It's a good game, but a bad ____ game

>It's a good game, but a bad ____ game

>its fun with friends

A game can be good but be a terrible installment in a franchise.
Is mario strikers a good Mario game? if you removed mario from it and just made it normal soccer players nothing would change.

Im gonna say it right away
Dark souls 2 is both a great game and a great DS game.
Fuck you

Suikoden Tierkreis

Good RPG, bad Suikoden.

God damn the anime and this scene were great

I vote for Donkey Kong Country 3

Why is it called Donkey kong country when you play Diddy more often in the games than DK.

Phantom Pain

You're wrong on both counts.

The soul memory system ruined PvP

every paper mario game that isn't 64 or TTYD is completely ruined because it doesn't use the combat system from the first two games

super paper mario is a pretty good game but for a paper mario game it is horrible

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.

Fire emblem fates

and Color Splash is just kinda boring and garbage either way

This guy gets it

>It's a good game if you ignore the bugs, bad AI, broken stealth and shallow gameplay

You're more than welcome to your opinion, and there's nothing I can do about it. But you're wrong, and I wish for misfortune to follow you everywhere in life.

Star fox adventures was a good game but a terrible star fox game. Once I got over that it wasn't starfox it was really enjoyable

This is stupid.

Bloodborne. A good game but a bad souls game.

What is the vidya equivalent of Parasyte?

hard mode: no resident evil 4


Because Donkey Kong was the first one to conquer the land, subjugating its inhabitants and naming it after himself.

The kremlings and their leader K.Rool are simply rebelling against their tyrant overlord.

I'd say Drakengard 3

Games that I hear this statement with:

Dead Rising 4
Fallout 4
Metal Gear Solid V
Mafia 3
Resident Evil 7

Works well with DmC

This is a perfectly valid argument though

An installment in a series has preconceived expectations as to what it should be. A game can objectively be well designed and executed yet not meet the expectations expected of franchise titles because it tried to do something different

There's literally nothing wrong with this

Nobody has ever said dead rising 4 or mafia 3 are good games you faggot, much less good entries to their series.

The normies I talk to say this shit, so you're wrong.

Who's arguing with you?

Okay then defend a game of your choice that works with this statement

>implying that 'game x of y series would have been better standalone' is not an argument
>implying that 'game x feels less like genre a and more like genre b' is not an argument

Starts out string and turns to preachy bullshit towards the end.

>but every game is fun with friends
some games are irredeemable pieces of shit no matter how many players, but some are at least fun to play with a friend

Fallout 4 is a good game, it's just not a good fallout game, but it's still the best anyway.

>super paper mario is a pretty good game but for a paper mario game it is horrible
holy shit this

DS2 had some weird design choices, and some lacking areas and bosses, but the DLC and PVP made up for it. DS2 still has the best PVP of any souls game.

says the dumb nigger

This is true though

Ever try to play Little Big Planet solo? It's boring as fuck. Add in a couple friends and its a blast.

There is nothing wrong with this argument. For example, Metal Gear Solid V.

>>It's a good game, but a bad ____ game
This line of thinking tricked me into buying Sticker Star

nah you dumb

Fallout fits this statement truer than most.
With Souls, DR, MGS, RE, etc... they are at least continued by some/most of the same people that made the previous games, in relatively the same style.

Fallout 3 looks looks like they just checked the fallout wiki for reference and never actually played the previous games.

It went from a top-down 2d isometric turned-based rpg with fantastic storytelling, dialogue, and choice in 1 and 2 to a 3rd person 3d shoot-em-up with poor story and a fucking dialogue wheel with 3 & 4.

Brotherhood of Steel was a Fallout abortion as well. Not a bad twin-stick, but not a good Fallout. I have enjoyed all the fallout games to some extent, but there are those that remain true to the name and those that don't

Prison School, right?

lmao what

No, it's Parasyte. No fanservice bullshit

>fallout 3
>dialogue wheel
You might try playing games before you talk about them.

Prototype I guess

>Works well with DmC

except DmC is not even a good game. Its a shitty action game

I know it doesn't have one, but the other factors apply to both 3 and 4. I'm sorry I triggered your autism

"Dark Souls 2 is a mediocre game and a cheap Chinese knock-off Souls game" is what you meant to say there, I can see how one could make such a mistake.

>say wrong thing
>actually that's incorrect
>i know its wrong but i said it anyway lol. pointing out things that are wrong is autistic!
I'm changing my vote. Sup Forums really is the worst board on this site.

Chrono Cross a good game, but a bad Chrono game.


leave then. no one will miss you

>Chrono Cross a good game

it shits the bed near the end bigtime.



bad game with shit controls and an overall downgrade compared to RE5

>Mario party is just as fun solo as it is with friends
Just because you don't have any doesn't make this point invalid

Etrian Odyssey 4.
It's alright for entry level players since it introduces picnic mode and skills are streamlined so new players don't get fucked over picking the wrong things but It still feels like the worst in the series to me.

Well I said good, not great.

It's still pretty enjoyable if you don't care about the story.


Diablo III
Many fans were disappointed at release with the high standard set by II

>the [people who have too little experience to have an educated opinion] I talk to say [uneducated opinion], so you're wrong

many people are upset by changes on principle no matter if they are for better or for worse.
This is called weak autism.
That is, the actual kind of autism, not Sup Forums autism.

Do people actually disagree with DmC: Devil May Cry is a good game, but a bad Devil May Cry game?

I dunno, diablo 3 was a lot closer to gauntlet than it was to diablo 2.

>Do people actually disagree with DmC: Devil May Cry is a good game, but a bad Devil May Cry game?

because it's not even a good game

so do most story heavy games; starting a compelling story is easy, concluding it satisfyingly is not, things like Lost are the best examples.
Most people who fashion themselves writers are lousy at it.
Most people who adore them have too little taste to acknowledge that they worship mediocrity.
Look at Dan Brown.

that just means that on it's individual merits it's good, but bad when actively compared to the series it hailed from.

it comes up short on a high standard?

it's usually used to say 'this would be better if it were a standalone title.'

the problem is that while Cross' story went stupid, it also shat on Trigger in the process