Baldur's Gate 2

Post your favorite party in BG2.

Fight off Obsidiots claiming PoE is a good game.

Creepers who play with Imoen romance mod are not welcome.

poe is better

i like minsc!!! lol so wacky

Vanilla BG2 is trash. It has THE most brain-dead and easy encounter design in both IE and Aurora games.

>Paladin UH

>Imoen romance mod

Any tips about it? Heard it has many options and dont wanna fuck it up

Edwin, Viconia, Aerie, Minsc, Jaheira was my first one, it's special to me.

I'm thinking about doing a run with the rejects i never used. Cernd, Jan, Yoshimo, Valygar ,that imprisoned paladin girl.

if it's the most brain dead of both IE and Aurora games, then you should be able to provide a ranked list of all of them, with BG2 at the bottom. :^)

Boulders Gate sucks
Boulders Gate 2 sucks too
Throne of Ball also sucks

>Any tips about it?
Don't even bother playing it without a guide, you will 100% fuck it up. Also, it has some really fucking cringey moments, but it's still not that poorly written to be ignored.

Also, it has rape, lots of it.

Some guides are outdated as hell so it's better if you just play and try to be a nice onii-chan.

>then you should be able to provide a ranked list of all of them, with BG2 at the bottom. :^)

>IWD2 (fight vs Isair and Madae is the hardest encounter in all vanilla IE and Aurora games)
>MotB (some optional encounters like the Berserker lodge fights are balls-to-the-wall hard)
>Vanilla NWN2 (I still remember the bitching and moaning of casuals getting raped by Thugs in the Neeshka's sidequest and some other areas, LMAO)
>BG1 (the fight against Sarevok and his lieutenants at the end is genuinely challenging, but not too much)

there is no need for a guide in the latest version, all you need to know is that campfire scene is where things happen or they don't. and it's impossible to miss the campfire scene if you just follow the main story and have imoen in the party. if she says let's be friends, then you messed up that encounter.

>cavalier charname

Any difficulty mods for Icewind Dale?
I enabled Heart of Fury but it seems kinda janky, I'm still curbstomping everything just a bit slower.


Wait, you no longer need to accumulate X number of good boy points before the campfire scene in order to not fuck up the campfire scene?

>Sarevok fight hardest
>not Aec'Letec

it's like you didn't even play the game

Too much work for a company like Beamdog. Also, they cant sjw that one unless they add some extra characters or quest and no way in hell they are gonna waste time in that.

Does it? I heard someone say it didn't, and it was a sub-mod that added the rape. I would like a detailed report on this because next time I play I would like to rape the shit out of Imoen, if you please.

It just makes my autism flare up something fierce when I've got BG1, 2, and IWD1 EE on Steam and there's no IWD2EE. The lack of PST wouldn't bother me, it's just because they did IWD1 that 2 bugs me so much.

I played the mod literally fucking 6+ years ago when the ToB version wasn't even finished and you really needed a guide to get the needed number of good boy points in order to not fuck up the campfire scene.

I never installed any mods on top of it and there was at least one moment involving rape in the story.

the good boy point system is done away with, instead it's a puzzle of dialogue at the campfire scene.
if you tell her to fuck off you can ruin the romance, but besides that nothing is going to stop it.

I think the "lots of rape" is more relevant to the old version. The one that for almost a decade nobody update till some random guy did it in a couple of months.

This tbqh

I don't even remember this nigger. I only remember having to replay the Sarevok fight multiple times and that's it.

Well, seeing as how they're not even RPGs, they suck by definition.

that's because he's part of the shit tier Dragonspear expansion

Name 1 (one) challenging encounter in IWD.

Thats just because IWD1 use the same engine with the sames edition rules that BG1/2. Also, they hired the modders who made the fixpack, iwdification and unfinished bussiness for the original IWD so they barely have any extra work to do.

Dear fucking christ...

what the actual fuck

There really aren't any outstanding encounters in IWD with super challenging bosses or anything of the like. It's just that the early and mid-game pulls no punches and throws shit at you in hordes and it can really fuck you up, if you avoid sleeping after every encounter.

On average, it's simply more challenging in its "trash" encounters than NWN1 and BG games.

What? He's from TotSC

try again, he's the "final boss" of the TotSC expansion, after Durlag's Tower
probably one of the hardest encounters in the infinity engine games

>Spoiling the trap for catching memesters
You done a bad thing, user.

But who the fuck want to be challenged by trash mobs you'll fight every 5 steps

how do you even start TotSC? I even followed a guide for BG1EE and it didn't cover it at all

Oh, wait, he's the demon you fight in Durlag's Tower. Now I remember, I cheesed his retarded ass by abusing the retarded AI. I had him chase one of my fast moving characters while using an archer and a mage to shoot at him from a distance. I beat the fight on first try, though I'm pretty sure he would have destroyed me, had I tried to fight "fair".


