Why don't you make your own games, Sup Forums?

Why don't you make your own games, Sup Forums?

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Well I don't know how to program, draw/3D model, make music, and I'm a terrible creative writer. So basically I have none of the skills required to make a game.

because I'm too fucking lazy and all I know how to do is program

>started vg company without any experience

But you have the idea for the best game ever though don't you? You don't have to tell if it's top secret to prevent those lazy developers from stealing it.

Attention span too short, I've attemped some RPGMaker stuff in the past with all self-created assets and I make maybe one dungeon and boss fight and lose all interest.

i dont know how

i dont know how to >_< if anyone has any ideas of where to start id look into them :D

i want to make an anime rpg >w

Nigga I took java in college and got a B in the class

i hope it has cute anime girls in it

Let me know if you ever make one.

>published writer
>have a story for a game
>no one to work with
>start an RPG maker game
>basically a vehicle for my story
>get a few maps in
>look up some information
>stumble on dozens of pages
>all of them about how RPG maker is not respected
>shitting on any game made in it
>just wanted to release a game on steam for like a dollar
>bucket list sort a thing
>realize it will make me a laughing stock
>quit my project

it will have cute anime girls male in it >:3c

Too many ideas and lack the dedication to really execute them

Stuck between a multiplayer horror game and something like Silent Hill 1-3

I can't think of any original ideas for a non 3d game. I'd just end up making a roguelike or a twin stick shooter. Have no problems programming and could do shitty placeholder art.

thats even better!

I did rom hacks like 15 years ago, along with some RPG maker shit. I don't plan on doing anything more of any of that going forward.

It was all to pander to my fetish anyways, poorly at that too.

What should I use for 2D mobile games? Unity?

There are some good RPG Maker games on Steam that are carried by the writing. People hate the crap some people shovel out, but there are respected RPG Maker projects.
Lisa: The Painful, for instance, did incredibly well.
Amber Throne was received decently.
They aren't on Steam, but OFF, Space Funeral, and the Legion Saga series are considered cult classics.
There's a huge community for RPG Maker devs and people who like RPG Maker games.
Basically, if you fail to make something good in RPG Maker... Let's just say it isn't the engine's fault. It's really flexible.
Don't give up, user.

There's one on steam that is mainly RPG Maker default assets with some original character portraits thrown in, Hero & Daughter+, it somehow managed to be extremely fun since it exemplifies a huge party roster and everyone having really powerful skills you mix and match, along with a bunch of side content.

i have a real job

>you now remember brianna wu made a game and it was laughably bad

Helen's Mysterious Castle also used a lot of the default assets, and it ended up doing pretty well, also.
There's really nothing to discredit RPG Maker as an engine. It's just incredibly easy to use, which is why crap devs like that Aldorlea guy can shovel out a bunch of terrible games and make the engine look bad.

Also, he should check out the general on /vg/.

Keep going user. I believe in you

hi kojima

RPG Maker has a lot of potential. The less it looks like RPG Maker, the best it'll do. That means custom graphics, different battle systems, customize every single thing.

Basically what said, I would pay good money for an RPG with great writing if the creator also took the time to use the Javascript/RPGMaker script to make a nice battle system.

I'm trying to. I've been learning Java for a while but I've stopped for the time being to make some shit in Gamemaker. I'm trying to make a mech TBS much like Front Mission.

>plays games
> doesn't respect people that make them

Do it user, sounds interesting

I'm in a similar situation, but I decided to say fuck it and do it anyway.

However I'm releasing it for free.

But I do, on my spare time.

Double moral

i do, but i don't feel like it's the right thread to post about it
also i don't look like a stereotypical numale

I lack self discipline and see any self imposed restriction on shit like playing games as arbitrary and just ignore them after like 15 minutes.

I wanna make a gay furry shota game

I want to, but I'm not skilled enough for what I want

>Star Fox-like game
>three different paths, with different characters
>they're all stories about a war across the galaxy, so most stages are about confronting hordes of enemies
>first path is about the beginning of the main story, where a squad gets a piece of technology, but some unknown invaders are trying to recover
>second path is when the shit hits the fan and a full scale war comes across all the galaxy
>third path is when the good guys start to win the war, and you're the leader of the assault

No, he's correct. Being an indie developer doesn't give a W-2 or any applicable tax form unless you work through a professional company.

