Favorite Game of All Time

We all have that 1(one) game that's our absolute favorite, no ifs ands or buts about it. Post your, and maybe say why.
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love this one although I feel deadlocked perfected the controls and weapons

Do I even have to say why?

We're off to a brilliant start, let's keep it up.

Deadlocked was fun. I wish it had more platforming though.
>tfw the Dual Vipers will never appear in another RAC game.

Fallout NV
I just fucking love the amount of content.
Just look at all the ways you can get in the strip, or all the ways to kill Benny

>Fully modding the Scorpion Flail
>Vulcan Canon
>Mini Turret launcher

That game had some very nice weapons


Was this the first second or third? I cant remeber the order


harbinger is the funnest ryno too

Third. (Second was better)

Never played
Dont hate me but I honestly prefer doom16
Yes my man
My nigger
Odd choice, do people still play it?

Yes, there are plenty of full servers on PC. Can't say the same for Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

>Buying the enhanced version
>Spamming it throughout every level without end, since it always levels up and refills on ammo before running out all the way until level 99
Was goddamn amazing.

Third was my favourit, was about 9 at the time fucking loved inferno armour
Its also the reason why I am good at english, and they say games teach you nothing


>tfw played the series after the HD release

It's so ugly. I ruined it for myself.

You dont even have to kill Benny

No joke.

I don't even care, I've played and beaten this game over 50 times and bought almost every version on different consoles/PC

How about contributing

Rimworld. Shit ton of hours. Amazing to learn on your own and discover everything without outside help or walktrhoughs, active dev team and community, dirt cheap compared to what it should cost.

Any Metal Slug, I play that shit anytime.

How long are R&V games generally?

Could i run through the first 3 in a weekend marathon?

You'd probably burn out, because they're pretty similar.
You could beat one of them in a day I think.


yeah but it wouldnt be fun
just play 3

Nearly every Ratchet game is worth playing

Just not all at once

Yeah, that would be nice.

MGS3 and it's a god damn shame we couldn't get more of that cold war style, especially a WW2 boss game.

I wouldn't, one at a time is enough and later when in the mood maybe another one. I enjoyed the last one, might be a good introduction, since it's a bit of a best of in some ways.

Golden Sun 1 and 2.
Grow up without dad, only mother and grandmother, we're really poor.
Be like 11 or 12, come back from school and out of nowhere a white Game Boy Advance with Golden Sun. My grandmother just wanted to make me a present (she died 4 years later). She never seen anything like that, coming from the countryside a thing like GBA was insane tech back then and there.
She looks at me while playing.
Some parts where too hard for me, there was no internet though so I remember going to the local vidya shop where asking for the clerk to help me, and he did. Bring the GBA on vacation and play Golden Sun all time when I'm back at the house from the beach. I loved that game, the sense of traveling, of adventure, the sailing part, the desert part, the dungeons, the fucking music, the alchemy narrative etc. When GA the lost age came out i think i was legit one of the happiest kid of the world while driving back from the shop. And it was all more amazing than the first, going to Lemuria and all... it was great.
That game, It was like a white piece of paper where i could imprint forever a time in my life where i was actually happy and carry with me for the rest of my days.

Why was ratchet and clank 1 so bad compared to the next 2?

also witcher 2, I guess, any game with 16 non memcedurally generated endings is pretty good in my book.

it wasn't




It wasnt that bad, but it would have been so much better if it had strafing

There's no bad mainline R&C games. Even at its worse is good.



I meant comparatively they are obviously all fun games the first 3 or 4 atleast.

I just finished playing the first one on my PC a few days ago.


Man objectively I think GTA SA and MGS3 are the best games of all time, but I played this masterpiece as a kid and even emulated recently and it's so well designed, so atmospheric, just so fun to play- 10/10, even if there are a few missions that are particularly annoying (like RC car missions, turret missions, etc)

Great visuals, presentation, fun story, simple yet fun stealth and combat mechanics, interesting extra items and mission specific mechanics and locations, great open world hub navigation, amazing soundtrack

Only weak points of it are the 3rd level in the jungle is kinda lame thematically and a bitch to traverse, and while the first Alaska level is the GOAT, the 2nd one is meh, also the last level has the same problems as the jungle.

Otherwise a masterpiece, and Sly 3 is almost as good as 2, just that there's kind of less of it and it's slightly less thought out but it makes up for it with the Holland and Pirate levels

man just listening to the soundtrack on youtube makes me want to play it again

I was initially hesitant to place it over my previous favorite, but Plague of Shadows pushed it over the top for me, and I feel like the other shit coming will cement it.

Literally only complaint I have is the main campaign is too easy if you don't try and do the additional challenges, and they can get pretty tough, especially in Plague of Shadows.

Already some good picks in this thread.

Only with TSLRCM hope that counts

>obligatory favorite game

Also one of my favorites but if you want to discuss it moderately shitpost free then you'll have to time travel back to early 2012 Sup Forums.

People seem to complain about Dark Souls being shilled/overrated on Sup Forums, it's my favorite game, hasn't been posted in the thread yet.

not him, but i only played a souls game for the first time last year. i never gave a fuck and never again will give a fuck about a souls game. i don't even know that much about the lore

but dark souls 1 is a masterpiece. it taps into that exploration and adventure thing that zelda did, but its combat and lore and aesthetic makes it way better- you feel the harsh conditions and you know you can easily die, so every new environment, while interesting, is dangerous

I am 100% unable to chose between these games. I simply can't narrow it down. Sacrifice should also be on there.

Sly 2>Ratchet 2>Sly 3>Ratchet 3>Jak 3

>le cake is a lie xXD

Ratchet 2>Sly 3>Ratchet 3

I wish they would update this instead of that piece of trash coh 2

>We all have that 1(one) game that's our absolute favorite, no ifs ands or buts about it


Oh, and GTAIV and MGS2. God fucking damnit there've been so many good games but no worthwhile ones have come out in ages.

Oh and Planescape Torment.


Sorry Dickson, he's right about Ratchet 2 being better than 3.

It has the most striking, "real" feeling atmosphere of any game ever, and the ambient music is a masterpiece in of itself.

youtube.com/watch?v=t9nocjg2OLI never fails to give me goosebumps, every single time I listen to it.

what? how is it the most "real" feeling?

that music's ok, sounds like a mix of vampire bloodlines and hotline miami

i really like this one

any truly "real" game is just gonna be boring and pretentious af.

do you mean a game that's like a "thriller"? because portal certainly is

Holy shit, you posted it OP. UYA is the best in the series and my favorite game of all time

Put around 900 hours into it

yeah It's pretty good.

I think new Doom has much better combat but saying its better is a disservice because of what Doom influenced.