Would you have purchased a singleplayer game focused on her, with Batman and such appearing as cameos?

Would you have purchased a singleplayer game focused on her, with Batman and such appearing as cameos?

An expansion pack?

A longer DLC?

If it had good combat.

Yes. Then I'd come here to shitpost about it until people started posting latex furry dominatrix sadism porn


I don't know. With the graphics level of nowadays, it would be hard to focus.

A thieving catwoman game with puzzles, avoiding/jumping through laser tripwires, and doing detective work similar to batman instead you're staking out heists, would be pretty decent.

actually you sold me on that. A game centered around theft/heisting built with the engine used for the batman games.

I actually masturbated with the lewd moan and shits that Catwoman does in Arkham City
It was worth it

Catwoman was never interesting. The way I'd be interested if they had tons of fan service and good gameplay. If Catwoman got a game it would be part of a group like Gotham city sirens or some shit. Even then it would barley be a about her. She just can't hold the mass audience's attention too long.

Metal Gear Catwoman yes pls.

She has a solo comic book that sells moderately well actually, so yeah.

It didn't sell well. It had mediocre sales and way more money is put into games to gamble on shitty characters like Catwoman.

She walks around in a skintight catsuit making purring sounds.

If you weren't masturbating, you're pretty gay breh.

Yeah, her Arkham Knight DLC was fun minus that battle against those cunt Riddler robots.

Shame there won't be any post-AK Arkhamverse games minus that underwhelming Nightwing DLC.

Do you bother reading post before you hop on your desk to shitpost?

The truth hurts, waifu fag.

I wouldn't like a whole game focusing solely on her for the following reasons, all of which assume she plays EXACTLY the way she does in Arkham city:
No gliding
Whip-climbing is more annoying than rewarding
Not as many gadgets
Eye-fumbling detective vision
Extremely slow ground takedowns. Yes, I know you're supposed to use the Combo Takedowns with her but if you're going to make the ground takedowns useless unless the enemy you're taking out is the last one on the field then it's just pointless to have it.

We're talking about comic book sales you faggot.


Just make her be akin to spiderman with her whip.

Instant fun.

Is this that Sup Forums guy that really, really hates Catwoman?

Fancy meeting you here.

A longer DLC set in AK with the Arkham City Climb mechanics.

Selina's great, but I can't imagine how a game based off of her would even work.

Would it just be Batman+Thief+Mirror's Edge?

I wish they would've made a Arkhamverse Batman Inc. game.

With the way Arkham Knight ended, you could have Bruce going underground, serving in an Oracle like role or like he did with Terry in Batman Beyond.


And they sucked.

Only if they completely redesigned her to make her actually attractive.

Only if the ass is big.