Why is Nintendo so lazy?


found more

I'd train the Potato and Prairie runner.

>tfw we will never get a pokemon breeder game where we could unlock the potential of shitmons like Qwilfish through cross-breeding new stats and abilities from other pokemon.

Also Weeping Hollow is A+

why is pokemon so lewd?

>Why is Nintendo so lazy?
gamefreak is the issue


woah check out these hot new leaks.

Corrupting kids has proven immensely profitable for them.


Wardroab for Smash when?

>not the edit

I don't understand. Are you implying that they're lazy for not implementing this feature?

I mean firstly, that would be on Game Freak, not Nintendo. Secondly, I don't think Game Freak are lazy so much as they are incompetent. Thirdly, such an in-depth variant/breeding system would be a hugely unrealistic undertaking for even a competent team - not implementing it is doesn't make them lazy.

cracks me up every time

anyone have the pokemon clover one from /vp/

...this is literally being made on the gamedev threads.

get threef or get fucked

Thats great.
Ill try it: once its finished.

Quakstak is the best pokemon

The edit's better, yeah.

>we still don't have Venutoise...


>not maining a team of 6 BEEEEEEES

>wanting french faggots in your vidya

Because the rule numer one of mascot games is to have a global recognizable mascot. Giving all 800whatever pokémon 12 variants would make everything an unrecognizable mess.

I'm surprised enough they made Alola forms.


>Sup Forums dev
>ever finishing

Just wanted to say thank you for posting this image...accidentally saved a goddamn thumbnail last time.

You just KNOW that the Gimp/Bodosomo line would have some ridiculously good ability and movepool

How do you digitize an organic creature and store them into a computer? Or install updates on these creatures with discs? How do pokeballs work? Why can't you capture humans with pokeballs? You will never get the answers, just don't think about it.

>bitter melon

>You will never comfort lonely giant drago

So these are Monster Rancher style mockups of cross breeds?

I actually did that as a kid, too.

Yeah, having variants of that type would increase the number of Pokemon to put in the game A LOT. MR only has like a dozen main types and this is enough to spawn over 300 different monsters.


this makes me feel weird, anons... is that normal?

Probably have an ability that boosts its attack when hit with a physical move that activates once and gives it immunity on that first move.

It will balance out though because it will have low defense or a limited physical attack pool in that typical 'no fun allowed' gamefreak style.

>that last one
can't image the anal pain that would brought me if i they implement that with ditto

Not to mention completely unrealistic. They have 800+ Pokemon as it is. If every non-legendary, non-genderless Pokemon had at least 3 or 4 breeding variants (although people clearly want more than that) they'd be modelling a few extra thousand Pokemon.

>you will never play a Pokemon skinned Monster Rancher 4
>you will never play a new Monster Rancher ever again

Fuck, BEEEEEEE gets me everytime.

>race mixing


those sprites are hideous. Just use models

No problem, I have a few images saved but I haven't seen much from them in a while. I hope they haven't just dropped the project.

Gamefreak does pokemon, retard

Lapras would be ideal for this.

>mfw eg and its evolutions could be in the next generation and it wouldn't be out of place

>stick a fucking palmtree on it

im out

I'm sure they'll do this in the next gen to pander to nostalgiafags. Don't expect it be more than gen 1 though, and shit like Mewtizard.

>Name great Nintendo games
>They say Pokemon

>Ask why it runs like shit
>Uh uh... it's Gamefreak not Nintendo!

Pokemon is like the bitch and the scapegoat of nintendo fans.

but its crossed with torterra, who has a tree on its back

I felt it too



Who still calls Pokémon great? Most of its gens sucked

Only really the first two were nice because they were fresh and simple. As soon as they introduced the autistic shit aimed at competitive battling I turned off. I could care less if multiplayer is unbalanced if the single player campaign is still crafted with some care. Especially since it ends up with massive balance issues anyway, and the comp features make the single player part tedious as hell

>As soon as they introduced the autistic shit aimed at competitive battling I turned off.
It was always there except for natures. Yes, even EV training which was even more autistic.

Oh my god, who the fuck even cares about Chikorita?

