It's not as powerful as the ps4

>it's not as powerful as the ps4
>it's too big
>the battery life is too short
>it's too expensive at $300

these are actual complaints by people who hate the switch

battery life IS short but a powerbank helps also I guess

You forgot;
>it's too small
>paid online

>it's too big
i played it at one of their public viewing things and the thing is literally only slightly bigger than my nexus 6p. thing is tiny as shit

They're all valid concerns.

I just don't care.

> its not as powerful as the PS4
obviously , its a tablet

> Its too big
its tablet sized

> battery life is too short
its not great..

> Its too expensive
this one always seemed mad to me. The switch is as cheap as it could be all things considered

>It's not as powerful as the PS4
Well it's not. How are you going to release a new system and choose to make it inferior. PS4 gets shot on by PCcucks all the time, and to think the switch will be a wiiu2?
>It's too big
Only retarded complaint. It's actually small like another user said. It's a good size if you're going to play by yourself, but the tabletop mode for multiplayer is laughable.
>Battery life is shit
It kinda defeats the purpose of its portability if it's not going to last on battery life. It's 2017, this is just sad.
A new PS4 with games and controller included is cheaper than the switch. And to reiterate, more powerful.

Except the paid online is cheaper than XBL or PS+. Still shitty but lesser of evils.

>Switch has no games

People think this is a valid complaint

>underpowered hardware
>"portable" handheld that isn't portable due to the battery having the life expectancy of baby with SIDS
>paying 300$ for a console which may very well have as many games worth playing as the wii u (not many)

The difference is that PS+ gives you worthwhile games. With the Switch, you get ONE. ONE. Virtual Console title. -And you don't even fucking own it.-

Just this month we got Little Big Planet 3 (and a handful of indie games). And we get it -forever-, as long as we keep subscribing to PS+. Not a fucking one month rental of a game you can emulate on your grandmother's laptop.

>The difference is that PS+ gives you worthwhile games.

It really doesn't. It's 99% junk. And as a bonus Sony loses your CC info TWICE and PSN is down quite often.

Those are all valid criticisms

The Switch, if anything, is very fairly priced. Countless industry people and others who understand the matter have said so.

>PS+ gives you worthwhile games
This is bait

then show me a handheld/console that does it better

We don't know how good or bad the pad online is until it comes out and people get to try it. It might be an even worse value than PS+ or XBL Gold, we need to see how online play and the features associated with it actually work.

Nah, my complaints are that they have yet to show many new games that aren't either Wii U ports, eShop-tier, or multiplats

Show me games other than Arms and Mario Odyssey and maybe I'll pick it up. At the moment, I'm utterly unconvinced.

Or make a physical copy version of Sonic Mania. I'm a Sonic autist so I'd drop all of my principles and buy a Switch right away if that happened

In the last year:
>Little Big Planet 3
>Tropico 5
>NBA (if you're a fucking normie)
>Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
>Gat out of Hell
>Lords of the Fallen
>Transformers: Devastation
That's only the PS4 games offered, and on top of that they had a bunch of indie games (Not a Hero, Broforce, Invisible Inc, etc) which are fun to play around with

Those are valid points but the most important one is: what will you play after you finished Zelda? If you don't own a pc or another console the answer is most likely nothing. Which is why I'll wait, both for a price drop and at least a second game to play.
In the mean time I can play Nier, Nioh, Gravity Rush 2, Diluvion, Shadow Tactics and Mass Effect Andromeda.

We want the Switch to...
>be at least as powerful as the PS4
>have 10+ hours battery life
>have a 1080p OLED screen
>come with a charging grip
>come with a game bundled in
>cost 199$ maximum
>have all multiplat games

Do people complaining about the battery realize there's not much better you could get out of it


Who cares? You'll still buy it. And you'll hate it. So you'll buy the hardware revision in 2 years.

meant it for but still works I guess

>tfw if they release a TV-only no-handheld switch that costs way less but comes with a pro controller I'll be mad as fuck

have no intention of playing on the go

Greedy fucks.


A console is not about graphics, not about computing power, not about hardware, it's about fucking games.

It's time you millenials whos first console was the Xbox360/PS3 learn this.

>>it's not as powerful as the ps4

It's not supposed to be.

>>it's too expensive at $300

It's not. Whether it's a good value or not is up for you to decide.

Size and battery life are valid complaints, though. They depend entirely on whether you're willing to put up with them.

>it's not as powerful as the ps4
>it's too expensive at $300

If it was more powerful, it would be more expensive. What's the solution here?

