What went so terribly wrong?

What went so terribly wrong?

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What is combat?

>universal praise
>what went so terribly wrong
i mean i cant judge, i just finished 1 and am a few hours into 2 , but why so contrarian Sup Forums?


it's a little hand-holdy and the combat can be a bit easy

the shit second half

Only controls imo. Beyond that, one of the best games ever made but nothing new about that.

The only reason I couldn't stick with the second one was because of the combat. I also know it's not fixed for 3. If 2077 can fix the fucking combat it might be truly kino

There are people on this board that will forever be salty that TW3 beat out their shitty hack and slash gook shit.


It succeeded beyond even its publisher's wildest dreams, which means that the peanut gallery here can't fling shit at it without looking like complete tools.

That's stupid, I love both (G2 more probably) but they are two different games trying to do two different things

It wasn't good, I don't understand

Just started it

no clue what abilities I should get

that's right, gothic 2 tries to be a challenging and immersing RPG while TW3 is trying to be a a dumb hand-holding cutscene fest with shit gameplay

-The downgrade
-The level scalling once you've reached Novigrad
-The combat
-The quest design
-The mob variety
-The lack of RPG elements
-The story after you meet Ciri
-The antagonist

yet you go to said hack and slash jrpg threads and its just the same , even the "good ones"
internet hate machine indeed.

Both tell you exactly where to go and what to do though? Is it really much more intellectually stimulating to have no icons? Jesus.
>read quest log
>look at map
>go to place
compared to
>look at map
>go to place
Wow I really feel like a master sleuth in both of these situations

Not a damn thing.

Game of the generation so nothing went wrong.

I cant believe i spent 25 dollars for this shit. Does gog do refunds?

You will become OP regardless of your choices. Though i recommand sword or sign for the fun.

Too much filler, it just got really boring

My only real grievance is the inclusion of equipment degradation. That shit is not fun at all. It doesn't add anything to the game and is purely an annoyance. Presumably it was inspired by Bethesda's RPGs so it would be more familiar to a casual audience.

>item loses durability
>double click on this item to repair it
So interactive and strategic!

Except the "what to do" part sucks in tw3.

Neither look terribly exciting and involved. This guy keeps shilling a game with questing marginally better than TW3 and that is not saying much.

Thats cdpr who wants to copy dark souls so much and still making a casual game.
They completely missed the point of the degradation which is a way to force you sometimes to change your main weapon.
In tw3 it's useless since it's always the same fucking moveset.

That's the entire series though. The problems with 3 are the open world, the Skyrim level quest handholding, and [/spoiler]the shitty main story

Meh my only complaint is that it has no replayability not even with ng+.
It's not the chosen one but compared with the amount of AAA shit we got fed in the last years it's ok.

The first one is immersive and you have to use your brain for a tiny moment.
The second one you have to press a key and turn your brain off, which is making the game really, really boring.


>not turning off question marks

I ask myself that every time I browse Sup Forums

>The game sold over 6 million copies in the six weeks following its launch. Those sales drove the studio to make a profit of 236 million Polish złoty ($62.5 million USD) in the first half of 2015. In March 2016, developer CD Projekt Red reported that the game had shipped nearly 10 million copies worldwide.

Nothing,its a pretty decent game.

Like I said, it's hardly a better comparison. So I have to read more text instead of look at an icon, totally not bored by the "go here do what we tell you" questing now, nope.

I was legitimately disappointed with the gameplay when I played it at release

So are you saying CoD is the best game ever?

>He doesn't get that the quests are designed around question marks and batman vision.

level system and how the quests work. great quests but lots are built into what level you are.

combat is meh. i have 205 hours played

Yea, cod and rpg are the same thing

Are you saying that the number of sales means the game is good?

CDPR marketed the game to bandwagon fans who've never read the books. That's it. The game itself is fine, 99% of the complaints about TW3 are either fundamental features of the series or attempts to stay within the established lore.

This isn't even a "fuck consoles" thing, there are plenty of mustards who bitch about TW3 despite never having read the books or even played TW1.


yep, thats a rpg, you have to READ sometimes.
And yes looking for something and therefore exploring the surrounding is more entertaining entertaining than following a red mark w/o thinking.

They made it openworld, despite the main strength of these games being the story

they're not designed around the question marks though

>This isn't even a "fuck consoles" thing
No shit, this game is literally designed for consoles and skyrim audiance.

The detective vision shit and less than stellar movement system are the only major complaints I have for this game.

Where would you put The Witcher 3?

Mid or high tier probably

>not only did it wipe the floor with From Sofware, Bioware and bethesda in 2015, its fucking expansion won RPG of the year in 2016
>certain fanbases are still butthurt almost 2 years later after release
>sold extremely well "despite" being DRM free and non-jew DLC policies

Nothing I'd say.

Tw3 is hardly a RPG at this point. Or you must consider Farcry 3 as a RPG.

your abortion

God tier judging by the other games that managed to make it to that tier.

>Sup Forums shits on uncharted 4, TLOU and other AAA console titles while praising the most casual and cinematic RPG ever made.
Really made me think.

