Do you think video game journalism is good for the industry?

Do you think video game journalism is good for the industry?

Journalism in general has become an enemy of the people.

journalism isn't good for any industry

get a real job you parasites

The video game press is crucial to maintaining a free and democratic industry. Don't tell me you voted for Drunpf and want to silence the press.

Any journalism is good if it's unbiased and gives all the facts
It just happen to be that video game journalism is filled biased writers who don't seem to enjoy a majority of video games

what a fag
you're a guy, just watch it

I loved GG due to the fact that gamers were finally standing up to an industry that openly deceives customers.

EGM, the once sacred publication, started going downhill rapidly in the mid-90's. By 1999, there was almost no integrity left.

What is this, OP?
And to answer your question, journalists are shit but we need to get the news somehow. You just have to learn to ignore editorial bullshit.

Nice regurgitation

is this guy retarded or gay

wtf lmao
how insecure do you have to be?

is this a troll post

You clearly don't know shit about the history of journalism, lol

I think game "journalism" is fucking useless because it's not a field where journalism is needed, unlike wars for example.
We do need criticism however, and that's how it works with other mediums. You usually see film and music criticism and not "film journalism" or "music journalism", which usually only pops up to cover certain events.

The retarded background music ruined all the videos.

when I was a kid I used to look forward to getting my monthly gaming mags.

now I despise what gaming journalism has become.

Even if you were gay why would you actively do that? Shits dumb.

>100% optional
>scare cam conveniently covers the skip option

This is trying way too fucking hard.
Are nu-males really expected to be grossed out by porn?

This guy is pathetic, can't you skip these if you want to anyway?

good point looks like he is just a retard

So she retired from hardcore porn to do softcore? I guess I would too if I had to pretend to cry and squeal over being penitrated by uglies with literal baby dick.

>that fag
>a guy

No. Reviews are fine, clickbait bullshit isnt.

Journalism will only get worse with it being accessible on the internet for free.

This means that instead of providing quality content that people will be willing to pay for, they just try to get and captivate the viewer's attention through clickbait. Since the viewer doesn't have to pay he probably won't care about the low quality of the article.

>Do you think video game journalism is good


Actual journalism was taken out back and shot by the tabloids, the only thing left is clickbait and ad whoring.

You see user that guy was trying to be PROGRESSIVE

This post is meant to recall statements by the current president of the United States on the American press, which should be taken with utmost respect, as everything that he says is right and true.

This is a joke right? In the context of that video he's just saying the game is not meant to be played by children, right?

why are video game journalists still relevant where you can watch a youtube playthrough or a twitch stream and make up your own mind about a game?

This convenience didnt exist in the past when vidya journalists probably were relevant.

>he has a jornalism degree

>sub 50 hours
>long ass game

The prudishness is mostly from American "journalists" though, and the ilk that socializes with them.

The big established businesses in place now, sure aren't good.
But it's not as if game journalism can't be good.

This for the love of god. These idiots need to get of their high horse.

Is this a joke?

this the game is good i dont give a shit what some retard thinks and so spooked that he cant looks at boobs

I remember when it happened to me when I was around 14. Was in France, it was the "PSM2" mag. One day I received "Playstation Magasine", the first page was the introduction of a whole new staff. It was just before the PS3 came out.

All the tests and preview became false and washed of all critical sense. I didn't renew the thing when it stopped, 6 month later.

Later I discovered in the last "PSM2", the staff was giving hints about the industry becoming less about fun and more about lies and marketing, but it was extremely subtle and well thought.

I was around 14 and since that day I learned to question more and more about what I was reading and who were the people behind the texts.

They want money like everyone else so it's understandable they deceive readers with paid reviews.
What makes video game journalism unique that it's the only field that openly despises its consumers.

huh uh wow boobies haha how immature and gross. definitely dealing with m-i-s-o-g-y-n-y here yikes. that's a 5 point deduction.

do game devs evet take these retards seriously anymore

Funfact: EGM was actually one of the magazines with balls during gen 6.

Shittalking Peter Moore, even going as far as releasing an article about paid reviews.

The problem is people are trying to go from being critics to actual news sights like any of this is actually important. Just tell me what games are coming out and if they're shit or not.

Video games are goddamn toys, you're not going to be the next ace reporter by telling me you disagree with some shit a guy said on twitter

good post

Dreamcast/PS2 era was tight. EGM died in the mid-2000s

Fucking drone

is there anything more pathetic than a VIDEO GAME journalist?

Like nigger, were you such a failure during college and life that VIDEO GAMES are the best you can do?

"God forbid I get an erection"

Have your "wife" throw away the key to your chastity belt, Patrick. It's over.

There needs to be some form of quality control. Reviewers should be monitored throughout their play session to ensure honesty and show they actually played it. Good way to weed out people who suck at video games or know nothing about what they're playing. The act of giving incentives to the press (see: press kits, exclusive access, benefits) should be removed because it encourages dishonest reviews.

Video Game outlets are held to a higher standard than that of the consumer in ways. If they step out of line and throw negativity at the developers, they risk losing their incentives, which hurts the media outlet as a whole. It forces them to be positive and throw out good reviews. It's the main reason why a 7 is considered bad and an 8 is deemed as average. Reviewers are too afraid to give anything lower than that to mantain relationships.

The entire relationship between developers and media is a cancerous pairing. It's impossible to fix unless someone comes out and exposes it. Doing so would be career suicide, however.

>I hate truth because it's spoken by people I don't like

Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" was bad for the meat industries, but good for the public consuming it and for worker reforms. It's all about perspective.

Oh so he's deceiving public to rant about evil japanese sexists?

What a hypocrite.
Christ Centered Gamer doesn't do this.

>people are legitimately upset by this video
I wouldn't want a video of me watching porn either, retards.

No it is fucking cancer, all gaming related media is fucking cancer.
Journalism outright lies, promotes spoilers and for some god forsaken reason cannot keep politics out of their articles.

Best way to play video games is to watch the very first trailer then go into the game blind.

Regular media is cancerous too, I take everything they say with a grain of salt.
Trump is right about some medias being fake news even if he is a dipshit.

Patrick is such a fucking faggot. I wish he would just die.



jesus christ, when did liberals become the new puritans? why did conservatives become the new punk rock?

I'm not actually surprised or dissapointed by this.

Isn't GQ some mens journalist site? I'd expect something like pic related soon enough