Nier or FFXV, what should I get?

Nier or FFXV, what should I get?

Nier looks better but I think FF15 has a lot more content/will keep my busy longer if I go the 100% route.

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Horizon Zero Dawn

XV will keep you busy and new time limited hunts and unlocked framerate are coming on Tuesday.

It's a good time to buy for cheap.

XV is better based off of the Nier demo, also outshines Nier in other aspects from animation, visuals, graphics, music, etc.

Also Shiva's ass is a million times bigger than toobies.

FF15 is a long and solid RPG.
Nier is a potential meme game. 10 hours to get the first ending + X hours of potentially inane grind/backtracking to get the other endings.

I dont' got a Pro and I'm stashing cash aside for a Switch+Games+Accessories in April.

I'll get a Pro in the Fall probably.

Man XV sure is perfect

I'm aware FF15 has much higher production values, but that's not really a selling point for me.

It's a battle of inferior gameplay+tons of content vs good gameplay+little content for me, which is tough.

>based off of the demo
I know it's you xv-kun so i shouldn't even bother, but it's not like the Platinum demo made XV look good either

Nier's gameplay is hardly that superior, it's a pretty toned down version of Metal Gear Rising's combat which was already pretty simple
I say try getting the Judgment Disc demo for XV on the japanese PSN if it's still avaiable, should give you an solid idea of what you're getting into

The platinum demo was a tech demo not part of the final game and also came out like 9 months before the game was out. Nier Automata demo was a slice from the start of the game and went up in December, only 3 months before the game is out.

I've played XV for over 100 hours and the Nier Automata demo multiple times. XV is more RPG centric with Action gameplay, while Nier Automata focus in the action gameplay with RPG stuff tacked on. XV also has many action mechanics work better than Nier Automata does like XVs aerial combat, warps and such, while Nier has the benefit of having things like double jumps. Nier also has a lot more instances of canned animations than XV has, as in things you do that plays an animation without you pressing anything.

One of the main complains about XV is that you can just spam potions to not die, but that requires you to keep getting rekd instead of preventing damage.

But dodging in Nier is pretty broken since you have ton of iframes on it.

If you care a lot about the story then you might want to get Nier first since it will probably be spoiled easily

Is this a troll thread? XV is a jumbled mess of an "RPG" with an incoherent weak story and janky combat system. Meanwhile we know for a fact from the demo that Nier Automata will at the very least have a fun combat system to play around with and judging by the first Nier game and the previews we've seen so far we can expect an interesting and emotional story with unexpected twists and turns in Nier Automata as well, not to mention the soundtrack which sounds great so far.

I don't know what your standards are like OP but if they're any bit respectable you wont even want to 100% XV, nowhere near it. You'll more likely want to just get to the end and get it over with and it'll be an excruciating ride because holy fuck does it drag on and the story just gets worse and worse, which is funny since there was barely a story at all until the last third of the game.

Nier Automata is a MUCH safer bet unless you're a bumbling Final Fantasy fanboy, in that case you'll eat up anything square-enix shits out on your plate.

get the complete game

Now you've done it

No it isn't, it's obvious you are just some platdrone/tarodrone who is incapable of looking at things objectively. XV is a better game than Nier Automata is in every conceivable facet.

>could've just let the thread die
>now you've unleashed xv-kun's autism

Nier is confirmed to have a 25+ hour playthrough just to get the first ending.

From the demo alone XV has better combat, anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't played either of them.

>Nier is confirmed
That's right. Nowhere.

Noone can possibly dislike FFXV

What kind of game is Nier? I see it talked about all the time but I know nothing about it.

>Nier Automata is a MUCH safer bet
Yes yes, especially when you see all other 50/100 Taro's kusoges. He literally never, ever made a decent game.

Troll thread, got it.

>n-no he said XV was better than something, quick, let me start false flagging and pretend to be saying XV is the best thing in existence!

Hey man, i'm not disagreeing. Just saying that opinions against FFXV are not allowed

Why are you stuttering?

Only one trolling is people who actually think Nier Automata is better, and this guy who's just false flagging.

>time limited hunts
Oh fuck no

Confirmed by whom? I believe it, but am genuinely curious

Hi, you must be new to Sup Forums. What you just witnessed was greentexting, otherwise known as quoting, this variation being used to imply that the text in green is what you actually said, implying that you are a stuttering idiot. It is used as a passive aggresive insult. Have a nice day.

It's called sarcasm. Stop applying samefag and falseflag to every post you don't like

No it's clear you are falseflagging. Maybe you should stop being so new.

>i-i-i'm an o_oldfag
>i'll j-just greentext stutter, th-that'll make my argument better
Am i doing it right?

Not him, but you are a retard, fuck off and lurk more

Tell me what's falseflagging about this

Nier, that's not even a competition. And I liked FFXV.

>Not him

Now you've just painted yourself as a fool.

