Tell me Sup Forums, will the game industry get over this SJW phase anytime soon?

Tell me Sup Forums, will the game industry get over this SJW phase anytime soon?

Better look for a new hobby 8 years of Trump means 8 years of libcucks going full butthurt/propaganda mode. So no it's not ending anytime soon.

As long as leftist are thrown from helicopters, no.

The main game media should leave California for that to happen.

To be fair.
Games ware better they they ware not pondering to otakus.
I have nothing against oversexualized females in games but sometimes it makes me feel its a cruch Japanise developers use to hide how shit the game is.

They lost on the election side, so they are going to take revenge by ruining the lives of people that voted their archenemy

Probably not for awhile. Just keep buying games you like and they will still keep their presence.

It's all in your head.
The vast majority of games are not SJW at all and the few somewhat SJW ones are just some very moderate progressive virtue signaling.
Even in other medias this is actually quite rare and don't go further than a TV series wanting some cheap hype by having a gay character or whatever.
You are maybe biaised to the point anything not alt-right seems to be SJW to you.

Why is Tamamo eating spaghetti so cute?

I don't care about sjw or anti sjw. All i want to is to just play my games, fap to waifus, sleep, go to work, go to classes and the repeat loop. I don't care about politics and don't surpport either side. Hey Op, you should stop worrying about crying faggots in gaming industry. Just enjoy gaming and never take too this hobby serious or hardcore.


Not liking SJWs doesn't mean you're alt-right or even right leaning.

Not as long as faggots like you keep trying to push the "SJWs are ruining muh hobby" propaganda.

Most games aren't SJW just because of the sheer amount of game released per year but that doesn't mean it's not a problem.

If GWB was any indication, there is at least 3 more years before those very libcucks become cynical enough that they will finally let things be. Hopefully long enough for the gaming industry to take notice and return to the not-giving-a-shit phase we saw in the 90s. However I'm bracing for an even worse phase to start trending instead.

Is this misspelling some kind of meme I'm not in on?

Probably not. Vote with your wallet and just weather the storm.

sorry, manchildren. but the "sjw" thing isn't a phase, it's a paradigm shift. A cultural movement. Humans are evolving(sorry creationists). Adapt or die.

Eventually but not in the immediate future.

I only ever hear about SJWs on Sup Forums because you fuckers blow it out of proportion and get butthurt over the smallest thing

Never forget the endless Tracer threads because a single dyke in a dumb FPS is going to kill the entire industry

Not in the west anytime soon. I miss when the west could actually make games.

In the words of Pericles, "Just because you do not take an interest in politics, that does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you."

The more whiners there are and the louder they whine and the more the silent majority stay silent, the more game developers will make shit games for whiners who don't even play games in the first place and the less we will get to enjoy our hobby.

>tfw I just want to play games whether they have tits or not AND I want my pantyshots fair and square with no black voids

Liking Senran doesn't stop me from liking Bloodborne
Playing Valkyrie Drive doesn't mean I don't play Smash or Xenoblade
That copy of Bullet Girls I imported doesn't make that copy of Titanfall 2 I own invalid

The sooner you apes realize you're allowed to and CAN play a variety of games the sooner we can all get over this

>The sooner you apes realize you're allowed to and CAN play a variety of games the sooner we can all get over this
Uh, we realize that perfectly fine. It's SJW's that have a problem with the fanservice games.


Well all the normalfag money is in cali, so probably not. Ironic, isnt it?

Probably, The main problem is Sup Forums goes batshit crazy about anything even remotely PC.

>tfw I hate fanservice but I don't expect developers to censor things I don't like

We must fight back with more cute girls.

I don't pay attention to the so called whiners. These whiners don't play the games that they suddenly care so much about to cry. Why do people even give these cry babies so much attention to begin?

nice autism, sperg.

>if the girls don't have monster boobs, loli cunts or clean pure shit you're an SJW

Why is Nepjear so creepy

wtf is clean pure shit, retard?

Its you retards who have a problem because a developer made a stocking higher on the thigh so you couldn't look up up a skirt better so you cry censorship and proclaim the developer SJW

Is that what the game is about? staring at loli's and shit?

>my special blend of waifu better be pure
>hyper sexualize, wear the skimpiest shit
>make animations that bend her over aswell
>but she better be pure, no sex! even though I want to (and millions of other people) sex her
>she better be pure otherwise she's unclean

We're already past it. East v. West cultural autism will always be a thing, but I'd argue that, for the most part, video games have moved on.

It's weird, in all the bullshit of the past few months, Sup Forums has been surprisingly chill in it all. You couldn't post a thread in Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or Sup Forums without some faggot bringing in how much he hates liberals/conservatives, but here most shitposting is confined to console wars.

>Why do people even give these cry babies so much attention to begin?
To appease the actual fans companies need to release good products, to make the SJW's happy you just have to give in to their arbitrary demands, which is a lot cheaper and requires vastly less effort.

