Game requires you to change how you think

>game requires you to change how you think


it's read vertically, column per column
you add the top two figures to get the bottom one with overlapping lines cancelling each other

could also be read left to right, same concept

5, like this one here.

List of good games that do this
>Talos principle

List of pretentious 4u trash
>The Shitness

You dropped this 5

Diagonally too

I feel so stupid for not getting it myself

Talos principle was shit.

Who would get this wrong? Explain yourselves right now



what is this even asking

The puzzles design is more impressive than the solution.

>early on the game instills the "contained puzzle" mentality with the purple gates, inviting you to think "okay so the puzzles are completely in isolation"
>to get the secret stars you have to break this preconception and think literally outside the box
Nah fuck you, shittalk the philosophy all you want the puzzle design was superb.

>game requires you to have a degree in programming

5, took about ten seconds

OP confused me by making me think I had to completely change the kind of patterns I was looking for.

>game requires you to have opposable thumbs

any brainlets here? I wanna kick you're ass

> you're

Sorry, but that game had way too many "get the connector in the air" puzzles near the end.

I have absolutely no idea what I'm even looking at, let alone having a hope of solving that puzzle.

Guess I'll just go back to apuposting on /r9k/

from what the other anons said it seems that imagining a + between each figure and then an = to the next, will help you solve it.
Also consider 2 "positives" to cancel each other out.
applying a + between from left to right/ right to left or top to bottom/ bottom to top will all result in the same ... solution so to speak