. That's why I think it is interesting seeing them commentate, you are seeing chemistry unfold as we go on. It will either be really fucking good by GFs or still kind of awkward by the end.

>30 seconds of bomb blooping to recover at 200%
take too long to kill


>tfw neither of these sheiks is in fire

but plup vs m2k sheik dittos are sick

At least Fauster is trying to keep things hype. HMW is literally yawning.

>"he just needs more confidence"
I hate this meme insight

>yawning into the mic


Ice is more technical than Alex. KJH is more technical than Alex. Javi is more technical than Alex. Plus the ones already mentioned.

Ah fuck him, Swedish should've been 10th anyway

The only exciting Sheik ditto I've ever seen was m2k vs Plup.

android sucks btw


you watch that tournament yesterday, buddy?

swedish is an overrated hack

>black man cucks Swede

Could be trying to communicate to fauster to start getting hype and doing his thing. "im getting tired man start waking me up" kinda thing

I hate this british brat

>this fucking mc
better than fendy tbqh

Who the hell is this chavvy fuck?

is that announcer guy on drugs

Does Plup still play fox?
I remember him saying he was going to drop him a while back to focus on samus and sheik but I really want him to actually be able to win a major

He's starting to become shit, but he had a really good 2016.

Amsah is pretty hot desu
would pound while pulling his ridiciously long dreads

None or Marth. Marth + Spacie is probably the best combo in melee for primary/secondary

He can win a Major with Sheik. Just not with Peach present..

Armada might not even be playing anymore if it wasn't for teaming with android