>oh man the dev made her skirt hemming a little longer than normal CENSORSHIP REEEEEEEE

>We're already past it.
Horizon is coming out in a few days, it's basically SJW The Game.

>Horizon is coming out in a few days, it's basically SJW The Game.
what did he mean by this?

yeah, sjws never complain about fanservice or sexy women. never. fuck off, tumblr.

>if you complain that a game's content and substance is nothing because its been reduced to a flattering sex show and the only purpose of the game at that point is to stare at boobs, you're an SJW if you think thats a bad game

Am I the only one that doesn't care about sexualization of female characters?

hi sjw. just because you're triggered by boobs doesn't mean we all are. you can have good games with cleavage showing, like VTMB. not that I'd expect sjws to play games beyond undertale, bioware, and sony movies.

No you're an SJW when you start screaming sexism like SJWs often do. Nice strawman though.

>you're an SJW if you think there should be more to a game than fan service

>generic censorship complaining thread: 400 posts and 163 images omitted

I don't care, but feminists scream in autistic pain over it.

I know you're an idiot sjw, but learn to read. I'd suggest playing VTMB too, it's better than bioware and naughty dog shit.

I didn't say sexism at all, so nice putting words in my mouth.

I would like a game to be more than fan service.

>have a problem because a localizer made a stocking higher on the thigh than the developers of the game intended because an sjw decided that it's an inappropriate amount of skin and since they don't like it no one should have it
Fixed it for you.

>you're an SJW if you want a game to be more than fan service

The same way all the other media have. The producers and developers should've ignored them. Instead they cater to them.

>you're an SJW because you made the stocking higher
>someone is NOT going to buy a game because they couldn't look up a skirt

This is shallow as fuck and you know it. Censorship does nothing to impede the game at all. Any nuance or complaining that it does is merely a diatribe to defend fanservice that ads zero content to the game's fidelity

you're a sjw because you're a moron who thinks game with cleavage = game with nothing but fan service. go cry about it on tumblr.

lol fag

>I didn't say sexism at all, so nice putting words in my mouth.
I didn't put words in your mouth, are you illiterate?

If you want a game to be more than fanservice, good for fucking you. I'm telling you that you're purposely portraying the problem differently to try and discredit the issue. The people that we have a problem with are the ones that say we're sexist misogynist pigs for liking these games and actively try to get them censored or blocked from release.

I don't give a shit if you don't like a game, that's not the issue. It's when you turn it political and as a personal attack and you know that but you're acting like "Oh it's about differing opinions" Fuck off you dishonest piece of shit.

You're an sjw if you think fanservice should have no place in games and make a stawman that a game can't have more to it if it has fanservice.

You're an idiot that cries SJW when someone merely disagrees with you so you strawman the hell out of anyone like "cleavage = game with nothing but fan service"

>omg a short skirt
>omg boobs
>this triggers me so much REEEEE

that's what you're saying, sjw. I gave you an example of a game with fanservice and you gave that shit argument again. let's be honest, you've never played VTMB either.

>doesn't mean it's not a problem.

that's basically what it means though

>I didn't put words in your mouth, are you illiterate?
You said I said sexism when I didn't reference, I didn't say, imply nor could you infer that I was saying anything to do with sexism.

So yea you put words in my mouth when you said "you're an SJW when you complain about sexism" which I never did so that one liner is pointless and contributes nothing

> I'm telling you that you're purposely portraying the problem differently to try and discredit the issue.
What issue exactly? this lack of specificity doesn't allude to anything.

>The people that we have a problem with are the ones that say we're sexist misogynist pigs for liking these games and actively try to get them censored or blocked from release.
Did I ever say, imply or cause anyone to infer this? No. So why bring it up if you're so insecure about it you immediately default to it?

Use the next 8 years of Trump to learn Japanese and bypass all SJW nonsense in vidya.

>this skirt is a few inches shorter than what feminists find acceptable
>let them know everydayfeminism and jezebel will not stand for this

Have you seriously never seen the censorship whining threads around here?

That is not what I said, I never said it, and I know you can't prove it because you can't quote it so gitgud.

VTMB is really reaching for an example

I wouldn't call a handful of female characters having cleavage fanservice

>the skirt is a few inches shorter than what american culture would deem acceptable
>we must harass the devs and fans on twitter
its really funny because this never happens

Oh come on, you aren't really a fucking fence sitter are you? You don't have to agree with every single thing that one side does, you don't need to subscribe to an ideology. However, I'm sure you DO have opinions on things and more often than not there is ONE side you agree with and another that you disagree with.

so tell me why a game can't have cleavage and short skirts again, "not"-sjw?

I never said that it couldn't

Quote me if you're so sure I said, implied or caused inference to it.

Every female character in the game except the diner lady is fanservice. nice try.

