What games can I spend 100s of hours on and not get bored?

What games can I spend 100s of hours on and not get bored?

MMOs need not apply.

Xcom, Farming Sim, Factorio, Stellaris, Civ V


do you have enough money to buy 300 dollars of DLC?


Any recommendations for medieval RPG/JRPG games? I loved FFXII.

civ v

fft / ffta / ffta2 (left to right is classic/hardcore to normie/ezmode)


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Multiplayer

This is the correct answer, also Crusader Kings II. Although you don't need to spend that much on dlc. I recently got a friend into EU4, he only spent around $70 for the game and all the dlc except for Rights of Man, during a Paradox sale.

>Civ V
came here to say this. i have >1000 hours on civ 4 & 5 alone

Civ V or Civ VI? And why?


like 500 on civ 4, 700 on civ 5
why? because civ games can last a really long time and they have a lot of replayability. even if you get sick of the games you can come back months or years later and play them again for a long time. there are lots of mods and maps too but i havent had much experience with them.

Berseria is apparently pretty gud

>What games can I spend 100s of hours on and not get bored?
Real Life

Red Orchestra 2.

I have 1500 hours in it.

also recommend sid meier's alpha centauri if you are into civ games.

Terraria. Literally 1000s of hours.

diablo 3 consoles

Mount and Blade Warband
Rise of Nations
Total War series
Endless Legend

Dominions 4

ok, op here. i have the game, but i have no idea what's going on

total war games
starsector once it gets fucking released

>spending more than 25 hours on a single game

What the fuck? How pathetic do you have actually be to do this?

How long have you spent on Sup Forums?


t. ADHD shitter who can't into video games

I'm still playing FTL and One way heroic faggot

dark/demon souls games and bloodborne
way too many goddamn hours logged and I still love it

gimme your next soulsborne-style game already From Soft

Any of the Dark Souls games.