>Portable console system
>$300.00 is too much
>My Mc donalds job cant afford it

Name some who aren't making games for the system and actually know how much an x1 shield costs. Nintendo is raking in profit hand over fist on this thing.

Keep in mind Sup Forums is the video game board that couldn't even afford a 2DS at $99

>it's not supposed to be as powerful as 5 year old hardware
o boy i am laffin

Don't forget 4K output and VR.

>>it's too expensive at $300
It is literally a repackaged Nvidia Shield and those cost $200. You are paying a $100 Nintendo tax for gimmick controllers.

6000mAh is pretty standard for tablets.

My only problem are the joy-cons, because they look just uncomfortable as fuck to play as.
I wouldn't mind it as much, if everything about the console wasn't overpriced as fuck.
>joycons 100$
>standard controller 70 fucking $
>games more expensive than they used to be
>paid online
>DLC hell
>the only 2 worthwhile games coming out in the first year aren't even exclusive to the Switch
I was really excited when I watched the live presentation, but with those ridiculous prices it's really hard to justify a purchase.
And it's not a matter of being poor, either, it just doesn't make much sense to sink that much money into the Switch as long as there are cheaper alternatives, like a Playstation 4, or even an Xbone.

>you can either see the Nintendo Switch as the weakest home console on the market, or the most powerful handheld ever made
>its all a matter of perspective
What do you see it as, Sup Forums?

>raking in profit
>strongest handheld yet with two joycons and HD rumble + gorilla glass capacitive touchscreen

What's the battery capacity?

It's not. The answer is that simple. From the start it was supposed to function as a handheld as well as a console, which means gimping the hardware. You can talk about "well they should have made a dedicated home console from the start" until you're blue in the face but that runs completely counter to what they wanted to do, so discussing it is pointless. They weren't interested in making a machine on the level of the PS4, they were interested in making a machine that could function as a handheld as well as a console.

4300mAh, might be 4500.

Does WHAT better.
Yeah. The 3ds was priced at $250,also came out in march and sold horribly. So much so it got a a price cut 6 months later.

Didn't know the nvidia shield comes with two joy-cons + the new HD rumble + touchscreen

Let's break it down shall we?

>Screen, Capacitive touch, 6" IPS
That's about 50-75 bucks in parts

>Battery 4310mh, slim format
That's 20-50 bucks

>Nvidia X1
That's about 100-150

>Controllers, Dock, Cables, joycon grip, joycon slides, internal memory
Whatever else it costs.

Still too overpriced?

How about the biggest issue?

>it has no games coming to it but low quality, high priced shovelware

Its biggest release is a multiplat that runs at 20 FPS. Think about that.

I don't know why people freak out over Zelda getting 3 hours of playtime before the battery is dry.

If I go all out playing games on my n3dsxl it's out of juice after like what, 3.5 - 4 hours?

Hell my fucking DS4 CONTROLLER (that's right, the CONTROLLER of the ps4) is out of juice after like 7 hours.

So 15 dollar controllers that they sell wholesale for 40 resold for 80 slapped on a shield powered by a defective ARM with half the cores turned off and 6 dollars worth of 720p screen isn't profitable at 300 dollars? Shit it's 265 in japan and they're still making money on it.

How about:
>have a 5+ hours battery life
>come with a game bundled
>cost $250
Is that also too much to ask you greedy shill?

>Yeah. The 3ds was priced at $250,also came out in march and sold horribly. So much so it got a a price cut 6 months later.

Eh, it sold horribly for a DS follow up. Like 3.5M at launch. The Switch is expected to move 2M in the first MONTH, if Reggie is to be believed. And Nintendo could still drop the price by the Holidays if it really needed a boost. Which is one good reason to wait until then.

Why not wait til christmas when it will have all 3 of that?

nice meme post
I can picture you frothing at the mouth while typing this inane shit out

I'm personally waiting for the hardware revision, or atleast until they release MH5. There aren't any good reasons to buy the switch this year anyways unless you really wanna play Splatoon.

That's 8 bucks, probably less for them because it's being ordered in sets of 2 million

>10 bucks

>X1 tegra
70 dollars

>plastic shit
30 bucks

>internal memory
16 dollars

We're up to 126, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say 160.

are you retarded?

they buy the chips for 5 dollars each or even less

Fucking Capcom is waiting til MHXX releases before they say anything about the switch to not cannibalize the sales. It's annoying but I hope something happens at e3

wow user you sure sound like you know a lot about this I bet you work in this field!

