This is the greatest RPG ever made

This is the greatest RPG ever made

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This and Grandia II are the only ones that have been able to keep my interest from start to finish.

Agreed, next thread please

suikoden 2
breath of fire 4
thousand year door
phantasy star 4
fire emblem




It feels good, but no.
>role playing is restricted to your title and flag design only
>crew recruiting is largely pointless
>cartoony villains with simple motives
>extremely simple character stat builds

Romancing SaGa (PS2) outdid this game although it's not as bright and cheery.

Fuck, you're good. I guess you're right.

It probably has the best pacing

I was never bored.


Not even the best Sega game.

>Flying under the worlds

That was some vaguely creepy shit

Why does this game never get a sequel when Sonic gets 500 sequels when Sonic games are never fun.

Indeed. Everything was always exciting and there was never a dull moment. Unless you were a scrub who was somehow short on money when you need to give Brabham and Izmael 100.000 gold to build the base on Crescent Isle and remodel the Delphinus.

I have a theory about the world being Saturn.
1 - The project started as a Saturn game but then remade as a Dreamcast game
2 - The moons of this game's world is made after 7 large moons of Saturn.
3 - The world is floating, largely gaseous world.

Saga is underappreciated but it is really easy to beat unfortunately.

In terms of story presentation, it absolutely blows every other contemporary JRPG out of the water.

Over DQ8? XBChronicles? Can't say I agree.

>thousand year door

Opinion immediately invalidated. Now kindly go back to your switch thread, or other such nintendo felating fuckfairy festival.

>felating fuckfairy festival
fuck me, I'm stealing that from now on

It's fucking awesome, I have both Dreamcast and Gamecube versions.

Reminder that this guy was in Sanic Racing with a new render, new voice clips from the original voice actor, and his race track made the director of the original game emotional.

and even after they put him in sanic AND valkyria the director still doesn't think there's an audience for a new game.

To be honest, I don't think there really needs to be a new game with Vyse Aika and Fina. Maybe a new game with new characters, but Vyse's story is done as far as I'm concerned.

I just want SOMETHING

Me too....

Also a reminder to all the normalfags out there, you could be listening to the SoA soundtrack right now on spotify.

Its all yours my friend. Use it on any nintend fanboy for best results!

It ended perfectly. A sequel would ruin it.

>dat early '00s clunk

Great game, but you can tell visuals got attention at the expense of things generally too long to execute because they had be loaded-in.

>contemporary to PDS

Nigga, what?

What's good about it?

I really want to love this game but I just can't do 5 minutes per random encounter battle anymore.

Its tone, sense of adventure, neat ship battle system, variety of locations, and graphics that still hold up thanks to their sprite faces

>no new skies of arcadia
>no new JSRF
>no new power stone
what the fuck is sega even doing

Sonic, Miku, Yakuza, I think are the only inhouse things they even do anymore.
They did just release a new Valkyria spinoff, but that was outsourced to Media Vision.

Not rehashing games that are fine without sequels

Making a mistake with that Valkyria Azure game.

>contempory to PDS
You're not very good at clarity yourself, double nigger.

Power Stone was Capcom and arena fighters are beyond dead

Oh shit I thought sega did it. never mind then.

I want a prequel that shows how Dyne gets his crew and meets his wife. The only areas available should be the red, yellow, and silver moons with a brief confrontation with blue moon people

What are some other RPGs with pure, unrivaled innocence?

If there was a prequel, I feel it would've been about Daccat. They left tons of plot hooks about him and he seemed to have had two female companions just like Vyse going from the treasure chest in his island containing two pieces of female armor (swimsuits in the Japanese version) whose description says they were given by Daccat to his companions.

Huh, I forgot all the Daccat lore.

Fuck, that would actually be pretty baller. It'd be like some sort of One Piece RPG

Don't know what you even mean but DQ8 is a pure adventure JRPG game without any bullshit.

I'll always take the PS1 versions of both Lunar games over the originals for comfiness, though. There were some serious changes to make them be more enjoyable.

Trails in the Sky

>models sitting on hood
This triggers the /o/tist

>all those discoveries in the south ocean
>all that land to explore
>that shitty speed in the vortex zone
>that encounter rate

i t-think i'm gonna take a break

To be fair its a car/boat/plane so the protocol is a little different

Someone needs to hack in the Dreamcast soundtrack. It's so fucking bad on this version.

the feeling of exploration is unlike any other game

The reason they toned it down in the first place is because it couldn't fit the disc space, though. I don't see how anyone can hack in the original sound tracks.

>Grandia II
Grandia II was linear and boring. Decent, but not in the same tier as Skies.

Try Wild ARMS, it did adventure real good.

Very similar to how you can hack in bigger textures. It would have to be built into the emulator but it would be pretty trivial to implement.

Man the exploration was so good in wild arms 3 that 9 year old me couldn't figure out where to go so I dropped it

Wasn't that game a cheap Xenogears knockoff?

> I don't see how anyone can replace the audio files in an iso
It's so easy I'm surprised no one has done it yet

>built into the emulator
what. wouldn't you just modify the iso


I prefer the original on Dreamcast.

I just wish it had a lower random encounter rate.

Because you would offset other data in the ISO. You do that and anything after the AX files would be at the wrong address.

You would have to create a load injector.

I had to follow a guide so I could avoid as many random encounters as possible. I started off just exploring and very quickly racked up 3 or 4 hours in the first area because every 15 seconds I was in a random encounter.

just kidding that game sucks and only liked by nintenyearolds

Wild ARMS came 2 years before xg, homeboy


Part of a games innocence is teasing the dicks of all the little boys playing it.

man my uncle must have been really innocent then

>I prefer the original on Dreamcast.
This. The soundtrack deserves to be listened to in its original bit rate. Fuck Nintendo and their shitty incapable hardware.

>when Boss Theme- Opportunity kicks in

I've been thinking of picking this up again. Owned the original Dreamcast version but sold it off. Now I can't decide between buying it again, or going for the Gamecube since they fixed a lot up. Thoughts?

who the fuck cares about vidya music
buy the Gamecube version so you don't have to deal with the encounter rate

I think the fixes and extra content make the Gamecube version worth it, especially if you already played it on Dreamcast anyway.

>le sense of adventure
You can tell a game is shit when the only praise people have for it is nebulous meme phrases like this. Same goes for "comfy"

What are some other games that have same sense of adventure?

Wait, that Daccat fucker had his waifus pantsus as treasures? What a badass fucker

Dat hype as fuck battle theme.

Yeah I know this is from the PSP remake but still.

I can only think of the Xenoblade games.

You can assume the "female armor" in the western version was bikini armor for more fun.

Skies is overrated garbage with a shit combat system. Grandia 2 is better in every way.

>grandia II
I'll fight you m8

The next game is about a group of friends that hear about the old crew and they want to be like them so they set out on an adventure retracing their steps. Make it like One piece where the story revolves around the cities and not the characters and after the credits the final secret boss is the old crew.

same goes for "fun"

Aika can sit where ever she wants if you ask me.
Thought i would prefer my lab.


I got this game for 3ds and i already got bored and quit.

I played dq7 for like 120 hours and finished all the post game

What's so interesting about your lab? Aika doesn't seem the scientific type.

I meant to write lap, but my lab works as well.

>playing two DQ games back to back