In this case yes, there were attempts to gothic like games and they flopped, nostalgia is not a factor to new generations.

>Witcher 3
>The most casual RPG ever made
Bioware, is that you?


Then CoD is the best game ever?
>new generation
>too dumb for old school RPGs

Woah, tell us something we don't already know

Yeah. the open world was shit.
> pretty landscape
>nothing else
>random loot guarded by random monsters

10/10 best open world rpg ever!!

>most casual and cinematic RPG ever made.

FFXV exist.

What do you mean looking for something? You're told what to do and look for and where, what are you looking for? Do you mean having to talk to potentially useless NPCs in one area instead of having the specific NPC you need to talk to pointed out for you? You Gothic 2 fags really act like your game is leagues above TW3 when the questing is incredibly similar and just as mundane. You're not interested in criticizing TW3, you just want to draw attention to your favorite game under the guise of having some controversial opinion so you have more people to circlejerk about your game over. End this meme. Planescape Torment has better questing than both of those games and it's still not very good outside of having a good story.

the short campaign

ive finished the story at level 33 and cant do anything to level up apart from killing the cyclops repeatedly

also how you cant kill civilians. not that its that important but i like to be able to

>press X to finish the quest
>good questing


wait wait wait, wasn't there an option to turn off the UI, if not things such as map notifications?

Are you mad that new games don't appease you? Make a game and try selling it.

I don't give a fuck about Gothic 2, i just a quest design which isn't the most casual garbage i've ever seen.
It was fine in tw1 and tw2. That's one of the best part of a RPG : DISCOVERING THE AREA, like fucking WoW.

>JUST haircut
>horrible Ciri secondary outfil

Ssshhh... he's trying to shitpost.

but that world map isn't anywhere near where you'd find buckthorn. user pls

>>press X to finish the quest
>>good questing

Probably God, just because its better than pretty much everything in High tier as far as I can tell.

It sort of sits between Planescape and New Vegas, in the sense the mediocre gameplay is supplemented by a great world, good characters and interesting quests.

I love how people cherrypick TW3 flaws but completly ignore the same flaws in games like Dark Soulls, Bloodbourne, Oblivion or FF. No shilling here obv :^)

And Gothic 2 does not do that part very well, which is what I've been saying this whole time. What are we arguing about? Which game is slightly above the other in the totem pole. They are both shit. That is my point. If you really want to make a point against TW3 try bringing better examples to the table. All I ask.


high to god tier. But there's shit I don't agree with in that chart.

>And Gothic 2 does not do that part very wel

way to give out that you haven't played it faggot

sorry but quests in TW3 are complete garbage and games like gothic and morrowind shit on TW3 in every single aspect

>people don't get mad at you and call the guards/attack you for being in their house for too long or stealing their shit
Also after playing Nioh, I can't help thinking that if The Witcher 3 had at all similar combat it would be the greatest game ever.

>muh victimhood

If Sup Forums remade this chart, what would it look like now I wonder?

You wanna good exemples ? Every others game except tw3 system.
Hell like Wow : A npc talk about somebody who is next to the big mountain. Bam, you need to look to the big mountain and discover the surroundigs.
Worst part is that the quest design in tw2 was GOOD, look how the quests are designed if you wanna meet this guy in tw2 :

The only thing I hate about the game is how quests give like no xp after you exceed it's level requirement.


Should I play in polish or does that make me a polanboo?

>A grimdark cyberpunk game about a person reaching ilumination through life cycles of his own life, exploring the concepts of reality, loyalty, morality and becoming more and more powerfull.
>E.Y.E did the "end is not the end" before Stanley parable did but with less fagotry.

Did you check your legs lately user?

game came out in may of 2015 and still buttblasting people


Armor looks good at least. Is it grandmaster?

This is a basic issues of mechanics, not quest design, it'd be reasonable to argue that the deeper mechanic set of the first example games inherently gives even boring quests with no developer intention (like the dead orc in the cave) multiple ways to do things, like luring out the orc, or hunting an orc, this isn't an issue of quest design, it's a matter of howmany tools the player has to achieve outcomes.

>quest in Gothic 2
>find the base of the thieves guild
>nobody knows anything about them
>even if someone knows about it they dont want to tell you
>have to find ways to get more info by exploring the world
>have to earn their trust to find their location
>once you find them you can report them to the militia or join them

Quest in TW3

>use your witcher senses to find item X
>press X to pick item
>end of the quest

>b-but bloody baron!!!
What was good about those quests were the cutscenes, not the quests themselves


They are quite different sure, but when I was playing The Witcher back on release after turning off all the annoying HUD elements and just wandering around doing quests I definitely got some Gothic vibes.

I don't see why TW2 gets so much shit, I played it just before the third came out and it was pretty good.

Japanese va better

yeah it's one of the witcher sets. forget which

You couldn't fuck Ciri.

The game is a love letter to the books though.

Your birth.

>I don't see why TW2 gets so much shit, I played it just before the third came out and it was pretty good.
It's because of the cry babies who found the game too hard (which is why tw3 is so ez), or that the story was "too complicated" (when it's the best of the serie).