>someone is NOT going to buy a game because they couldn't look up a skirt
No, that's just you trying to denigrate people being against prudish sjws that have fucked up sense of the human body and imposing it on others.
They can be as anti sex and nudity as they want, let them be dysfunctional, but once they start deciding it for others and altering other people's creations, specially for others that don't have a problem with sexuality.
Then there is an issue, you can try to steer the conversation towards the game not "losing" something but that's not the issue, if it's such a minor thing why even bother changing it in the first place?
Something incredibly minor is not going to change a game's rating and most changes almost never do, but it's merely a person imposing their personal problems onto everybody else.

You didn't reference it because you're trying to minimize the problem and make it into something different, a classic strawman. At least we've confirmed that you're illiterate. I didn't say you said it, reread the fucking sentence or go back to school. I was telling you who we call SJWs and if you're too stupid to understand that then kill yourself.

It's clear you purposely don't want to acknowledge the issue because you know you're wrong even though it was literally explained to you. Fucking kill yourself.

its really funny because it happens for every fanservice game.

so we agree that a game with big boobs and thongs is acceptable, "not"-sjw. glad we are on the same page.

you'd imply game producers sudenly changed their moral standpoint and are pandering to the SJW crowd because they actually mean better. they want money and will eventually notice that offended turbopussys arent actually part of their audience and dont buy video games.

American gaming is doomed to be plagued by SJWs.

I would say Japanese gaming is still safe.

>No, that's just you trying to denigrate people being against prudish sjws that have fucked up sense of the human body and imposing it on others.
This is false, no one ever implied it. You implied that some SJW boogie man existed and you blame any of your disdain on an artificial and non-existent group of people that have never had any influence on any of your games.

Its clear that any time you approach a dissenting opinion that you can't tolerate you immediately default to SJW. I mean look at my posts, you've done nothing but attempt to affirm I'm an SJW to the point of revising and retorting with literal nonsense of topics, subjects and things I've supposedly said but have never ever said, implied or implored here at all. Its really funny how you project other misnomers like "well you must think" as projections because you can't argue against it without diverting from the question at hand which you casually ignore anyway.

>You didn't reference it because you're trying to minimize the problem and make it into something different, a classic strawman.
If I DIDNT say something how can I strawman things I never said, implied or implored?

How can a man be held responsible for contorting a particular sentence or reference if he never brought it up in the first place? You're a liar and a reactionary.

I never said I agreed.

Why are women even allowed in anything but a burka? Someone start a petition for games to start censoring faces. Only virgins complain about censorship, taking games from other countries and altering them to fit the delicate sensibilities of western women is perfectly fine. We need a petition for 2B's crotch to be covered up completely.

>tumblr gif
>talking about how sjws are not really a thing, only Sup Forums
What a surprise.

>I never said I agreed
of course not, since boobs trigger you, sjw.

I don't care about it that much but it's the principle of the matter. When you give people an inch, they take a mile. With every little concession you give to SJWs they will slowly take over in every other way. First it's we can't have cleavage, then it's women can't be the damsel in distress, then it's men can't be the main characters, until every game is PC Tumblrfied piece of garbage.

I never said they did

Why are you putting words in my mouth?

So instead of backpedaling when you get called out and continually saying people put words in your mouth, why don't you just come out and say it? Because it's pretty obvious that you're butthurt over any fan service but don't want to say it.

I did not back pedal

why do you insist I said or did things that I simply did not.

not unless you fight back. people who say to ignore it are shills. trump is an example of fighting back and winning and going on the offensive.

What games have actually been censored or otherwise by SJWs?
Are they worse by a large margin because of it?

again you still didn't come out and say it. Why does fanservice make you butthurt

Pretty much. People joke about the little bits of censorship that developers do sometimes but people aren't that upset about that specifically, it's what it means. It means this is just the beginning, it means that now you've let us do this thing so now we're going to push for more and more. Soon you won't even be able to tell certain stories because they trigger people. Even if you don't care about the little bits of censorship, that don't mean you should be okay with it.

Fuck off, Treehouse.

>i sure hate SJWs in the gaming industry
>Gamergate? lol get that shit outta here, who cares
>w-why are there so many SJWs!11?!??1

trump wanted to ban video games after newtown you cuck

>What games have actually been censored or otherwise by SJWs?
None of them, the developer and publisher make a game. The publisher then hires a localizer and the publisher approves the final product anyway. So this notion that "the developer didn't mean for the game to be look this way" which is blatantly false since they control every aspect of it and even include a list of demands in the contract they write with a localizer assuming they didn't localize it themselves

Oh so because I didn't come outright and agree with your erroneous accusations against myself (lol) that means I'm exactly what I am what you were accusing me of to begin with?

not an argument. he didn't say anything about trump helping to remove sjws in games

Well those games are disgusting and don't have much to offer to start with. So who cares if those get lit up?

This statement has nothing to do with censorship. You're just bitching that games with a focus on T&A exist.

Some Nintendo games got butchered over the last few years.

I know you keep trying to change the subject, but just answer the question. why does fanservice make you butthurt.

So you admit that the game has no content and it was originally about doing nothing but looking at T&A

seriously tho blowing money to see the same shit you can get in free animes and shit, git gud