It's not a real job. It takes alot of work, but it's not a real job.

I've been trying to do it, but I just don't have enough time during the day. I'll be lucky if I can shit out a basic platformer engine by next month.

This, also no ideas or motivation.

I am, but I'm getting burnt out.

>Basically, if you fail to make something good in RPG Maker... Let's just say it isn't the engine's fault. It's really flexible.
Not him, but isn't RPG Maker mostly for making JRPGs? I'd want to make a WRPG. I mean, it doesn't really matter since I don't have the skills to make custom assets or music anyway, but I'm curious.

I don't have the patience and/or motivation to do so, and all knowledge i do have is from a game design class i took as a senior in high school

do you watch porn?

do you respect pornstars?

I'm ironically missing the Idea Guy part.

retarded crybabies shit talk tools/engines. RPG maker is totally accepted at most game jams and contests and meetups and what not.

That's realistically most people working in game companies

>implying all video gamers want to make their own games
You realize there's a difference between being able to play games and being able to make games, right?

This is my situation too, except that I'm pretty good at writing.

Not him, but:

>do you watch porn?

>do you respect pornstars?
If they seem like nice/good people, then yes.

You're kind of fucking stupid mate.

If you make enough money you have ever to report it you fucking retard. If having to pay taxes makes it a real job then there you go btfo fucking queer lord

Because I can't fucking figure out how to apply animations to my Mixamo character in unreal engine 4 even after re-structuring the skeleton AND IT'S PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF.

The man who moved a mountain started with the pebbles first, user.

If fucking Phil Fish and the guy who made Revolution60 can make a game, you can too. Just look at the trashiest of trash shovelware on Steam, if you feel like you could desigjn/make a better game than that then you most likely can.

I am too lazy. Always wanted to make my own side scroller shooter rpg.
It is too niche of an idea though, so even if I post it nobody will steal it cause no market.

I wish I could, but I'm not intelligent enough to get into coding.

>trying to make a game in GMS
>coding the fucking UI and pause menu is the hardest part

Literally spent days trying to figure all of this shit out. Why the fuck do video games need interfaces?

Phil Fish is a tool bag but he has been programming and messing around with computers since he was a kid. so its not like he was totally clueless. you do need to put the work in, just like anything else.

Not him but only certain ones.

I hear Hitomi Tanaka is a gamer.

>tfw to intelligent to make games

I am.

i'm trying but my ideas are always too ambitious for my skill level, and i dont have enough drive to inch my way there

But I am. I'm not sure if I should shill here or not when it becomes close to completion.

Literally every single gamer that has existed in the universe and history of gaming has dreamed about making their own videogame

but im trying with a friend
since i have no programming skills what so ever, im doing the creative part like drawing sprites and maps, but i have never tried pixel art in my life before


i'm confused

but I do.

I've had this one idea for a revolutionary multiplayer FPS for a long time. Something like Battlefield, but on the ArmA 3 scale and depth. Like, you know, Arma but fun and accessible. I've visualized the scenarios in my head before. I've actually had the idea since middle school, before I even knew what Battlefield was, but it's more in-depth than Battlefield and a single game would be like a realistic battle, it could take a whole day or more to finish. Players could drop in and out as the conflict goes on, and there would be a large limit to the number of people, so neither side would likely run low on fighters. Teams would get a limited number of spawns, maybe numbering in the upper hundreds, shared by the whole team. Whoever kills everyone first wins, or whoever completely overtakes the most territory and forces a retreat, which would be like a humiliating cutscene for the losing team a al Unreal Tournament 2004, wins. Players would play roles like commanding officers who, before the battle begins, would inform the troops of the plan of assault over voice chat, but it would take place in-game in a briefing room, the directions of the plan would appear on a mini map on your hud to make it easier to know where to go. Then the officers would stay and observe the action from the war room on a battleship off the coast or on base or wherever, and manage air strike capabilities and other special requests from the boots on the ground, the gameplay of that would be pretty much identical to Battlefield since that's the most accessible large-scale FPS game I can think of. Air strikes would be optional roles for the players to fill if they're good at flying jets and bombing shit, or it could be done with a drone depending on the scenario you pick. There are a lot of other things that could be done, but this is the core of what I've imagined. Just a hyper-realistic, large-scale, yet accessible and fun multiplayer shooter.

