I have no idea what you're saying. And your suit sucks

I have no idea what you're saying. And your suit sucks.

Sly Cooper thread

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2 >> 1 >>>> 4 >>>>>>>>> 3

worst part about these games is the shitty fucking mini games. i have no idea why they added a fuck ton of them in 3 & 4 when they perfected the formula in 2.



Fuck 4, they ruined the characters completely. That's enough to put it miles below 3.

>literally never any Sly threads ever
>Bought Sly collection on PS3 yesterday, start playing it.
>Suddently a Sly thread on Sup Forums

How do I get out of the fucking Matrix?

the stories in these games were never good

2 > 3 > 1

4 should not be included in Sly rankings.

That guy who once mentioned Carmelita with the Ape Escape boy

Stay in it ;)

I hated those fucking bottles from 1 and 2
fun games though

A fox. With Tits. Just beautiful.

>tfw, outside of the minigames, i actually enjoyed sly 1 the most out of the games
There's just something in the concise and gamey feel of the individual levels that pleases me in a way that the later games can't match.

She was so thicc in the first game, I hated the fact that they made her more and more skinny with each game.

>not enough good art


Her voice changes across the games was annoying. Surely they could hire VAs who could imitate the previous voice. Or just hire Sofia Vergara

I never much cared for the tits, what really got me was the hair


It was the most atmospheric game of the three. And even though they're all extremely cozy, that one is the coziest.

so why do you think clockwerk hates the coopers to the point of hunting them to death but not to end the line


He has a rivalry with the Coopers, and he enjoys fucking with them more than he would enjoy knocking them off completely and being the best thief in the world.

for some reason sony platformers got bloated with shitty minigames in the third parts. crash, spyro, sly

>can't find that /ss/ halloween fanart


That was Sly's style from the beginning but I agree that they leaned into it way too heavily in the 3rd game. There was too much variety, which sounds like a great problem to have but I wanted to play as the guru more than three times.

I'm not a furry, but her design is making me wonder if I should take a look at the genre.

Glad I'm not the only one with fetish for long hair

I didn't bother with Sly 4 because I was afraid they were going to ruin the series like what happened with Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier

She is the reason i'm a casual furry. No joke. My first childhood waifu.


At least Sly stayed a platformer series, unlike Ape Escape

eat shit, 4 is leaps and bounds over 1 and 3


Nothing is wrong with 4, besides some small weird changes with the camera and it being a bit casualised. 3 was best imo. Better humor, and levels.

my opinion is objective fact and anyone who disagrees with it is obviously not a fan of the Sly Cooper series

I recently played though 2. It starts out really strong but slowly loses itself the further it continues. the last level sucks raccoon cock and has the worst level design.

Sly made me furry. Damn raccoon doesn't wear pants...

>no art of him with thick thighs, wide hips and huge ass


>Makes her stay there because its safe
>Incidentally destroys the plane controls and puts everyone on board in danger


No love for Penelope?

>sly cooper thread slowly turning into another furry fetish thread

fucking freaks, this is also why we cant have ape escape threads anymore.

Really? You think the ice levels aren't top-tier? Those are near the end, if I remember rightly. Last level itself is kind of a pain in the ass, I'd agree, but it really captures the sense of shit being absolutely fucked - especially when you can see Clock-La flying around in the background.

>spent so much time around the Clockwerk eyes she got corrupted
she should have known better


Imagine Carmelita and Spike /ss/ haha

Her feet are freaking me out

You know it.

Have not played 1 in fucking years, but I thought that was what he tried to do in the intro and didn't realise Sly escaped/existed.

I thought that was because of the small girl with spats.

Is this proper attire for a police officer? I'm pretty sure it's against regulations.

That has nothing to do with the quality of the characters

kind does

Reminder you'll never get that movie

Let me answer your question with another question: Why are foxes dressing up as police?

You can blame the director of Ratchet & Clank for that one.

More like thank him

Nothing was more cozy than listening to these at the start of the levels.