You are pretending to be someone who is saying that you aren't allowed to say anything against XV, that XV is the best thing ever, it's because you have no actual argument and are triggered whenever people defend XV in comparison to other things.

What you are doing is just like saying "Nier Automata is the best game ever, based epic Yoko Taro he can do no wrong he's literally /our/ guy."

You seem a little paranoid kiddo

I got gifted XV for christmas, I really can't get into it. Shit story, mediocre combat.

I'll probably get nier used or when price drops

ff15 no doubt.

You can buy XV for like 20 dollars now and by the time you're done with it Nier will be a bargain bin title.

Not really, aside from some really good scenes and the music Taro games are pretty mediocre. You know people can dislike things about multiple games right? Believe it or not

No, they said 25 hours to get the true ending.

But what you're doing just sounds like "my opinion is objective and the only one that counts if you don't agree you must be drone or shitposter"


the enemy variety in nier seems quite bad.


Not an argument.

You must have some trouble following the conversation.

Yet the nier fanboy here is the first one to do that.

I beat the main story in 50hrs and have 77% trophies... I'd go for Nier and when you're done get FFXV when a "complete" version is out with all the season pass DLC bullshit.

Does that mean every person is the same?

Checks out.

Holy irony batman.

Is this your first day on Sup Forums?

>XV is a better game than a game I haven't played

shut up xv-kun has played plenty of videogames!


only poorfags limit themselves

So guess anyone saying Nier is invalid then for the same reason.

>Don't get this game.
>lol I don't know I haven't actually played it/

>PS4 is the only platform that exists
>caring about trophies

>What our QA team told us from their test plays is that generally if you work on normal difficulty level and you just concentrate on the main story and don't do too much outside that on the first play-through it should take around 25 hours.
>If you go for a completionist playthrough, trying to get all the enhancements, the collection items and all what you'd call... maybe, I don't know, the end content - superbosses that you have to take down first by becoming strong enough to even fight them... if you add all that in, you're probably looking at about 55 hours of play time in total.
>The way that Nier is constructed is... we've got multiple different endings in the game, and certainly they take part at different times in the play cycle. So... if you only, say, play for ten hours, you'll reach a certain earlier ending in the game, and that does reach one conclusion to the story, so if you only play for that much you'll still get one complete package of the game - but you're free to keep playing on after that, of course.

Some RPGs have early endings that are not actually the end of the game. This is a guy who includes a kill switch on the player by removing an item from your pod without any warning, so surprise endings are to be expected.

hi xv-kun!

Anyone saying to get Nier is invalid too then.

Not if they've played the demo.

is FFXV even worth it I haven't played it but is it exactly like every other final fantasy where grinding is required to beat certain parts but if you just grind you literally win the game

Which goes right back to the point that XV is better then. Are you dense?

>is FFXV even worth it
not really

Thank you

>XV is better

No it's an action RPG and you don't need to grind. You have EXP multipliers too.

So if i didn't like the XV demo it's fine if i don't buy that?

Grinding is not required and you do not have to deal with random encounters every 4 steps either.

FFXV is trash and a mess of a game, Nier will be decent at worst and great at best.

Why yes it is.

Yes. It's different in combat and how you level than other FFs. In XV you stock up your EXP during the day and it gets applied whenever you camp or rest.

Decisions thread?

The following i can get for cheap
Which one Sup Forums:
Dragon age inquisition (I loved origins)
until dawn
DmC:DE (played on ps3 but heard this one was better)
Valkyria chronicles steelbook (played on ps3 and liked it)
ratchet and clank

>play as gay homo boy band members
>play as a fat assed android
you aren't a faggot are you?

Nier is for BLACKED
XV is for yellowed

It's not really my problem at that point, the final game is different enough from the demos that the demos just feel outdated and their own things, the Nier demo is a chunk of the actual game. By the way I never said I didn't like Nier.

What did he mean by this?

Well you seem to have played most of them already. The RC remake remaster thing was fine and looked great and it was fun to just have a simple videogame once in a while.
DA Inq is pretty bad, Bioware has gone to shit over the past few years


First one, then the other.

>tfw just preordered Nier
feels good

But isn't the demo where you play in the desert also a part of the full game?

2B likes BBC and Noctis is a gook

>I'm so insecure in my heterosexuality I have to avoid looking at men

I can't play as Gentiana though

>it's not gay I'm just secure in my sex blowing dudes is NOT gay okay?

That's a japan only demo.

Closet faggot detected.

2b isn't even a real girl just some robot. At least the girls in XV are actual flesh that would matter if you pounded them. 2B is just some fake thing.

>closet faggot
>the one who didn't play the game filled with shirtless muscle emo teens
really gets my neurons firing

>I'd rather be the girl

And that's the one i played

If I'm wearing a skirt

>2b isn't even a real girl just some robot
They're all just polygons and pixels though

her face is so qt

Not when it's full of a billion cocks.

Cute girl in the background

that'd never happen.