Dad's offering to buy me each individual part to build a gaming PC with a budget of up to $2.5K for my birthday

>Dad's offering to buy me each individual part to build a gaming PC with a budget of up to $2.5K for my birthday
>Either that or he buys me the Switch from a friend of his that pre ordered it to sell it for $650.
I'm having a hard time guys. I REALLY want to play Arms and Zelda

Buy pc for 2500
sell it

buy pc and switch

why not both? you'd still have plenty of money in the budget to build a damn good PC.

Christ if he's honestly going to shell 2.5k for a PC I'd do that.

But please, don't spend 2.5k on a pc. Don't even spend 1.5k

>get $2.5k worth of switches
>hook them all up together

most powerful console ever

This, you can build a pretty decent PC for 1200$, they fucking leaves 1300$ left to buy other shit. The people who've bought a 2000+ $ PC are literal fucking keks and idiots.

What the fuck are you going to spend all that shit on for a PC? 5 CPUs?

Trick your idiot dad, and buy both a PC and a Switch with Zelda.

2.5K is more than you need firstly, but fuck dude, even as a massive Nintendrone, if you have the option for a blank check PC build take it.

You really aren't

Be a good kid and tell your dad you only need 1200 for the PC and everything past that suffers diminishing returns. Then ask if he will get you a switch as well or just save the money himself.

Honestly just tell him to wait a month for the switch, don't have him pay nearly 700 dollars for one.

Take $2500.
>buy a PS4 Pro ($400)
>buy PS+ for 5 years ($300)
Spend the rest on 30 new games.
Or build a expensive Sup Forums shitposting machine, which is worthless and outdated within 18 months.

$1500 PC and the Switch.

There is no better answer. /thread

Help me out boys. This is the only right answer. You all know it.

Who are you quoting and why are you posting the facebook frog?

Take the PC.

>You can have the boat, OR the mystery box!

I want BOTW though and only my black friends have ps4

oh right

i forgot PC has no games

you must be 18 to post here

>2.5k for your birthday
I'm not even mad, lucky you, OP.
Get the PC.

you must be 18 to post here

Serious question OP, how the fuck did you find us goddamnit?

I'm 18, will be 19 in march.

Are poorfags really jealous of 2.5k for a birthday? Must be a sad life.

>Trick your idiot dad

Wow you are a scum bag aren't you?

I ignored that psycopath. I'm currently studying cs and I will reward my dad with twice what he has given when I begin to make 6 figures

>I'm studying cs
Oh no...

>only my black friends
So this is a Sup Forums thread and there are no $2500.
Alright then, hidden and SAGEd

You're an idiot if you get the switch and not PC plus it's extortion if you buy the switch. It'll last you fucking years with loads of games to play. You don't even know if the Zelda game will be good, and if it is wait until the switch is back in stock. Don't be a Retard and if you're that desperate get it for the Wii u

>be black
>have ps4

Did you assume there was no validity in his post because "black" and "ps4" equate to Sup Forums memery? Are you serious?

Sorry, I don't want to be cucked.