I still get nostalgia shakes everytime i hear it fucc

Let me answer your answer to another question with another question:

Why is she not wearing booty shorts as well?


Still stuck in my head after all those years.

what happens when YOU jump and press the circle button?

I land on the hospital bed.



>tfw every year I wait to hear the announcement of the next Sly Cooper game at E3, and then nothing

It's been almost 4 years since Thieves in Time. This series moves at a glacial pace.

>Sly 4 came out 4 years ago
i fucking refuse to believe you


>Sly was the reason I bought a PS3
>no news at all if we will get one on PS4

This September is Sly's 15th anniversary. If Sony doesn't do anything special to commemorate the occasion I will see it as a pretty significant diss. Even just re-releasing all the games on PS4 through PSN would be better than nothing, but Sly is overdue for a new game announcement.

>sony won't put PS3 games on PS4
>if they do you know they will charge obscene prices
I really hate sony right now, i just want sly


Only played 2 and sly Cooper 3 was stuck on the pirate world with the pirate song level is sly Cooper 4 worth playing Sup Forums


yeah, its alright

probably didn't wanna deal with her and was planning on coming back for her

They didn't do fucking anything for Jak and Daxter's 20th Anniversary, I wouldn't hold out bro

Yeah that was pretty terrible, but I think that's more than anything to do with the fact that Naughty Dog and Sony haven't done anything with the franchise since the PS2.

Jak & Daxter almost got a game on PS3 but the dropped it and made Last of Us instead. We may never see another Jak & Daxter game again which is kind of sad.

post more delicious cop fox

they have moved on to "muh graphics" and 2deep4u now.

You have to go to e621 and search for character_name age_difference maybe.

The story in Sly games is not important. 4's gameplay was on point, and that's all that matters.

You're probably only mad about Penelope.

they wouldn't want to risk the crash trilogy remake losing hype, so it's unlikely they're going to do anything

Naughty Dog have always been Sony's tech guys so they're always going to be all about muh graphics. Expecting otherwise would be like expecting Crytek or Epic to stop caring about graphics, because Naughty Dog also develops Sony's in-house engine. Still though, it's kind of a bummer that they only do realistic games now, and that's the main reason they decided they didn't want to revisit Jak & Daxter. It's a sci-fi fantasy series and they wanted to make a zombie game with not-zombies.

So, do you have the other versions of that video games?

No actually, I prefer clothed pics, leaves more to the imagination

4 > 3 > 1 > 2
fight me furfag nerds

Carmelita's 2 voice was the best in the trilogy.
>But she didn't have an accent
Sadly irrelevant, she was still a better actress. 1 and 3's accents don't make up for their inferior acting.

Carmelita is my favorite video game.

Plus they're always better drawn

At the very end of the game Sly confronts Clockwerk over this and says he must have known Sly's father had a son. Clockwerk admits to letting him go in order to prove that a Cooper would be useless without the book, which came back to cite him in the ass.

I'd reverse 1 and 3.
3 had more minigames, but I didn't hate any of them. I despise every last second of Sly 1's minigames.

Oh, makes sense. Hubris, then. Wanted to ruin their status before wiping them out completely but fucked up. Although, you'd think he might have realised sooner that he'd fucked it when the gang started wrecking house on his old crew.

Out of all the games, what's the best level?


was always Partial to the first canada level.


Sly 3 is my least favorite.

>dimitri is my favorite character in the series
>loved him in sly 2 and 3
>hyped as fuck for 4 since dimitri is in the trailer
>concept art of the game show dimitri with a cane indicating he's a playable character
>play the game
>dimitri isn't playable
I could've forgiven a lot of sly 4s shortcomings but they completely lost me when they cut out my favorite character. Fuck sanzaru.

He Who Tames the Iron Horse or Menace from the North, eh!


I've never understood why people hated 3 so much. I've always liked stories that start with a small group that grows to the point where you are rolling deep as fuck. Plus all the additional characters contributed new gameplay methods. If it had any short comings it was that you couldn't freely control the extra characters like you could sly, bently and murray.
