
This scene is literally already fixed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Professional Brom Shill here

I have studied bromism for centuries, every day when I wake up from my bed I snap open my neck and oil the metal pistons that allow me to worship brom from the sideways angle like a robot, then I do my daily chores begging my house maid not to kill herself while she stares at me and wonders why she took a job here, nevertheless Brom shill is the religion and ideology i subscribe to.

Brom is life
Brom is shill
Brom is never to kill urself in times of distress

Snap your neck open and receive my enlightenment
Beome a professional Bromshill today my fellow minions

are you a spirit?






holy fucking shit


what is this game and why is it posted

what the fuck am i watching?

damn that actually looks fucking awesome

hello marketer

how do you get hired as a marketer for these things. i'd personally love to shill garbage for money.

t-that fucking voice acting...

lol never ever

you are doing shit job marketer, you are supposed to post the golden face with that

Is Horizon-kun fired? I kinda miss his MonHun analogies


>shoot an arrow
>shoot an arrow
>run towards the camera
>shoot an arrow



Why is this not as popular? Not as good an actor as Brom, but still

>i will never EVER own a console that gets trash tier games like Horizon
feels pretty good

so what are you guys going to do now

So this is the Power of PlayStation...

You could literally bring every game down to that basic level if you try.



Not an accurate description of the gameplay and frankly, a very disingenuous comment. This isn't monster hunter, which you described perfectly. In actuality, the combat is extraordinarily deep, with the incredible complex ai combining with the varied combat to provide an unforgettable experience.

Not actually an invisible wall, instead this is just a problem with the geometry of the rock and will be patched within the first week, guaranteed. Notice also how the streamer conveniently never tried to get on from the left. How an anti-shill got the game early is beyond me but the amount of mud-smearing he is trying to do through his playstyle is sad.


every time

I fucking hate what Mass Effect has created. Watching two people stand still and stare at each other while talking for 10 minutes about boring shit is not fun.

>incredible complex ai

so you are telling be a game has a bug that beaks the game cant be batch out

Where are you gonna go first guys?


is this far cry primal

Did you post the wrong image? This is a horizon thread if you hadn't noticed

no, it was an invisible wall
the streamer glitched out of the little area he was supposed to be in

The gameplay is visceral, even just watching it, the environments are picturesque, and the complexity of the ai is almost unbelievable. This game is amazing! Thank god I will never have to settle playing monster hunter again.

Given the high speed with which the player is traveling, coupled with the enormous amount of objects the game has to load, which it does so in accordance to a priority where scenery is generally low, such instances are to be expected. Thankfully, the developer of this game has taken such care already that we can be certain such problems will be fixed when a solution becomes available. Regardless, such a problem is superficial at best and in actuality is merely a nonissue.

This is a section in which the player is being eased into the stealth mechanics of the game is intended to be a tutorial. Later in the game enemies will show their complexity even against the stealth mechanics of the game, which themselves are amazing as they display the interactivity with the environment, as both location and time of day dynamically contribute to your stealth ranking

Are even the fucking monsters marked on the map?

I really hope you're being paid to do this instead of pretending for free.


I don't know what the big deal is. Open World games come with jank. I shouldn't have to explain Bethesda games, and Withcer 3 is probably my favorite single player game ever, but goddamn when that game first came out moving around the world and picking shit up without accidentally putting out candles over and over was a chore. I haven't played Horizon but it is the only 1st party developed Sony game I've been excited for in years. It could be a bad game for plenty of other reasons but the animations and VA are standard jank for open world games not made by Rockstar.

sweetie he's level 31 in that webm
the streamer was like level 36 when i stopped watching last night and hes nearby at the end of the game



So do you have to actually do something to trigger the slow-mo, or can you activate it at will? If it's the latter that sounds OP as fuck.

its ok when zelda does it



>another woman with bow meme fell flat on it's face
Oh gee, how unsurprising

The facial animations in Witcher were muted, which made them look less offensive than the comically exaggerated ones in HZD. The VA was absolutely superb, unless the accents put you off, which is more subjective than the low audio quality, poor intonation and timing of a lot of HZD's VA.

