Be me

>be me
>making video on yt for passion
>make a video about obs and overlays
>1080p@60fps High bitrate
>3h of rendering
>5h of upload
>pass 1 day
>and i have 13 subs
>add multiple tags but nothing
Sup Forums help me

what the fuck do you want me to do

kill yourself and upload it

an advice

Give up

>Sup Forums help me
Make a video about Overwatch.

i wanna be original

unplug the controller. Forfeit my nigga.

>want to be original
>Youtube gaming channel #6839347356693234

you focus on pointless things. 1080p 60fps? A normal viewer wont care

no gaming in my channel

>Youtube channel #970650876097094654567549098987876786876

Then what the fuck are you on Sup Forums for

Please link. I'll watch your video desu.

on Sup Forums they kill me

Here's some actual advice: People on YT want quantity just as much as quality. You won't be able to make one video and just go viral, that kind of stuff happens on accident. If you REALLY want to be a YT Superstar, you have to actually work for it and post videos that people enjoy VERY often, for a LONG ass time. It's not ez, one video a weak seems to be the standard for alot of very famous people, one a month for the animation studios, and once a day for vloggers and stuff. Depending on the demand for videos and your abilitiy to supply that demand, will dictate your success. Also advertising helps, but not in the intrusive spamming way.

what makes you think we'll be nicer

>making video on yt for passion
why do you care about views then?

People don't watching gaming videos for quality video gaming, they watch it for personalities.

Just make up an annoying character persona and use it for your videos. Are you ethnic? Exaggerate your ethnicity (ala JackSepticEye) to the point of being grating. Are you gay, trans or some other bent shit? Use that for your character.

Otherwise I guess going into a small community like a gaming forum or SomethingAwful and shill your videos there.

shilling on SA would only be good if he was doing an LP channel. Otherwise he should probably shill on reddit

He probably meant for a living.

This guy gives some pretty decent advise. Just keep on doing what you do, OP. I know YouTube channels of people with hundreds of videos with view counts on the tens but that doesn't stop them from doing what they love.

If you're really worried about views then focus on what's popular at the moment like new game releases and do that.

cause is satisfying

>making a video on yt for passion
>caring about muh clicks

fuck off, failed wannabe e-celeb. If you really did it for passion you wouldn't give a fuck.
You're weak.

Don't people anymore do stuff for fun? If you wanted to do that video then that's it. The fuck you care about subscribers or views.

Just do what all media organizations do: spam free circulated forums with links of your shit for a while. If it's good it'll gain traction. If you're making garbage, you'll know.

>Want to make it big
>Fill my videos with as many memes as possible
>Try to appeal to the kids by yelling and calling my audience my army
>3 subs
>Get a comment
>Kill yourself faggot. You are so annoying holy shit.