Reminder that Nintendo will fleece you for another $80 when they release analog trigger joycons for the eventual...

Reminder that Nintendo will fleece you for another $80 when they release analog trigger joycons for the eventual Gamecube VC.

And you retards will pay for it when it should have been included from the start.


Oh shit thats awesome.
Would gladly shell out 80 shekels for that.

300 for Switch
70 for non gimmick controller
60 for BotW
20 for Zelda expansion pass (difficulty mode DLC fucking kek)
60 for Mariokart or Splatoon eventually
30 for paid online

>$540 to play 2 games

Fuck off.


It's gonna fucking flop both of my friends said they aren't going to get one

I think one guy from Nintendo said that a GC controller joycon would be terrible to hold.

Fuck me, they'll probably be at least $100 in canada.

Luckily it's nintendo, so all I have to do is somehow buy a launch unit, never update it, wait a few months and play free games.

Don't fucking lie you have no friends

>I think one guy from Nintendo said that a GC controller joycon would be terrible to hold.

Oh well that changes everything.


>300 for Switch
>60 for BotW
>60 for Mariokart or Splatoon eventually
>30 for paid online

450 for the system, 2 games and online for a whole year?
Man that is quite a steal! Nice!


>wait a few months and play free games.

Just like the 3DS amirite?

Shit's gonna take some time to hack tbqhwyfamalamdingdong.

>Man that is quite a steal! Nice!

I seriously hope you're not being serious right now.

You can get a far more powerful system with 2 games for $300.

Well, it should be hacked by the times the stores around me have stock.

>Man that is quite a steal! Nice!

So will flashcards be a thing again?

3DS has working flash carts in a few months, it didn't become consumer available until about a year later.

your source?

400 for launch ps4
50 for cheapest ps+ year subscription
60x2 for Knack and Killzone
20 for killzone season pass

+500 minimum for a TV so I can actually see what I am playing

+5000 per eye LASIK surgery after the flashlight on the back of the 7 hour only lasting ds4 controller blinded me

>joystick and d pad on the same side

It really is okay when Sony does things

it's a good thing I waited to see what your two friends have to say about it, as they are the leading authority on electronics sales in the region. thanks!

1 shekel has been deposited to your nintendrone account, thank you for your continued support!

>false flagging this hard

Seriously though I already turned the backlight of my ds4 to the lowest setting and I can illuminate my entire room by using my ps4 at night with everything else being off, it's nuts

I feel like being able to split a controller apart into two pieces you can hold however you want should be a new standard, to be honest.
Comfy as FUCK.

Don't worry about me or what I do with my money.

400 for ps4 pro
60 for uncharted
150 for platinum ps4 headset
60 for paid online
>$770 to play 1 game

Fuck off.


>400 for launch ps4

So 2013 Sony hardware is more powerful than Nintendo's 2017 hardware, and now costs $250.

You just proved my point for me, dumbass.

I doubt the switch could handle gamecube emulation. The Wii U at least used the same Power PC architecture like the cube and wii.

It's almost like a home console has an easier time being more powerful than a handheld
The dimensions and internal space available alone are huge

The plural of joycon is joycon

I'm legitimately hoping they do this

The good goys are already buying a console with no games

I really hope that style, but with better button placement, becomes standard.

>a handheld

It's an Nvidia Shield tablet, lad, down to the Maxwell architecture.


So you agree?

These idiots are paying for over price shit now. :^)

No I won't because I hate the gamecube controller even for smash.

>5000 per eye lasik
where do you live? africa?

Or you just wait a few years until it's hacked so you can get the system cheaper and all it's games for free.

But it won't be portable.

Jesus. Why can't Nintendo just stock shit properly?

>it's a shield tablet

No, it isn't. The shield tablet has a tegra k1and the switch has at least an x1 in it, which is way more powerful and has twice the cuda cores. Don't be retarded.

Where's the start button?


Reminder that the Gamecube controller is the most overrated controller in the industry.

>he still thinks gc virtual console will be a thing
>even after the wii u which had a gc controller adapter


>it's a HANDHELD!
>expensive as fuck
>paid online
>$60 games
>of course it has those things. It's a CONSOLE
>weaker than the other two consoles
>more expensive
>but it's a HANDHELD
And then the Nintendrones repeat the cycle over and over.

Yeah but I have a job so I don't even give a shit.

Can't be worse than playing Kid Icarus Uprising

>Reminder that Nintendo will fleece you for another $80 when they release analog trigger joycons for the eventual Gamecube VC.
Do you actually think they won't require you to buy an entire new console? Nu-Switch XL, coming early 2018. It will be a requirement to play any game above 10 FPS.

My plan is to wait 2 or 3 years when there's a nintendo switch + or something.
There's more than enough old consoles and games, and if you're just patient you can get a cheaper and higher quality experience.

Buy a Vita or 3DS too at the same time then, oh look, platforms that both already have games.

Analog triggers are garbage and I don't understand why everyone freaks out about not having them

They're not used in 95% of games, and are inherently inferior to digital input

But what if you die before then user


It's not going to be as powerful as the gen it's readying itself to compete with regardless, a 720p console releasing roughly a year before we're set to see 4k native ones being introduced? Nintendo is going to learn this isn't going to work the hard way.