The fourth gen is literally the peak of the franchise


This is pretty much monster rancher exactly. Fuck what I wouldn't give for a new monster ranchers.

t. shitter


>Especially since it ends up with massive balance issues anyway, and the comp features make the single player part tedious as hell
So you never actually played gen 5-7?

The one with the abortion for a single player campaign and no new Pokémon until endgame... Right

Natures, abilities, anti switch (except bind I guess), weather, retarded typings which removed all weaknesses, floating

Not there from the beginning. The values don't even effect single player. Not to mention how every game since gen 3 has rewarded players for going full retard and raising one Pokémon to beat the game with, and it's possible to do so

Gen 5-7 didn't have shit single player? News to me since I remember them all sucking and ending up traded in

>The one with the abortion for a single player campaign and no new Pokémon until endgame... Right
I see you never played Platinum

>Natures, abilities, anti switch (except bind I guess), weather, retarded typings which removed all weaknesses, floating
Oh no, they added depth to the game. Why isn't it press psychic to win anymore?

I do wish that Nintendo would at least do small palette swaps or minor texture changes to reference a pokemon's heritage. Assign each pokemon a "primary" and "secondary" colour and a body part where they can have the colour influenced by the primaries / secondaries of their parents.

But that's probably too much to ask. It also raises uncomfortable questions about breeding. Plus, you'd just end up with everyone having the Ditto look anyways.

Can we talk about the best Pokemon instead?
No amount of form changes will make your favorite relevant or beautiful.

Abilities shouldn't really count as autistic shit. Weather happened in gen2 as well as anti-switch like Mean Look and Spider Web. The only typing that had no weakness is Dark/Ghost which was on Pokemon who were pretty shitty and has since then gained a weakness, and floating is just a silly complaint since flying types were a thing anyways.

Also you can raise one pokemon to beat the game in any game, Speedrunners in gen1 use Nidoking and I'm pretty sure every 7 year old at the time could raise a Charizard to 80 and plow the game with it.

T-they fixed it in the cash in game I s-swear ;_;

And I see why you love comp, you are mentally retarded and must only play the most overpowered shit. I never used Psychic after my first playthrough

They've kind of started doing this with Alolan forms, and guess what?
People complained they were rehashing mons from previous gens.

>Literally everything ends up with a Ditto face

You can't beat gen 1 with Charizard, Nidoking works because it has one hit KO moves that work on anything


Every time

>Pikachu dressed as a slut is a thing
>Pikachu with a hat is a thing
>They made 20 fucking unique wing patterns for a butterfly shitmon
>Gave new forms to a bunch of gen 1 pokes
>Still no Crystal Onix

only losers use "good" pokemon. Ash Ketchum won league after league using nothing but Pikachu, which is given to every clueless trainee fagit right out the gate. He even beat LEGENDARY POKEMONS with his starter pokemon.



>Won the league

Not gonna lie, Bayleaf has a sexy ass voice.

>promoting racemixing
Sup Forums was right.

*breathes in*

>roadkill and roadking

fuck that got me

*breathes in*

They should have made this by equipping venasaurite to blastoise or equipping blastoisite to venasaur and only doable after some ridiculously tedious poatgame sidequest

Love the idea behind this. Too bad it will never happen. Pokemon has so much potential but it will never get any better than this because GameFreak and Nintendo are both incompetent and their fans eat up the shit they serve anyways.

I like Bayleef but I remember her voice was high pitched and annoying.
Mareanie's JP voice on the other hand...

>butterfly shitmon
>The most decent butterfly in the series
It won't kill the Tapus anytime soon, but still

>no rick gastley


what's the name?

is a moth



You're a fucking moth. Volcarona is a beautiful butterfly.

I don't even think these are bad. I think they're overly simple and with puns for the sake of the joke, but then it goes full-circle and just makes them cool.

>nintendo is lazy
>because they don't want to draw and animate literally 643,204 cross-breed pokemon

Drown'd is the best here.

Kek'd hard at Obeast, Fullenglish adn Quakstak

And a sexy ass in general.

>not making 650,000+ different models, textures, animations, and stats for every combination of pokemon is lazy

Drown'd better be water/ghost

so mentally handicapped pokemon?