Arkanis Gath

Don't even remember his ass, which means he was a pushover in some way.

>Now I remember

Yes, I'm sure you do.

Isn't that the Assassin that instagibs you once you break the plot?

No, that's the Demon Knight (who was easy as shit), Aec'Letec comes after you return the Souldrinker back to the dwarf in Ulgoth's Beard
Just head to Ulgoth's Beard, all the expansion quests start there

Make way casters, melee train coming through.

Berserker PC

Bros before hoes.

>t. Mae'var

Not him, but the snake queen. His list is shit though, bg2 is harder than most of the games on a list.

If you remember most of the encounters from the Bg1&2 games, it means you've played these games recently and didn't play them on release, so your opinion is irrelevant, kiddo.

F/M/T, F/M, or Sorcerer for doing a 100% playthrough from BG1 to ToB?

don't you fucking remind me of that horseshit god damn

Evil party is objectively superior.

Baldur's Gate 1&2 are garbage Bioshit games that were never good.

Don't pick F/M/T, the other two are fine.

>Thats just because IWD1 use the same engine with the sames edition rules that BG1/2.

Bu they obviously made it work for BGs and IWD1. Why not do the same for IWD2 as well? It's different, but the principle is the same.

>bg2 is harder than most of the games on a list.
BG2 loses any semblance of difficulty (not that it had any in the first place), once you get Edwin into your party, fuckface.

Skull traps, Melf's Minute Meteors, Spook and Stoneskins trivialize any low to mid level encounters while high level encounters are even easier to overpowered shit like triple Horrid Wiltings insta-firing from a Chain Contingency.


>so your opinion is irrelevant, kiddo.

the irony.

is there any loli npc mod?

Not really, it just has the obstacle that you have to learn the system to be good at it. It's not exactly intuitive like modern RPGs if you want to be good at the game. Keep in mind BG2 can be soloed. Game designed for a group of six.

Evil party is the best, but unfortunately evil alignment gives you the most retarded endings because apparently evil means you want to kill everyone including your friends.

Yes, it's ironic when a kid who probably played the "Enhanced" garbage tries to lecture grown ups who played the games on release.

both routes are great imo
going good to fight against your nature as the bhaalspawn
going evil to fight against the stereotype of always playing a hero
it's a win/win

Sounds like you'd get raped by a single dire charm

If you mean statistically, yeah. Edwin and Korgan alone tip the scales in evil's favor.

>save vs. death or die and spawn as ghast 30 seconds later
>at will, 30 ft range, no counter because this is bg1 and shit like death ward isn't even in the game
>also paralyze at will, sight range
>can only be hit by like +2 or +3 weapons
>oh and if you haven't already killed his 6 cultist minions he'll respawn at full health from each until they're all dead

at least it felt like fighting an actual greater demon at lowish levels.

why was durlag tower so comfy bros

the epitome of pulp dnd, crawling through themed rooms and shit

what other games give this feeling of being in what is essentially a deadly theme park ride?

2/6 can't be charmed, one has the most powerful dispel in the game and you've got decentish casters in back.

Not a top-tier assortment, but he could do worse.

>grown ups who played the games on release.

Yes, I'm sure you do. I mean Aec'Letec is a classic enemy since... almost 20 years and still you thought it was from Dragonspear.

>Now I remember

It was a nice try.

Except this party is practically immune against anything magic that isn't pure damage.

>mfw they couldn't even get the original artist to draw the portraits for new characters in Siege of Dragonspear

apparently you can cheese him by casting cloudkill and polymorphing yourself into a mustard jelly
never tried it though
hard as shit when you do it legit and it's not too easy to cheese him either

>cast fear
>4/6 forced to use berserk
>run away and close the door
>cast fear again
>leisurely watch as they slowly die

>you thought it was from Dragonspear.
Nice strawman, is this how they teach you to take part in an argumentative discussion in school these days?

Legend of Grimrock springs to mind
first game takes place completely in a dungeon

it was a real proper dungeon crawler ride.

legend of grimrock maybe? has that puzzles/traps/monsters combo feel to it. that and temple of elemental evil but I haven't played that one so I can't really recommend it.

I kited him with one character with boots of speed.

>play BG1EE
>beat the game
>import character
>lose all items on everyone
>play BG trilogy
>beat BG1 portion
>keep all items for SoA


>not having buffs up and remove fear on the bar 24/7


>that's because he's part of the shit tier Dragonspear expansion

Damn, what a strawman! Still, it was a nice try using the "I just forgot about it". Good luck in the next thread.