>x1 tegra
try 7 dollars, not 70

>Nintendo is now defending paid online

I own PS4 but I don't even sub to PS+, Heck there are only less than 23m PS+ subs out ther and they are divided by among 3 PS platforms so not even half of PS4 owners are subbed.

I dont think it is expensive at all, just not worth the price

No. No they don't
t. someone who orders parts for specially made hardware for surgeons

The no games meme can be applied to every console launch.

Battery life is on part with vita and 3ds.
But yeah, owning a powerbank (since pokemon go) helps

It's gonna fail because people are gonna stick to their already owned phones and tablets. Which have games that are way cheaper.

Except for games

you don't order 2 million units in bulk though, you dumbfuckingstan resident

>non proprietary charger so you can just buy whatever
This is a very underappreciated feature. The reason the Vita failed was it's memory card bullshit.

>phones and tablets have games

what did he mean by this
BotW is literally better than the entirety of the mobile games catalogue

Actually I'm a statistician and this just comes up occasionally when doing research on how much you can milk people and make the most profit.

How many fucking surgeons do you think buy our shit you cum stain? We ship globally.

>BotW is literally better than the entirety of the mobile games catalogue
Considering that mobile games can at least run at 60 FPS, while Zelda struggles at 20, I doubt that.

What is your profit margin per unit?

>while Zelda struggles at 20

good meme
very meme much doge many epic

My overclocked slim vita runs for upwards of 7 hours. The switch will be lucky to hit 3 with WiFi off and the brightness at the minimum

I hope none of the surgeons employed by the local private hospital use your nintentoddler plastic grade hardware then, you cuck

>>it's not as powerful as the ps4
Not relevant to fun
>>it's too big
It's a home console you can also walk around with
>>the battery life is too short
What's the battery life? Not the milliamphours, the running battery life.
>>it's too expensive at $300
Not relevant. Price does not suck out fun.

All valid, but the best one is that it has one launch title that is allegedly worthwhile.

One. It has Zelda, and we're not even sure if that's worth ~500 bucks yet.

It's a fucking train wreck.

joycons are 80 in pair.

>it has one launch title that is allegedly worthwhile

Doesn't that automatically make it better than the PS4?

>500 bucks

Oh, you're just meme'ing. Should've guessed.

40 percent of that is retailer markup.

Playing games at a stable 30 or 60fps is very much relevant to my enjoyment of a game.

>Not as powerful as the Xbone*

In total? About 4000% because it's medical equipment. :^)

overpriced and ugly af

None of those were good. They haven't put out a real title worth anything in over a year now

Everyone knows that the PS4 struggled at launch, but the Switch isn't competing with the PS4 at launch, is it? You can't use >b-but no gaems PS4 as an argument. The PS4s current library is pretty fucking excellent.

As for the price, I'm and Ausfag and yes, to get the console, plus an actual legit controller and Zelda it's at least 500 bucks.

The only reason Ps4 gets shat on is because the users keep bragging about muh grafix all the time, pretending their system is magically more powerful than it actually is.

>it's not as powerful as the ps4

heh Nothing is. More seriously im interested to see if the mobile gaming stuff is actually a success. I know the 3DS did well but the mobile gaming market is a fuckload smaller compared to the Gameboy/SP days since most kids just play on Ipad games and shit

>$125 for a handheld
>$175 for a console
>it's both
What now, valuefags?

I guess Nintendo is going after regular people and not spoiled manbabies like you.

They wouldn't buy it if the price didn't tell them they were getting the best. :^) I didn't go into psychology to become the jew, but here we are.

Not important for a smart watch, but it's pretty important for a game console. Only nintencucks will defend the shocking lack of games.

This thread really makes me suspicious of shills on this board. PS/Xbox/PC threads get just as much shitposting yet there seems to be concentrated support whenever Nintendo is involved.

as long as the games are fun I dont give a fuck. everyone crying is sonyniggers and pc neckbeards that say "WHY DOESNT NINTENDO GO THRID PARTY, WAHHHH!!!" they are also false flaggers.

>inb4 someone calls me a nintendo toddler and bringing up sony in a nintendo thread.

>normie shit

no arguments: the post

It's already sold out, nintoddlers are just defensive as fuck.

Why is it releasing soon? Why not wait till the holidays? The horror tales of parents getting getting suckerd to buying knockoffs! Trucks getting robbed! Unimaginable scumbaggery of scalpers selling twice the price for desperate people.