I agree with the jank argument, but HZD has suspiciously more of it in footage shown so far than the usual open world. Bethesda games are a non-argument because they're infamously broken and as such not a high bar.

the people who played zelda got wrecked constantly even with that OP ability

the mature game for ugly women gamers seemed a bit too easy even before being able to overcharge everything

False, it was the geometry. I did the same "glitch" and was able to get onto the rock by going to the right side of the rock. The streamer disingenuously pretended to get on the rock to try and paint the game in a negative light. The streamer did this with many aspects of the game.

Another instance of the streamer intentionally tampering with the game, this time the quality of the stream, to give off the impression of a negative quality when no such quality actually exists. As opposed to other games, such as monster hunter, where the framerate is already low and dips despite the lack of graphical fidelity, this game retains a constant, high framerate.

Again, the streamer intentionally rushed through the game, giving the impression of being "high leveled" when in actuality he was just getting to places where mechanics should be explained. Actually playing this game instead of rushing it would make the playthrough at least 4 times as long as that which he tried showing it to be.

So you confirm that it's not okay that Horizon does this?

When did I even say anything about Zelda you stupid fuck?

How much are they paying you? You can't seriously do this for free.

keep crying


Holy fuck that 1995 tier voice acting.

I echo this

>no rebuttal


This image doesn't really work if there's you know, PEOPLE FUCKING RESPONDING TO OP YOU FUCKING NEWFAG!


Yeah the game is shit, but can we talk about how Ashley Burch's voice acting is actually pretty decent?

Yuge surprise.

Game looks pretty shit, but I'll probably get it down the line when it's cheap. I was honestly hoping for better, but oh well. I have way too fucking much to play for the next few months to worry about it now.

I'm just here for the shitstorm and plot cliches.

no argument

you mad kid that the same guys reply to the same post over and over mad man when this one is done you will start over again

i never want bioware to go out of business because they always provide comedy gold

it's literally not

From what I remember playing Far Cry 3, those are places where a certain kind of monster spawns. Useful because of how crafting works.

I think Witcher 3 is a mixed bag when it comes to VA with Triss being most offensive and I know Bethesda games aren't a high bar to beat but they are THE bar. People just expect that your horse can scale cliff walls in openworld games.

It's just strange to me the reaction this game has been getting, but then I remember Switch and Zelda are like 2 weeks away and console warrior posting is high on both sides.

I'm more interested in if the side stuff in the world is actually fun or a checklist simulator Ubisoft style.

Don't you EVER respond to me again fuckstick. I will lick the ever loving shit out of you so watch your fucking tongue kiddo.

What the fuck is this garbage?

Considering how awful the dialogue is most of the time, I agree she doesn't do a bad job with what she's given

Doesn't look like the world's biggest piece of shit, just another highly derivative open world game I've got no interest in playing

They're all robots

there was a bug i get to and the cutseen was not done yet and he went into the t pose and the guy i was fighting was invisible

>taken down

good job shills



>Nigger.exe has stopped working

Looks like Natalie Portman

ok keep crying now get ready to make this thread again




what the actual FUCK is up with the animations and the voice acting??

>Run to the right
>jump over the pit
>jump on the turtle
>shoot a fireball
>jump on the turtle
>run to the right
>jump over the pit


I fucking warned you kid now you're going to pay the price for disrespecting me.

metal devil


>horizon has combat as deep as the first mario bros

sounds about right

>PC players hate it because it has the best graphics on the market
>Nintendo players hate it because it is a better Zelda than BOTW
>Xbone players hate it because Microsoft abandoned first party support of the bone


Mary Pop-ins. Good lord man.

In the story how have they not noticed they are robots?


what the fuck

it is, a guy was streaming last night

rather than put her hand through the lower gap she tries the second lowest and cant reach it and then has to have a pig robot slam into some columns to get it to slide towards her

>Sony players hate it because it's another mediocre 1st party effort from Sony

No you illiterate nigger, I'm saying you can trivialize any game by just explaining and repeating what you do in it

>get an early copy
>play it
>delete it off my hdd