Not even Obsidian like poe.

THis fucker had horrible save versus hold spells. Killed him twice with hold spells.

fuck I never thought of that
can't he still do his bullshit instakill gaze of death attack? god you're digging up all kinds of repressed memories here. I must've reloaded that fight a billion times, couldn't bear to lose anyone because rezzing was a pain and he gave so much xp.

funny thing is the demon knight in Durlag's Tower is ezpz compared to him. fucker is actually harder if you break the mirror like they tell you to.

I think you need to read up on what strawman means and pay attention to who posts what. You'll have less trouble with creative writing assignments in school this way.

I thought hold monster wasn't in BG1? I guess you probably have more options in modded BGT with the level cap raised and access to all those other useful things.

No simple fucking holding spells works on this fucker for some reason.

I tried really hard early on this week to get in to BG2, but I just couldn't. I love the potential for building characters with different classes, but I thought the combat and overall gameplay was so fucking dull that I quit before I finished Irenicus' dungeon. I also didn't like the art style, particularly when it came to the PC and allies portraits.

Are there any other RPGs where you can play as a variety of different classes, and they actually feel different or function differently from one another? Something deeper than the typical mage/warrior/rogue archetypes preferably

you mean hold person? what the fug?
well shit.
serves me right for not trying everything I guess.

well I rechecked the strategy and it involves a bit more but is still considerably easier than doing it legit
he absolute easiest way I've found is cast invis, walk in, hide in the corner, cast polymorph self into mustard jelly, and then wand of cloudkill. With boots of speed on your little jelly can race around through the cloudkill and Aec'letec will just look at you and die.
after a few dozen tries I just gave up on him since my party wasn't going to defeat him (paladin charname, khalid, minsc, jaheira, dynaheir, coran) and I just wanted to finish the game so I could move on to BG2

>I quit before I finished Irenicus' dungeon
you went through more effort typing that up, than getting into the game. lmao

Just play PoE.

>Are there any other RPGs where you can play as a variety of different classes, and they actually feel different or function differently from one another?

Well, there's-

>Something deeper than the typical mage/warrior/rogue archetypes preferably

Uh. Not especially. Darkest Dungeon comes to mind a bit, and it still kind of falls into mage/warrior/rogue.
There's Battle Brothers, but that's warrior/warrior/warrior but they feel dramatically different based on skills/stats/traits. Both BB and DD have 0 roleplaying if you're one of those hateful nerds and don't just play RPGs for the combat.

I really didn't. That dungeon is a fucking slog. The whole game felt like a slog. Combat was a clusterfuck. If I didn't have google I would never have known Imoen can't cast spells with armor on. There are random pointless traps every chest you open. I couldn't force myself to give a fuck about the story or any of the characters. The game was just boring, and I tried to get in to it.


>it's a golem is immune to damage type episode

kill me

If you know what you're doing, it should take you less than 15 minutes to 100% Irenicus' dungeon, including all secrets.
Why don't you just play BG1 first if you have no idea how to play the game.
Also, if you aren't willing to sink in a few deliberate hours into an RPG, then you may as well never try to play one. Especially not one geared towards instant gratification and other modern gaming gimmicks that fellate the player for tying their shoes, like PoE.

Yeah maybe if you hadn't skipped the prequel that introduces the characters and the story maybe it would have been more interesting.

>If I didn't have google I would never have known Imoen can't cast spells with armor on
it literally tells you this in the inventory when you equip armor on Imoen
>There are random pointless traps every chest you open
detect traps always before you open anything
preferably always on even when walking
> I couldn't force myself to give a fuck about the story or any of the characters
well, you did jump in at the middle of the trilogy so can't really blame the game

TL;DR it's DnD, you either like it or you hate it

>If you know what you're doing, it should take you less than 15 minutes to 100% Irenicus' dungeon, including all secrets.
>In reply to a guy trying to play BG2 for the first time

Really made me think.

jumping straight into BG2 with no D&D experience is retarded, and only retarded people recommend skipping BG1.

Playing BG1 is an idea, though from what I've seen the consensus is that BG2 > 1

Is the story so worthwhile that playing BG1 considerably improves the experience of playing BG2?

>tfw burning through all the limited use pots/wands/scrolls I was saving for Sarevok, this ridiculous luck-based strategery where we tried to hold him off with summoned trash while everyone nuked the cultists because his magic res was so high landing anything was a crapshoot waste of spells hoping, praying and savescumming until I get a run where everyone doesn't get instantly paralyzed/death gaze'd
in retrospect it is my own fault for not learning the cheese, but as a little nerdling teen it just wouldn't have felt right.

and now I'm getting the masochistic urge to try again
quick, convince me that a jester run of the whole BGT is a terrible idea