Never played this series. Pic related is on sale on PSN for $10, should I buy it?

Never played this series. Pic related is on sale on PSN for $10, should I buy it?


i would. its pretty good. imo dante/virgil are the best aspects of it, but thats just me. nero (or whatever not!dante is called) is pretty fun too, i guess.

Buy it.

Yes. Thought it was really campy and cool when I played it about a decade ago. Been meaning to get SE but just haven't.

Do it

>Bought it a week ago for $25

worth $10. just know that after the halfway mark, you have to redo the areas in reverse basically

Where did you buy it? if it's on sale the same place you bought it. You should be able to contact them and get refunded from the previous price to the current sale price if it's just a week.

yes, enjoy it.
just keep in mind it's basically half a game, then it becomes mirror mode with stage mods and tougher enemies
do the first run with the standard characters (Nero/Dante), then do it with Vergil. The girls are meant for when you've already seen everything and want some extra fanservice.

It's pretty good, and serve as a good entry for the combat system
On the other hand, it's considerably the worst in the series discounting literal abominations.
>DMC1: the prototype of all character actions, very dated, but fun
>DMC2: literal shovelware
>DMC3: 10/10 masterpiece
>DMC4: half-finished, more variety than 3 but you'll find it flawed at a lot of aspects

also, do the Neor run on Normal so you can learn the gameplay, then take Vergil for LDK or some harder mode.
High level gameplay with more powerful movesets demands a higher difficulty, otherwise it'll feel like you're playing with cheats.

And if you want to learn advance stuff, do Nero-Vergil-Dante.
Dante's stuff is even more autistic than fighting game combos

Nero is basically casual mode. Babby's first action game. You play with him to pull strong moves with simple inputs, plus grabs and special cinematic attacks on bosses.
Vergil is for when you're done mashing buttons and want to play the way the character behaves. Wait and learn the enemy's patterns, then *TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU, NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID*
Dante is fine for casuals who want a bit more to work in the meantime before they achieve god-level with Vergil. Mastering Dante however is a metagame in itself, by the time you stop depending on Swordmaster the main game's difficulty modes will start melding and your challenge will consist on learning how to react to other situations you're not used to face.
Needless to say, no one truly masters Dante in DMC4. People just carve a way through the styles and make their own moveset based on the stuff they find easier to use and learn.

No you shouldn't. You don't deserve a discount for buying something when it wasn't on sale.

I do it all the time, and it's surprising just how many stores have policies for that situation. They'll usually allow it for a week or two.

For the best value, I'd get it on PC for the sweet mod tools. If you don't care for modding, then go for it on PSN.

Of course, you need the game to run at fixed 60fps with decent graphics, specially in Legendary Dark Knight since it fills the screen with enemies.
If you can't pull that off with your rig, better stick with the essentials on console version.

You should buy it, but you should have bought the HD collection which was $3 a couple of weeks ago. I'd recommend to play the entire series in release order to get the highest appreciation of it.

>play DMC2
No. Just fucking no

It's worth one run just for the ambient music and beating the shit out of Heihachi

it's worth playing DMC2 to understand it's flaws and to prep for the jump in quality of 3

DMC3 shits all over it to such an extent that it's almost worth a quick playthrough just to see how fucking stupid Capcom can be.