I want to fucking murder some fuckers right now...

I want to fucking murder some fuckers right now. What are the best games for letting off some steam before I unleash my rage upon innocent civilians?

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Go to a therapist m8

murder me

I reported this post to the fbi. 100% serious

This desu

Degenerates should just die

Not before he murders me.
Kill me, OP.

i was first

the game's called aging past 16

That's not a game. In what game can I kill therapists in?
What game do you want me to murder you in?
I-I was just joking...

>What game do you want me to murder you in?

GTAV, but don't just play it. Bait players into insulting you and then start venting your legitimate desire to kill in form of verbal abuse.


Dead Space

Was she stabbed or cut in that picture?
Wouldn't the knife be a lot more messy if she were stabbed? Wouldn't everything be a lot more messy if she were stabbed?

What did Konata do to you, you bastard?


>censoring your own tabs
>censoring your own bookmarks
>.jpg artifacts all over the place
lmao nice fake you fucking moron

almost forgot:
>googling 'fbi.gov'
my 83 year old grandfather doesn't even do this

it's just ketchup
don't worry she is fine!!

I always wanted to murder fuckers too, but I want to murder the POV guy in your pic, as if I was Rail Tracer. I want to mash evildoer faces against the rails on a moving train and have a sadistic look on my face and say things to them that make me seem nuts. I want to be like The Punisher or Boondock Saints, or D-fens from Falling Down shooting some spics and telling them to take some shooting lessons.

It's a fantasy away, unfortunately.

>Wanting to hurt completely unrelated people

I'll never understand this mentality.

I see and hear about too much injustice and I just keep fantasizing about how I can do something and make it last long enough to put a scare into others who are guilty.

I really really like this image.

>In what game can I kill therapists in?


Do you like hurting other people?

Postal, GTA, DOOM, Winnie the Pooh's baseball

Hotline Miami 1
would Press R again

How about some games with ryona in them?

depends og when and where she was stabbed

Postal 2?

What's with Japan and box cutters?

its called jihad my man


Also GTA V's first person + Constructing your own organized and planned out attacks on pedestrian hotspots = Breddy gud :DDD

>meet guy at con
>his jacket is actually brown
>his mask is all weathered and shit
>he has a tape recorder that plays jacket's payday lines
sucked to realize how much worse my costume was but holy fuck was he cool

I'd say GTAV but its shit and killing civilians gets infinite cops thrown at you and there aren't enough civilians in an area to make it worth while and killing players gets you banned. Yeah color me surprised that killing other players, one of the whole points of GTAV, is a bannable offense.

Payday 2 tells you not to but sometimes I mow down the civilians anyways.

Hatred but it kind of sucks.

Has anyone else ever notice how fucking huge Konata is in this pic?

Seriously, take a look at how the picture is foreshortened and compare her to that bag and box behind her. She's got to be like eight feet tall.



No weapons allowed in slopeland, and a boxcutter is a fine substitute.

Postal 2

Burnout Revenge tbqhwy my family.

This pic turned from disturbing to hot really fast

How was it disturbing, kill yourself you fucking norm.

>the blood on the ground isn't her blood, it's the blood of normal sized humans she ate
>the blood on the knife is actually from a giant chef using the blade to mince humans for her to eat
>she's stumbling around from intense hunger for more and saying "feed me more"
>she's actually ryback

How are you focusing that 2D picture

Will do, but first I gotta jack off to the thought of a giant Konata

I think everyone fantasies about being The Punisher every once in a while

I know I do

How old is this image?

I cant believe i have nostalgia about a image of an anime girl getting stabbed

>tfw no Death Wish game

No, don't stab Konata! Stop!

I don't know what you think of Thomas Jane's Punisher, but did you see this?

That's something I'd like to do one day. Just take out a bunch of assholes like that.

What is this from?

Oh fuck that's hot
Oh fuck that's hotter