Does this game have the best turn base battle system of all time

Does this game have the best turn base battle system of all time

>JRPG about idols
>battle system more akin to arranging choreography than attack sequencing

It's really well done. Shame the game doesn't require you to ever get really good at it.

Everything about it is pure trash. The problem is that Compile Heart never mentioned how limited the supply was, so a new copy is extremely rare. Yet you can find the game itself for less than $10 during an occasional PSN sale.

Cuz combos in it feel rewarding as fuck.

Are you a homosexual by any chance?

In other words, I should hang onto my physical copy of this game.

No, you should sell it for profit and rebuy the game for dirt cheap when PSN does their weeb sales.

That's the thing with OQ.The animation,attack feed back,and the effects were really impressive for a turn base game.It makes me wondering what the hell is Atlus is doing with the SMT and the Persona series,if Compile Heart can pull something like this off,all in all OQ combat is just so darn satisfying.

>Bought game
>Played it for 2hours
>Returned game

The main girl was shit and theMC was the most insufferable twat I'd ever heard.

You're asking this on Sup Forums,and no by the way I just like 2d girls

>Idea Factory
You fucking wish

MeiQ, while simplistic as fuck, has a fun combo system as well when hitting enemies with weaknesses.

It's a catch 22. Used copies sell retail for about $27, but new copies cost a fortune. I'm tempted to buy a copy and keep in in the plastic (like I do anyways).

Maybe 2nd best.

Hey I think Square Enix puts pout trash nowadays,but there's always that one game that stands out,like World of Final fantasy,and I am Setsuna.also Idea Factory has been putting out solid games lately,like Maki Shin trillion,Neptunia Victory 2,and Four Goddesses online

That whole post fucked up.

>order break spam

and the plat is a bitch. Like 140 hours and I beat the game at like the 40 hour mark

>main girl
There is no main girl.
Every girl gets the same attention.

>I Am Setsuna
>Digital only
>PS2 graphics
>$39.99 on PSN
They just all around fucked that up.

>aka ranger
>not the main one

That's not how sentai works.

>40 bucks on amazon

meant for

That game was made only to give the middle finger to anyone who wanted a new chrono trigger.

She may seem to be the red ranger at first (she isn't, they are idols not sentai shit), but after a while the game stop focusing on her in favor of everyone else.

Idolshit RPGs should explode.
Nothing but combining garbage with garbage.

Still mad that Berserk is constantly getting delayed

>Nothing but combining garbage with garbage.

at least it wasn't two game series unrelated to idolshit that combined into an idolshit game, somehow