>for another $80
But I am not buying another pair of Joycons at launch. I am waiting until they release one with a D-Pad and or some special edition joycons or whatever.
I'll make do fine with the initial joycon pair and my pro controller. That's still up to 3 controllers or at the very least two.

Why do people keep meming that Nintendo does home console hardware revisions? They haven't for over a decade now, that European only Wii wasn't an upgrade, just a rebrand with less features.

4k adoption rates are projected to be less than 25 percent for the next 4 years, they can't actually play anything in native 4k, and it will be the cheapest thing on the market and have a more capable handheld revision.

>counting a TV when you already own one

You sound like the anons who like to say that pc gaming is too expensive because you should be adding a monitor to its price point

>Analog triggers are garbage and I don't understand why everyone freaks out about not having them
As far as backwards compatibility is concerned, it kind of sucks. That may be true. But that speaks more towards the fact that it was a mistake to use analogue shoulder buttons in the first place.

Release a Gamecube adapter for the Switch or something. But we don't need to go back to such shitty shoulder buttons.

Because just like sex, they feel good when you press it in. And just like sex, it isn't needed but you're not living your life correctly if you don't miss it.

I don't give a shit what Nintendo's bullshit marketing says. It's a handheld, and they always do revisions for those

What if they were 60$ minus the HD Rumble,amiibo, motion support?

and it came with Mario Sunshine.

>Get the Super Mario Odyssey bundle at the end of the year for 300 bucks
>Never buy the online subscription because online multiplayer games are absolute garbage
Truly the patrician way to enjoy the Switch.

better than 600 to play none. stay mad sonygger.

except 3DS launch firmware isn't hackable.

it's only bad if nintendo does it.

>everything I don't like is a false flag!
okay, Hillary


you really should though. What are the odds of someone having a pc monitor instead of a tv? Who in the last 10+ has had spare computer parts but not an extra crt tv lying around?

Nice try nintendo shill, but you forgot the price for couch, tv, and cost of living. SONY WINS AGAIN BABY

Me. People throw out/give away good computer parts all the time, but only get rid of tvs when they are busted.

You also need a place to play it as well. So you're looking at an extra AT LEAST $500 PER MONTH in rent. Sony always wins. You can't beat Sony.

not that tryhard to actually need the analog for w/e games that actually supports it

You forgot the price for another charger to charge the piece of shit when it dies after 1 hour of semi portable gaming. Why can't they make good handhelds like Sony does?

The point is you can just as easily use a TV instead of a monitor for a pc

>implying I'm buying a Switch at launch after the disaster that was the Wii U

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

>use a tv just as easily for a monitor
no. you can't.

Only game Im remotely interested in is BotW, and it will be on CEMU soon enough.

>Never ever

Emulation is inevitable. I completely understand that it will be quite some time after launch, but it will happen.

Id rather wait to play BotW on PC than buy a Switch and wait for months for even a single game to release.

>Emulation is inevitable
>Saturn still fucked
>PS2 is still fucked
>N64 is still fucked
>OG xbox hasn't even started
>PS3 just started
>SNES has finally gotten a 100% accurate emulator

>plug in hdmi into tv
>plug in hdmi into pc

Where did you get stuck?

>first games tested and optimized for Nintendo emulators are Zelda games.

Keep trying, retard.

Does anyone else just feel good when they give Nintendo money or am I alone?

you know people like to say that its all a conspiracy about nintendo purposly understocking there items. but i dont think ive ever seen this happen with sony or xbox

refresh rate and pixel density

Oddly I feel better about it over steam and other console companies. Probably nostalgia

Yeah enjoy your "portable" system when it only has roughly 3 hours of battery life, if that.

They understock things and have employees working directly for Nintendo selling them online at inflated prices. So when they sell something like the NES Mini for "$60", and it's sold out everywhere, they look like the good guys, and like their products are instantly collectible.

>tv doesn't doesn't have hdmi input
>pc doesn't have hdmi output
you can't just use any ol' tv user

Obviously it's preferable to run a monitor but it is indeed easy to use a TV as a monitor, for those thinking you gave to buy a monitor. Contribute appropriately next time

Or you could just plug in your GCN adapter.

Regardless, I can't imagine a gcn joycon being as expensive as a regular joycon, since there's no HD rumble, motion sensing, IR camera, or NFC reader.

I wonder if this is possible with third-party controllers

>no hdmi ports

Retro need not apply

>>Saturn still fucked
>>PS2 is still fucked
>>PS3 just started

But both Saturn and PS2 actually work, and PS3 is coming along at a pretty usual rate for emulation

>ZL = full GameCube L press
>ZR =full R press
>L = half analog L push
>R = half analog R push
>Minus button = Z button

There. I solved the need for analog triggers for GameCube virtual console. Prove me how this won't work

>B-but there are games that use quarter pushes etc!
No there aren't. All games that use the analog register either fully pushed or not fully pushed.

PS2 and Saturn "work" and are lightyears away from the likes of gba, snes, and genesis