Ideas guys aren't hard to find, user

I can only draw.
I used to make a fakemon game but I only did concepts and the first town and route before I abandoned it.
Now I'm designing a concept for a fantasy world (inspired by FF, Bravely Default, Granblue etc) not specifically becoming a game but it would be nice for that to happen.

Literal wall of text, at least format it


Oh, so Planetside but with even more useful bullshit that makes the game irritating to play?

lessons from Planetside 2:

>too many people with potato pcs
>too many omg your cheap 1v1 me
>too many adhd riddled minds can't do anything other than mindless shooting so tactics and strategy out the window

It would be more streamlined than Planetside. Like I said, accessible and fun, but realistic and scenario-based, not MMO.

But I do



What a nice plagiarism of Eve from Parasite Eve

>but also with depth
>also, realistic
This is serious idea-guy level stuff right here. Big words that sound neat without considering the actual consequences. How is it accessible if there's complexity? Also, realism is always associated with tedium and complexity.

Sure, we all want some big feature-rich war simulator but it's a pipe dream and you're not going to be the one to make it.

Literally never even seen a screenshot from that game, user.
My main inspirations are Quake and Metroid.

CO can call votes to kick players for being shitty, or court-martial them which would be even more humiliating. He'd have telemetry telling him who's dying and how often, that other players would lack. Field officers could call votes if the CO is being shitty himself to replace him.

your game just got too spooky for me.

>check out my OC character
>"this is just Disney's Mickey Mouse"
>what? no it isn't, this is an original character, I've never even seen what Mickey Mouse looks like, so it isn't plagiarized

Pregnant robots are okay, but not old grampa spiderbot?

I'm not Peter Molyneux. I don't lack self-awareness completely. I'm aware of limitations, and I'd think of ways to solve them. Depth would really be more reserved for the commander, whereas the fun part would be being the grunts on the ground. Battlefield does most of it pretty well, there are just things I think that could be added to make it what it really should be. Soldiers in real life don't just run in like spastics on ten cups of coffee.

Because I make music.

Also no way I would want to be surrounded by goony beard men and pink haired women 24/7.

Went and asked google
Google came up with this

>the only feature they have in common is looking pregnant
See you in court, user

>how to have your rpgmaker game not bashed
by user age 12
>don't use the default graphics
>don't use the default tilesets
>don't use the default music
>don't use the default battle options

there you go

Too bad man has never moved a mountain alone.

if you buy any assets people just accuse you of being an *asset flipper* same trash talk.

And everyone who has eaten a great meal has fantasized about being a chef. Everyone who has seen a great movie a director, a great performance an actor or a singer, a great painting a painter, etc. There's idle fantasy and then there's genuine desire.

shit, i think undertale and stardew valley were made in RPGMaker or gamemaker or similar idiot-proof "make your game without coding" tools, and they both got critical acclaim as well as massive sales numbers.

just do it user. the only people who would belittle you for using easy tools like rpgmaker are hyper cynical sperglords on Sup Forums.

Is this the thread we're supposed to come to for shilling progress?

Dialogue system up and running.

Bonus points to whoever can ID the inspiration for the NPC here; /agdg/ was surprisingly unable.

>just do it user. the only people who would belittle you for using easy tools like rpgmaker are hyper cynical sperglords on Sup Forums.

that and people just looking for an insult to hurl towards low effort games. if you put actual love and care into have nothing to worry about.

>buy any assets
just make them
you don't have to be good, just look at space funeral
>shit graphics
>stolen licensed music (still great music tho youtube.com/watch?v=nblK0dtd1GA)
>cult classic

yeah man totally see you there
dumb ass

Undertale was made in Gamemaker and you still need to do a lot of coding in it. The non-coding tools are ass. Not sure if Stardew Valley was made in Gamemaker too but it looks like it is.

Your game looks great. I love the aesthetic.

Have you got anyone working on music or anything?

That looks like Spider Mastermind.

Also (and I really mean this) don't worry about your stuff looking like other stuff. Everything is a derivative of something else. What matters is how you apply the elements you borrow to make them your own.