Whats the first thing youre gonna do with Aloy when you get her game?

Whats the first thing youre gonna do with Aloy when you get her game?

Purchase the 'Brown Paperbag' DLC

Quit the game

Playing Nioh, Nier and finally Persona V

I'm going to ALLOY my dick with her pussy and thus save humanity.

>Rocking those hips side-to-side

The thumbnail of the webm looks like a grunt from Halo.

Wake up instantly, I would know it's a nightmare because I'm not a retard.

ERP her getting dicked by robot dinosaurs on F-List, obviously.


Trade her in.


>Using a slow, two-handed weapon for stealth strikes
Somehow bothers me more than the AI, strangely enough.



>tfw had hype for this game
>tfw was probably gonna buy it
>tfw Sup Forums has turned me off of the game completely

god damn this site, I probably would have had fun with this game

pls be futa

thats what you get for being positive about a game

But you already had one.

Kill myself for even thinking about playing such an atrocious mess.

But after I play BotW

Zelda is the only thing I have to push myself to see another day. I'm overweight, still live with my mother, live in a tiny ass room, have only one friend that lives in another state, really depressed.

At least I'll be able to live in a charming world that the good guys and Nintendo have made, way better than this boring and dull looking Ubishit game.

wtf man

Switch off all the hud notifications and clutter on the screen, and fight some robots probably. Hopefully its not just Shadow of Mordor with robots. She seems cute enough to me, but more importantly she can kick ass. I don't mind that she doesn't look like an anime character. I will avoid any jap game that even resembles an anime, (few exceptions apply).

>her game

i wish this shitty meme would die already

>tfw Sup Forums has turned me off of the game completely

If the webms are what changed your mind, then you may not have enjoyed the game anyway.

There's a chance shitposters just saved you $60.

What Zelda? PFFFFT

There will be a water level that pauses the fun.

I'm neither buying HZD nor planning to play it in any capacity.

lol nintendrones literally on suicide watch

Throw it in the trash

Should I just end it now? Or the moment I get to the water temple?

thank you bioware


Not because Zelda will be shit, but thanks for the (You), user.

Believe it or not, j actually appreciate the responses.

If I remember correctly, Twilight Princess had a water temple that wasn't as bad as Ocarina. There's a chance that it will just suck and not ruin the game completely.

fuckin beautiful.

>letting people on the internet tell you what to do

Jesus christ you are such a faggot


Yeah, I didn't mind TPs water temple all that much, it certainly wasn't as confusing as my first time playing OoTs water temple.

If this game is really good I probably won't neck myself. But I probably will if their next Zelda is shit.

Who wins lads?

>Aloy's hip swings
>Zelda's ass

Or maybe he realized how much this game is going to be shit, not just fresh shit, but rotting shit.

Zelda's eyebrows.

>Is it even a contest though

Zelda's ass is timeless

Plus I don't like festival hippies with dreads. She definitely smells like pussy and meth

The one in your pic related, user.

Zelda looks more alive and like she has feelings.

Aloy is an actual fucking robot.

I can smell it now!


Come fight me



Zelda wins completely

don't summon the BRAPS, please don't

wow what the fuck, she just appears out of nowhere



wow nintendo fans are so desperate

>Remember seeing those "Stealth" webms of Mafia 3
>Well, at least no one can make an even worse stealth system than that

I hate it when I'm wrong.

Is it even possible to lose this game? Everything I've seen has shown enemies to be insanely passive and just not dangerous.

>salty because its true

The only reason Horizon circlejerk thread's even exist, even though its obvious its a 8/10 ubisoft game and better games like NIOH should've had threads, is because Sony fags cant cope with the fact Zelda is not gonna be on their system, so defend horizon in rampant fanboyism.

don't forget the literal paid shills

Disgusting hairstyle for a shitty protagonist.

You guys are all fucking idiots if you think this game will be anything more than generic console third person game #547

What was this thread even about? Something unforgettable? I can't quite remember.

truth. this game is literally some basic bullshit, how it gets this much attention is beyond me.

I don't know really.

Are you excited user?

Damn, bro, you're mad.

shes so pretty like oh my god

Everyone is a robot you find out at the end
